The Othelius expedition, Captains logs Day 4-11

in #adventure6 years ago (edited)


Captains log, Day 4, stardate 05062018
Position: Nøtterøy, south of Tønsberg.

It has been a rather uneventful day. The Captain had talks with the harbourmaster about taking the mast down tomorrow. The loss of the Captains telephone is slowing things down. As Pluto the Deckhand and the Captain started clearing out our forward cabin for a clean up, the Steward came over for morning coffee and a session of collecting film and pictures from our first three days.

The Captain has been going over his logs before publishing, and hopes everything will be ready by tomorrow. The crew had dinner cooked by the Captain, and made an early night of it. Forward cabin is clean to the bottom! No signs of Lasse today. His eagerness to join last night must be put down to the ample supply of liquid refreshments consumed during the conversation, as must his forgetfulness of the promise to reappear today.

As for Pluto, the repeated refreshment of his work here has led him to believe that he owns this harbour and that he has the right to decide who goes there. The Captain constantly needs to remind him that he does not. As Captain I must seriouslly concider the wisdom of promoting him at all. It seems his ego reacts badly to any feeling of authority.

Captains log, Day 5, stardate 06062018
Arwens position: Nøtterøy, south of Tønsberg.

Today the mast came down! Our Deckhand performed perfectly during the unmasting. It turns out we still are lacking some parts for mounting the antennae. And we are waiting for more money from the Admiral to get the parts. Let us hope he recieves our coded messages.

This will take time, and allthough the Harbourmaster was reasonable on the fee to unmast us, his harbourfees are quite steep. On top of it all, we seem to have some trouble locating the problem with the mainsail. Everything seems in order while testing it on the ground. We need to get some kind of expertise on the case. The Captain has contacts on Veierland, an island nearby, who might be able to help.

We had dinner aboard the «Rusalka», our first Mates boat. A certain tension was detectable during this session of food and fine beer, as our order of rank was upset by the fact that first Mate was Captain, while the Captains rank aboard the first Mate`s boat was uncertain. However, all of the involved are amiable men, and kept their peace.

Pluto kept everything in check during the night. Both a Swan swimming dangerously close to Arwen, and the harbourguards, got very clear instructions to keep their distance. But even the most eager young watchmen must rest, and all was soon quiet aboard.


Captains log, Day 6, stardate 07062018.
Arwens position: Nøtterøy, south of Tønsberg.

Unbearably hot and humid! All crew stayed belowdecks as much as possible with all hatches open to create the illusion of a draft. Only small repairs where made. The Captain decided not to put any pressure on the crew, as this could incite rebellious feelings among them. Accordingly, he himself took the day off, enjoying «The science of Discworld» by Terry Pratchett.

Captains log, Day 7, stardate 08062018
Arwens position: Nøtterøy, south of Tønsberg.

Our first Mate left yet again, to court the aforementioned Damsel. The Steward boarded a plane for Poland to attend a celebration of his mothers 60`th Birthday. Only Pluto and the Captain remained on board, and there was little to no progress on any of our repairs as no money had arrived from our Admiral.

As we can signal our Admiral, but have no way of knowing if the signals are recieved, the uncertainty and the prolonged stay here soon lowered the Morale of Arwens remaining crew. We found ourselves stopped at any endavour to get our repairs going. Arwens old age makes for her having strange measurements, and modern parts are ill fitted.The humid heat and low spirits had both Captain and Deckhand resting belowdecks for most of the day.

Luckily, at our third visit to the local telegraph, the money had arrived, and plans could be made to procure the right parts for our antennaes installation tomorrow. News from the first Mate also indicates an engine for our barge may be arriving on Sunday. A remasting on Monday is within reach! Improved Morale followed this development, so both Captain and Deckhand could enjoy the rest of the evening going over the necesarry equipment for tomorrows operation, getting the antennaecable through the mast.

Captains log, Day 8, stardate 09062018
Arwens position: Nøtterøy, south of Tønsberg.

Another hot day! Assisted by the Deckhand, the Captain left early, to avoid the midday heat, and headed for Tønsberg for procurements. While in Tønsberg he also contacted his friends on Veierland and secured later help with the trimming of our rig after remasting. We are still no closer to locate the problem we had with our old mainsail, and our Captain is worried about remasting just to find the problem remaining with the new mainsail.

Working the middayhours under this relentless sun was pointless, and we therefore followed the example of people living in warmer parts of the world and held a siesta belowdecks. But as soon as temperatures where endurable, the Captain ordered «all hands».

An antennaecable is a soft and curly peace of equipment. It does not take well to narrow tunnels like Arwens mast. There are no openings to help, no aforebuildt channels, so the the cable tends to curl up inside, and getting it through the mast proved to be quite the challenge. After some thought we used a Norwegian equivalent to Bamboo growing nearby, and some slim steelwire. By taping these together, we where able to make a long rod, both flexible and stiff enough to traverse the innards of our mast. With the rod inside the mast, we attached the cable, and was able to pull it through.

Captain and Deckhand celebrated a job well done by eating a hearty evening meal and retiring early.

Captains log, Day 9, stardate 10062018.
Arwens position: Nøtterøy, south of Tønsberg

The Steward returned from his mothers birthday a little worse for wear, but by all signs still standing.

The first Mate telegraphed his arrival after midday, from what semed a successful adventure in the amorous department. On his return the new engine turned out to be far from what was promised. However, a slight tuning will make it usable for our barge, and as a reserve. We will have to locate the oilleak in the old engine. Apart from the leak it has not let us down in any other way.

Also, the Captains mother, announced that she and her husband Arnulf, will be arriving for a farewell before our Journey starts, later this week. She has done some interesting research for our mission, and has also prepared a «foodchest» for us. The deliverance of the «foodchest» is an old tradition from when the men sailed north for the fishingseason.

We`ve fixed the antennae, connected it, and greased up all moveable parts in the top of the mast and made ready for lifting it aboard tomorrow. The Steward prepared a quick meal aboard the «Rusalka» before all crew retired.


Captains log, Day 10, stardate 11062018
Arwens position: Nøtterøy, south of Tønsberg.

More delays! The Harbourmasters people does not have time for our mast today. The Steward and the Captain decided to visit our friend Tor, in Holmestrand, for some much needed laundry. Through aquiantances of our first Mate, we where able to borrow a vehicle for the journey, and set off escorted by Pluto the Deckhand, who insisted on coming along for personal reasons.

Tor turned out to be a formidable host for the evening, who treated us with fine wines and spirits, and black market springrolls. Rumour has it these springrolls are made by a pirate princess of Thai origin.They are understandably popular among the local inhabitants.

We decided to spend the night. Pluto persuaded the Captain to join him on an evening walk in a nearby forest. And our Deckhand is pleased to report; Holmestrand: Check!

Captains log, Day 11, stardate 12062018
Arwens position: Nøtterøy, south of Tønsberg

Our mast came back up this morning! The whole operation ran smoothly and according to plan.
Tomorrow we are expecting expert help from Veierland by boat. The Steward repaired one of our winches, and it now runs as new. There can be Poetry in the sound of a newly greased and mended winch.

All in all a very effective day. Pluto the Deckhand was given shoreleave to pursue his personal project at a nearby hill. Vardeåsen: Check!

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