Family trip to Hunting Camp 4th of July Celebration!

in #adsactly6 years ago


💪My Familys 4th of July Camping trip!💪

To celebrate 4th of July this year the family and I went down to our hunting lease party, a lot of members were present for the party, so a lease get together meet and greet as well. This also happened to be the first time that us as a family of 5 our full basketball team went camping together, needless to say we were nervous LOL. We went down early Saturday morning as my oldest came home from her summer camp the day before and that was 5 hours of driving round trip and to add 2 more hours to get to camp NO WAY haha. Well here is what we came out with picture wise and the explanation behind them. Enjoy 😊

4th Weekend.png

This post was one of the biggest batch of photos I have had yet and decided to do with the collage that you see above. Had to have the set up of our tents that we slept in, Wife, youngest daughter, and I in the tent to the right and son and oldest in the smaller tent to the right, let me tell you when we got there it was over 90 degree F it was HOT but we got camp set up relatively fast and had to get a beer in me lol so made haste to the cooler. Well skipping past all the hellos we went riding for a while to retrieve my trail cam and just for fun. Later in the evening I was playing corn hole which you see pictured as well spending time with my youngest in the stroller hehe still being daddy. Now my son loves tractors and practically anything that has a motor and wheels, he got to ride his first 4 wheeler which he didn't like fast haha preferred it not running but he even got the chance to drive 🙃. As you can see both little ones loved sitting together and as well JR pretending to drive around his baby sister 😍.


Well here's the rest of the photos as you could imagine with an 11 year girl just noticing boys and a bad ass little kid that I wish I could slap around because his parents don't. Including a 2 1/2 year old boy that wants to go swimming (pictured above) and run around every where but where we want him too haha and a 1.3 year old little girl discovering and running as well that we couldn't get more pictures which is sad but the cost sometimes of having your own hockey team as well for a family. These ones I say capture the weekend high points to the key, this is a family post and not my adventures though there is one story I will share about me later. But firstly, to continue from above in these pictures JR is still having fun as I didn't go very fast but once I did those smiles turned upside down lol. Then it was my eldest turn, and I was able to ride faster with her hehe MUCH FASTER 25mph into a water/mud hole fast 40mph in the open fast hahaha she loved it wife hated as we were muddy, wish had a picture of that hahaha. But then as you can see the surprise was I let her drive for a little bit and that made her weekend. Remember this is the day after her coming home from 5 days at summer camp, talk about vacation! Well everyone had fun all day and grew anxious for the fireworks shown as well, and that was just the matter of waiting for the night to fall enough. You can also see in the pool photo and the photo of the people playing corn hole in the back to judge the size of the party. This next part is where the story gets a bit dicey and may throw some off a little bit but bare with me it must be done lol.


Now onto the test fireworks to see if they look good in the light we had. The 1st firework I set off went off perfect flew explode looked nice. Well we had A lot of fireworks because “Murica” right? So I had to test 2 mortar tubes to see if it could handle 2 shots sitting on pallet, welp that didn't go as planned! 1st shot went up perfect slow delay and thump miss fired firework, next thing I see in my peripheral vision is the orange trail of the mortar 5 feet next to where i'm standing, well combat instinct took over because I turned and tucked away from where it was and tucked and hoped I hobbled far enough away (disability prevents from fast running lol) and it blew up about 7ft from me and luckily didn’t hurt anyone. Miner burn on my leg and I remember saying in that moment I saw the mortar trail Oh shit i'm gonna get blown up again in front of my whole family, and well kinda did but I survived. Moral of the story always secure your mortar tubes before America’ing hard core with multi mortars you might die!

PS. Sorry for the delay I started writing this on July 5th and have put alot of time into it, read back posts if your interested in more detailed info on it but for purpose of not TLDR, Struggles have been real. Thanks again.

Thanks for Reading about our first family camping trip





ah, what a wonderful post! I also like your collage, it's super cool! So nice to see you in our discord xx

Thank you really want to be apart of the community I need to open up more and I think I am doing pretty good 😎 Thank you for taking the time to read will see ya in the Discord 😁

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