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RE: ADSactly Short Story - The Evil Twin

in #adsactly6 years ago

Very heart touching story. This is not just a story but a chronicle of the people of ancient time. As a society we humans have achieved a lot. We could overpower every animal species and became supreme. But superstitions and ignorance have caused a great harm to us. Also, unnecessary intervention of the society and the state in personal life of people is detrimental to the development of a healthy society. Sometimes, a superstitious and cruel society becomes the worst enemy of humanity. Gods (they are imaginary though) do not remain benevolent entities as they become tyrant. Their irrational and illogical demands become a nightmare for humanity. Right from the advent of the human civilization religious beliefs are tormenting humanity. They are killing humans in the name of religion. We must get ourselves free from all religions. Not much priests are humans.


Thank you for your comment. It is heartwarming to hear you share my exact point of view. I come from a place where critical thinking is the exception and not the rule. My people have moved from the gods to other religions. People are getting killed because they did not believe in what their enemies believe in. Priests take advantage of their congregation for personal gains even when the losses of such people are much greater than the gains of the priests.

Punishment of women for having twins and punishment of children for being witches and wizards still happen in some remote parts of Cross River state of Nigeria until this day. These things are fantastic to the logical thinking person but they still are part of some people's reality.

I appreciate your comment. Thanks.

@churchboy I think religions were formed to unite the human civilization but they were based on lies. Why am I saying 'lies'? Because they were based on the fake stories of spirits, gods, heaven, hell and other worlds etc. Moral stories were derived from the fake stories of gods etc. So, they were based on lies. If the method is not pure, result cannot be pure too.

Several thought patterns worldwide, not exclusive to a particular locale has been the Norm across ages.

While this is so, it is out of logical truth that all Beliefs (religions, as alleged) are detrimental as their Leaders are less Human.

Notwithstanding the few , across age malfeasances of "Religious" bodies, their effects in Social and Economic Development of Societies has been more of Good than Evil.
Few examples suffices: Religions has and would continue to be the Bastion of Formal Education in the Developing Societies of the World!!

Most renowned Personages in all fields of endeavour Worldwide are beneficiaries of FAITH BASED EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENTS.

When faith becomes more important than individuals, problems start. Religion were not bad but when they became tools of capturing power, keeping people uneducated and depriving them from logical thinking, everything changed. So, we need a world free from religious dogmas.
Ps: Religion and spirituality are different terms.

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