ADSactly must be well educated before speaking about Venezuelan situation

in #adsactly6 years ago


I dont't know which sources is the user @adsactly using to reffer the political situation of Venezuela. But ¿Democracy on Risk? ¡C'mon! I got many reasons about not believing in this kind of missinformation about what Chavez did or what's Maduro is doing. And i want to be cleared on this: I'm not denying about the shortage situation, the hyperinflation, many blackouts and the higher scalade on corruption of this country, as some ineptitudes of goverment by delaying in solutions for people's wellness I just want to let him know that he's wrong in some aspects

If you want to read the article about his point of view. Feel free to click here

I'm going to dismantle some opinion matrices generated on that article trought blockquotes. I could say non of written there is entirely truth. All of you people know about how the lie of the media and some political interest are more stronger to let the people believe in the bullshit they say thru.

    The first strategy adopted by Chavez was to promote a strong division in the people as was mentioned in previous articles. He started with this since the very beginning of his campaign, as well as using certain words when talking about his opponents who were the ones who habitually had the power in the country. He called all of them the elite, and always tried to make the people develop hate towards them and their supporters. This dynamic became very popular, not only among his followers but everyone began to use it, the other candidates, the TV journalists, everyone talked about the elite overnight and how to defeat it in order to finally “fix” Venezuela.

      ¿Have you been investigating deeply what the elite -as they really are- did before Chavez rised in 1999? I can see you didn't. I gonna tell you better about it: In 1958 after a coup where dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez has fallen by scape to ouside Venezuela, this elite began a process to transition to what they did see about democracy. For letting be cleared: in 1961 a constitution has been aproved while the people didn't know about. The president Romulo Betancourt has suspended then the right warranties, every people who celebrated strike was gone jail. Indeed in Betancourt period was more prosecutions than ten years of Perez Jimenez dictatorship. Oil company was privated untill 1975 while president Carlos Andres Perez, a CIA agent proclamed oil nationalization by creating PDVSA. Everything was excess and money burning untill 1983 began our disgrace. In these moment began the high deficiency on Poverty, public services are worse -as today- and many access to food and medication were unabled -as today-. But i can say everything was worse because poor people hadn't no access as today.

      I could say that Hugo Chavez was the solution for Venezuela's crisis, despite he wasn't good at all. He create the new constitution where the people now are able to participate in political decisions, in the old constitution all of rights were not possible as well.

        In this method, unlike other violent dictatorships, democracy itself is used to destroy said democracy. It starts with a democratic government and if all the steps are applied, it ends with a totalitarian government that rather than looking totalitarian, it looks like the complete opposite of it, like a defender of democracy. The method has several steps as you can see below:
      • Changing the Constitution.
      • The possibility of always being a presidential candidate with no limits
      • Currency exchange control, that even to this day creates high economic distortions.
      • Destroying freedom of expression.
      • Expropriations.
      • Another fucked lie, Here wasn't totalitarism at all. And all media bullshit against Chavez is the proof of how freedom is handled in Venezuela. People has the right to choos a public functionary all the times they want. That doesn't happening and other kind of democracy, where the peoples choice aren't relevant and people believe what media says. Now, instead i could say that the currency control is the worst decission he made after a coup in 2002, but the elite has forced to do that because they know how break Venezuelan economy as today they are doing outside. If well exporpiations aren't very assertive -because was delegated to a corrupted persons and then was abandoned-, he did so because the Elite controlled the production as they wanted for many decades.

        When I mentioned changing the constitution I meant literally to take the constitution, throw it away, put a new piece of paper on the table and start writing from scratch, and this allows for the possibility of changing the name of the country and changing the flag, dissolving the congress, they can change the definition of who is considered citizen, they could even divide the territory again. They can do whatever they can because the constitution is what defines what a country is and how it works.

        All measures that limit the president's powers can be seen as a safety lock. Laws that prohibit or limit the manner in which the constitution can be modified can be seen as another safety lock. So what they do is analyze the constitution and look for its weak points, take advantage of it and modify it so the new constitution can serve their totalitarian wishes.

        This government convinced the people that it was very important to vote for changing the constitution because, according to them, the constitution that we had wasn’t a proper representation of the people of today because it had not been supported by them, therefore, it was nothing more than an obsolete legacy of the corrupt governments from the past.

        Well, the constitution was approved by a referendum, by the people and the govern respected the people's choice. In 2007, when Chavez decided to make some reforms, he made a referend consult to the people to ask them to allow the reform. They said NO to all of these. However, in 2009 was another referendum to change some articles of the constitution to allow president, majors and governors to be choosen all the time they postulate. Then, they say 'We DO'. All was made by people's choice. Real Democracy as well, even the results of 2015, where govern's party has defeated by the elite was respected. All the president had proposed, passed for people's choice.

        Changing the constitution can be seen as a kind of Trojan horse, it might look like a gift but it can potentially be an ambush. If a government wants to change the constitution, it might because they know the current one doesn’t work for them, and it doesn’t work for them because it is protected, because it is truly democratic and have security mechanisms capable of stopping any totalitarian take over. Of course, there can be well intended governments that want to change the constitution for correct and honest reasons, but sadly that was not the case in Venezuela.

        Definitively, you must be educated about Venezuelan situation before make this kind of point of view. The article in question was dismantled entiredly because all what @adsactly and @dedicatedguy said was a huge bullshit and they must be more educated about.


        The writer is from Venezuela. Perhaps you want to tag him to call him to discuss. His name is at the bottom of the article, but I can tag him for you.

        I have mentioned him here. As this post is unpopular or not trendy, probably they are not able to make a reasonable discussion...

        I’m sure they will surprise you with a response

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