Food and Health Awareness | The Grapes in Benefit for Health

in #adsactly6 years ago (edited)

Hello Dear Steemians !!


Do you know what this fruit is?

If you know, do you ever eat and know the benefits contained therein ?
The picture above is Grape fruit.

The Grapes

Is a fruits of vines that began to be grown cultivated since 6-8 thousand years ago in the Middle East. The efficacy of grapes has been known for a long time. This is not separated from the amount of nutrients and phytonutrients stored in the wine. Here is a more complete discussion of the content of wine and its benefits to health.

Grape Nutrition Content

Behind the exotic color, the wine is rich in micronutrient minerals such as copper, iron, manganese, and potassium. The fruit is often used as the main ingredient of wine making is also a source of vitamin C, A, K, carotene, and vitamin B complex such as pirikoksin, riboflavin, and thiamine.

Grapes are enriched with various antioxidants polyphenols. Starting from anthocyanin, stilbene (resveratrol, piceatannol, pterostilbene), flavanol (catechin, epicatechin, prosianidin, proantocyanidin, viniferon), flavonol (quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, isorhamnetin), phenolic acids (caffeine, kumarine, ferulic, error), and carotenoids (beta carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein).


The content of grape nutrition per 100 grams.

This antioxidant content is different in every type of wine. For example, red and purple grapes contain a lot of anthocyanins, while green and white grapes have more tannins, especially catechins. In general, these antioxidant compounds are found in the skin and grape seeds.

The Benefits of Wine for Health

Various kinds of health benefits of wine because of the nutritional content in it.
Here are:

  • Reduce the risk of stroke

Resveratrol is one of the most prominent antioxidants of wine. Resveratrol helps reduce the risk of stroke by cutting the molecular mechanisms in the blood vessels.
First of all, resveratrol will prevent blood vessel damage by reducing the activity of angiotensin, the systemic hormone that causes the narrowing of blood vessels. Resveratrol then helps increase the production of nitric oxide vasodilator compounds that increase the flexibility of blood vessels.

  • Reduces risk of developing breast, prostate, and colon cancers

Grapes are equipped with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce the risk of getting cancer. Catechins, proanthocyanidins, and stilbene (especially resveratrol) are often used as a discussion in studies of breast cancer. Resveratrol is also a major discussion in the prevention of prostate cancer.

Meanwhile, the many anthocyanins found in red and dark grapes are associated with the prevention of colon cancer. Grapes also contain lots of fiber and have low calories that are necessary to keep the intestines healthy.

Research shows that antioxidants in grapes can help prevent cell damage from free radicals, prevent oxygen-related enzymes from becoming overactive, reducing fat oxidation, decreasing oxygen reactive molecules in the blood, and decreasing oxidative stress biomarkers.

  • Maintain cardiovascular system health

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory function in wine helps to maintain the health of the cardiovascular system. All cells in our body need protection from oxygen damage, especially blood-borne arteries with high oxygen concentrations.

Research shows that grapes help improve blood pressure regulation, reduce LDL cholesterol, decrease LDL oxidation, decrease the levels of reactive oxygen molecules in the blood, decrease cell adhesion to blood vessel walls, prevent blood clots, increase the release of nitric oxide from endothelial cells lining the blood vessel wall , and prevent inflammation.

Wine is also considered the main reason behind The French Paradox. Although French people often consume large amounts of saturated fats, they have a lower risk of heart disease. Allegedly their habit of eating wine is the reason for the occurrence of this phenomenon.

  • Improve cognitive function

Some studies show that grape extract is able to help improve cognitive function in animals and humans. Among these, students who consumed 1 to 2 cups of grape juice daily for several months showed an increase in Califonia Verbal Learning Test results. Suspected resveratrol can increase blood flow to the brain up to 200% so that cognitive power increases.

Other studies have shown that resveratrol helps to reduce amyloidal-beta peptide levels in people with Alzheimer's disease. The study suspects that grapes help improve brain health and prevent the development of degenerative diseases.

Some of the phytonutrients in grapes including quercetin flavonoids to resveratrol and piceatannol are believed to have anti-microbial function. Researchers also suspect that there is a potential wine to help prevent health problems caused by food-borne diseases.

  • Controlling blood sugar

Grapes include one that has a low glycemic index, ranging from 43 to 53. Several studies have also shown that grapes have benefits in controlling blood sugar.

Consumption of grape extract is associated with better blood sugar balance and insulin regulation, as well as increased insulin sensitivity. It is thought that the strong content of phytonutrients in wine plays an important role in this.

  • Helps prolong life

Resveratrol is thought to help improve the ability of three genes associated with an extended age, ie SirT1s, Fox0s, and PBEFs. Some researchers reveal resveratrol is able to mimic the work of caloric restriction and increase the life expectancy of yeast cells by up to 70%. However, further research is still needed on its correlation in humans.

  • Prevents macular degeneration

Research from the University of Miami shows that a diet rich in wine helps improve eye health and prevent macular degeneration. Those who ate three servings of wine per day had a risk of macular degeneration by 36% lower than those who did not.

  • Nourish the kidneys and digestion

Grapes help reduce the level of acidity in the urine and help remove it from the excretory system. High water content in wine also helps reduce pressure on the kidneys so keep it healthy. wine also prevents constipation and irritation of the stomach.

  • Helps overcome fatigue

Green or white grapes contain higher iron than dark grapes. This iron helps to overcome fatigue and prevent anemia. Antioxidants in wine also protect cells from damage and help speed muscle repair.

Hopefully my post is useful for all steemians
Stay Blessed and Steem On !!!

Thanks @gumegxgolgom



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Benefit of graphs are much more, but poor people can not afford to buy it :( They can only read from papers and take a long breath.

Hahaa.. I agree with you. The grapes be the high food for people poor


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