
Are you seriously trying to say that it was an honest mistake?

Are you really trying to say that one of the few comments of substance on the thread was misconstrued to be the writings of a bot, when one can simply scroll down and see that of the many comments that are obvious spam you glossed over all of them and only chose to flag one comment that might dampen the interests of potential buyers?

Unless you rectify your behavior in the future you have lost what little respect I had for your platform, I know that my opinion is meaningless in the steemit scale of things considering your ~650,000 SP and many whale allies, but I hope you know that dealing with potential CUSTOMERS in such a manner will do nothing but bring your reputation in the wider crypto community down.

Deal with things in a forward way and do not be afraid to handle criticism, or you'll never hear the end of it from those willing to take you to task. I'm sure you're aware of many teams who have been unable to recover because of their inability to deal with difficult questions about their grand claims.

many bots in their name have the word "bot". Perhaps because of this, and there was an error. For this, they apologized to you.
I like how you express your thoughts. You write lengthy comments and it's commendable.
@adsactly this is where the constructive opinion is valued. I am sure that everything will be fine in the future.
Относись к людям так, как хочешь чтобы относились к тебе

I just found the reason for the flag interesting given they don't ever flag other bots, or even any of the other spammers within the thread or in their other posts.

I see that they have reversed the flag.

I try to not write too much, and I don't try to complain without cause. I'm just trying to help literally everyone on this site out in whichever way I can, and that mostly happens to be with my constructive criticism for now.

True friend, true, which is why I have never flagged anyone or desired for any statements to be hidden. Everything is a lesson in its own way, even true spam or other "undesirable" comments.

Spasibo bolshoye!

You are an interesting interlocutor
What kind of help do you provide to users steemit?

Planning on starting an endowment of SP, dividends to be distributed charitably to address the pressing needs of tomorrow.

Tell us about this project

For now I have a small UBI people can sign up for, it's free to join and they get small votes on their posts. I try to point out obvious scams.

Later on when the SP is big enough I can help fund some longer-term, larger-scale charity projects, and help other charities to a larger degree with the VP.

good goals. I have a goal in the future to help some small charities in my country.
Simply put, do you support posts for some interested users?

Nice! I have no doubt you will be able to do so.

Yes, that is a good explanation of it.

Here friend, flag removed. It was a mistake. Its that "bot" in your nick. Thank you once again for the time you took to comment!

Thanks. I was just trying to give some advice as if I was a potential hardass investor.

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