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RE: ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #43 - XP Coin Club

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)

"Your use of geonodes and its pokemon go-like implementation is in direct contradiction to your pandering to the eco-friendly crowd when you speak about the network's low energy use.

Locations that are difficult to get to and infrequently visited often has to do with the fuel costs required to get there, why would you want to put an incentive on energy intensive tasks like going to the middle of nowhere, or the top of mount Everest in order to get some coins?"

You are looking at the geonode and assuming a lot. the locations will be at existing events that people will already be going to. (not on the top of a mountain as you suggest). the word node that marketing used is not necessarily a node like a masternode persay.. as a geo node that works on the exact same premise as pokemon go introduces issues such as gps spoofing plus i would hate to try and get an internet connection or mobile connection on everest. the cold would likely cause your battery to go flat before you get to the top. this coin is a project that's very much alive and you'll lose money if you put it into a dead project. however look at the community and team it has first. thats the real driver.

11 businesses in japan use this coin

below is the community size


Have you read the white paper?

I was citing an example they gave. They literally say that the concept of scarcity will play into the use of geonodes, "Meet Mount Everest" is their example and their words, not mine.

yeah im one of the developers lol

the everest example is a valid one, just it won't be on top of the mountain. will be where the event takes place. e.g. climb a mountain. you get there and claim the xp at the start of the event. the issue behind the wording is most likely because the whitepaper wasn't written by a developer. it was wrote by a member of marketing instead.

the whitepaper is an initial draft of the idea behind the coin. this got ideas flowing but now needs to be structured and finalised. somethings will no doubt be removed and worded better. like the foundation mothernode.

as a coin we have had scaling issues with the large amount of jp users joining us. so we have had to improve our infrastructure the start of this year along with hiring more staff. were up to 74 positions ranging from marketing to developers moderators.

I don't really feel like I have anything good to say after this rather negative experience in this thread, all I can say is if you have 74 people and the logical contradictions of the statements made in the white paper, on the website, and in this post somehow made it past all 74 of you, then I foresee issues in the project's future considering you're trying to make a working economy based on several types of staking with nodes, and that isn't as trivial as misspeaking about something. But perception matters a lot, and people will become increasingly skeptical of claims made by any team as the market develops.

yeah which is understood. sorry for the negative experience you've had. and thanks for the discussion i welcome a healthy debate.

at the time the whitepaper was written the team wasn't 74 members large. and we didnt have a 48k user base in japan. this had to happen after the growth the community saw. as the timeline of events that happened after caused the need for more members.

as with any projects mistakes happen and you learn from that experience and apply it. that's how you succeed.

so far were writing up documentation behind the point of sale systems and economy mods that some game servers will be using. and hired a team of game moderators for this purpose. they are currently testing a 3d survival game made by a community member using xp as a rewards system (play to earn).

actions speaks louder than words which is why were working to produce integration tools for developers to use for easy implementation along with giving the community dedicated gaming servers that are given to us from our sponsor (data centre in a cold war bunker) who support our project with any hardware we require. some of these servers were handing off to the jp and korean community to jumpstart their projects

There's also things people don't foresee as when this growth happened we started getting attacked with ddos and various hacking techniques. due to this we've recently had to upgrade our firewall. and swag a nice cloudflare pro deal.

Being a crypto coin makes you a target on the internet.

Disclaimer: I am not a gamer, a skill I never learned. So the idea of playing for XP is beyond me.

That said, I love the idea that people (even me) could be rewarded for civic engagement, participation in sports and other options. What a concept! Get paid for doing the right thing.

A couple of things are just obvious right out of the gate. Proof of Stake is a great way to provide the coins. Any mining I do in the future will be completely powered by solar panels that I own. I think we in the crypto world are missing a great chance to take the 'high road' on our future by cutting our energy requirements. Proof of Stake goes a long ways towards making that reality.

I also like that they are not trying to be everything, but encourage open source partners to participate in the process. Be a token, not a bank or a store. Let the bank types and store types do what they do best in the process...

Am I interested? You better believe it. I'll be in the room at Adsactly before all the electrons on this page have all appeared as black and white...

Thanks for supporting what could be a tremendous project.

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