Day 9: 1200 mile walk from Cornwall to Caithness, UK.steemCreated with Sketch.

I was back to walking again after a day of resting up at my friends house. I recall that at this time I was thinking that I may need a rest day once a week because I was finding it tough going on my body but, as it turns out, that first Sunday was one of only 3 days rest throughout the whole expedition. Later I would have 2 days resting to go to London and join a good friend for his stag party. Aside from this I walked every day.


Monday, 17 May 2010

Back on the road again today! Sebastien dropped me off in Broomfield not 50 paces away from where I finished walking on Saturday, at 7 o'clock this morning. Many thanks to him and Valaria for letting me make their house a chaos of laundry and kit and for feeding me up for the week ahead. Armed with my freshly installed OS maps I headed off the tarmac and into lovely rolling fields and wooded glades. Immediately a new hazard presented itself; the cow and her calf! They haven't given me much trouble so far but the cows have looked a bit threatening if the calf gets skittish. I'm sure at some point on this trip I'll run in to a bull and then things might get interesting.

The first three hours I walked off road but then I realised that my planned route went straight across the river Parret but unfortunately not via a bridge and had to detour a couple of miles south to Burrowbridge. From here there was no logical route to take other than the road through to Street, the neighbouring town to Glastonbury. So it was back to plodding along on the hard tarmac with the cars and trucks spoiling the peace and quiet. The weather was beautiful all day and a bit sunnier than i'd have liked; shouldn't complain though as it's much better than pouring rain! I got in to Street at 4 o'clock and rewarded myself with a couple of pasties (I may soon look like a pasty!) before heading to Tesco's to stock up on pasta, porridge and chocolate and something nice to cook in the hostel tonight.

Today's pictures are of Burrow Mump, a small ruin on a small but very steep hill, the pretty spaniel that befriended me when I stopped for a pint of shandy and of a nice woody path from this morning.

Daily stats

Start - Broomfield
Finish - Street
Distance - 21.5 miles / 34.5km
Feeling - glad to get off the road and walk some footpaths
Sleeping - Hostel

That's all folks ;-)

if you want to see the original blog it is here but I rather hope you choose to follow me instead. Thanks Steemians!


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