Facebook executive denies that the network spies on its users microphones

in #ads7 years ago

Rob Goldman who is the vice-president of ads at Facebook recently replied to a tweet by PJ Vogt who presents a podcast called "Reply All" with

"I run ads product at Facebook. We don't - and have never - used your microphone for ads. Just not true," Mr Goldman wrote.

and he stated that the same thing goes for Instagram which is now also owned by the giant Facebook.

Read more about this in an article at bbc.com.

A lot of people have been feeling though as if they've been targeted by ads lately which they have never seen before yet remember talking about something similar with others around them.

Youtube user Neville Black had even uploaded a video regarding this in June of last year.

Is it just humans trying to find patterns in randomness again or do you think there might be something they are hiding from us?
What do you think about this? Have you noticed anything similar happen to your Facebook ads?

(I personally have deleted Facebook many years ago.)


It's possible that they're using it but I was talking about this very thing the other day. I almost never used to see ads on my feed, but now I'm starting to see the ones that my wife gets on hers.

My wife will interact with ads where I'll ignore them. This leads me to think that they're grouping users based on relationship/how much time you spend together (they're definitely using location) and displaying ads that way.

I guess it's not too big a stretch to think that they're able to see the cookies that allow Adwords & Amazon to show you reccomendations - only this way you see what your closest friends are looking for too.

I have a relatively bare account, and more privacy settings turned on. And I still seemingly get the same ads as some friends.

So what now? If don't allow sharing of your private info. Ten apparently they just showed with the same as your friends are getting? That's messed up.

Yeah looks like it might be their strategy to mop up the rest of us stragglers. I haven't looked at the ad settings lately, perhaps they've modified the parameters to allow 'friends of'

Behind every successful Person, there is a deactivated Facebook account.

This is so interesting!!
A couple of weeks ago I told my daughter to get me a windex... and next thing I knew I saw a windex ad on my FB page when I logged in later in the day!
I tried to figure out how this add got there... I wasn't logged in when she brought it to me and the camera couldn't caught it ......now, this explains what's happened!
Thanks for sharing!!

I am skeptical. But the dude could be telling the truth, it could be one of the many apps or permissions that you give access to your information to when you play a Facebook game or participate in a survey or questionaire your friend sends you through Facebook etc etc.

So not Facebook proper, but one of their ad whores being given access.

In the end... Same difference.

Yeah, he could be telling the truth without telling the full truth...

@acidyo Hey I need to update you about very important information. Is there a way to communicate wth with in private like through Steem chat (I already sent you the message couple of mins ago) or in any other way. Also I'm sorry to post here as I had no way to communicate with you. The message I want to convey is about Steem community (not a personal message)).

Facebook has become one of the biggest spy tools for the elite and I think it was planed from the beginning the best is to cancel FB and switch to Steemit. I didn't know that they are doing this via the microphones but it makes sens to me. What I know is that they spy on us with Data Deals like FB and Amazon did.

In order to get the profile data of as many Facebook users as possible, Amazon has silently and secretly closed a gigantic data deal with Facebook.

The button "Connect with Facebook" has appeared on Amazon for some time. If you click on it, your Facebook account opens, where an app starts automatically. With a click on it, he loads the profile data of all his friends on the servers of Amazon.

Which products the customer likes, is for Amazon long clear. But now they also knows about the preferences of many Facebook members - they do not know about it and it does not matter if they have ever bought at Amazon. After all, only one Facebook member needs to use the Connect feature and Amazon already has the profile data of his friends. This includes:

Name, date of birth, place of residence, photos
Profile info about movies, books, TV shows
The interests, activities, quotes specified by the Facebook users
All the blog posts and Facebook activities where users have shown interest via "likes" button.

This gives Amazon the opportunity to deliver personalized product recommendations to Facebook friends.

I know they do, if you look at the permissions for the app anyways you are giving permissions for Facebook to access your mic, your address book and your camera. Why do they need access to those things?
I have also noticed items I have not searched for online but have talked about have popped up in my advertisements. My new phone had Facebook pre-loaded. I was telling someone about this a couple of months ago and showed them. I went ahead and activated the app and we talked about Bunk Beds, something I don't need and with-in 30 minutes I was getting ads for Bunk Beds. I disabled the app, sadly I can not delete it off the phone, which irritates me, I shouldn't be forced to have an app on my phone, if I don't want it, and I don't want Facebook.

you are giving permissions for Facebook to access your mic, your address book and your camera. Why do they need access to those things?

For Facetime I guess.

They have been asking for that before facetime came out.

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they WERE monitoring people through mics to run targeted ads at them. I'd like to believe they aren't, but I also wouldn't doubt human beings capacity to do fucked up things. I haven't experienced this personally, but I also run adblock so I don't see ads on my facebook whenever I do get on there :D

Well, I am of the opinion they monitor more than that. They likely have our passwords and stuff to other websites as well. I do not doubt that if I had the app installed on my pc that I would lose my ETH or BTC funds.

I only use FB for messaging people and even that is becoming annoying to use.

Also, Samsung TVs listen to you + many other things do like Siri/Cortona on your phone or xbox or playstation.


From article " Many Samsung "SmartTVs" come equipped with voice recognition, which allows you to bark commands at your TV. Since the television is always listening for your voice, Samsung has warned its SmartTV customers that every word is being captured and sent over the Internet.

"Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of Voice Recognition," Samsung posted in its SmartTV privacy policy. "

I have noticed this too- that I'm talking about something, or googling something, and suddenly I start getting ads for that thing on Facebook. It's entirely possible that it's just a coincidence- but I have a piece of tape over my camera. Whether its happening or not, it doesn't hurt to take precautions either.

Facebook has long been verified of listening to us, not our comment on the platform but what tv we watch, what we talked. I has disabled all microphone access by FB app and Messenger app for about 2 yrs.

Maybe it is humans finding patterns in randomness, but then it's freaking weird when I've gotten pop up ads for things I have no interest in but might have been talking about for some reason a few hours before. Cue twilight zone music :/

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