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RE: ADSactly Literature - Prague Stories by Rilke

in #adsactly5 years ago

Indeed, they are beautiful photographs.
Prague is very beautiful: a constellation of colours and an impressive sky.
From Rilke I remember with special affection Letters to a young poet. It marked my adolescence (it is a beautiful and hard book). He wrote poetry (I write) and taught me (he teaches me) a lot about poetic depth.
Your judgment on silence (of which Rilke expresses himself with such mastery and knowledge) is true. I haven't been able to resolve my conflicts with this, I lack maturity and, surely, training. My throat degrades by itself, often without control. These are writing problems that I have to rolver (can I?). In any case, reading Rilke again may not be a bad idea.
Thank you for putting me back on that path, dear @nancybriti.


LOL. Good to see you here, dear, @adncabrera. Your lucid comments about literature will surely enrich us a lot. I know how close Rilke is to those of us who write or try to write and, very especially, as you said, his poetics. I thank you for your words. I hope to see you here more often. I embrace you

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