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RE: Follow The Money: The Government Is Anticipating Explosive Blockchain Growth

in #adoption6 years ago

There is a huge problem in this thinking.

Did rotschildren and rock-e-person cause the stock market crash that led to the great depression?

The answer is absolutely, and absolutely not.
The great depression would have happened with them or without them. It was already in the cards. The cycle was already happening.

Did they make it worse? Maybe.
But they didn't cause it.
It might be best to say that they were used by the universe to cause what was coming.

So, do these market manipulators have the power to control what is coming? No, not at all.

However, they think they do. And they are going to try. Manipulation is all they know.

They think they are getting out in front of it and controlling its timing. However, the analogy would be someone standing out on a beach waving their arms as a tsunami sweeps over the beach.

It is like the internet, which was created for nefarious purposes. To control, track and manipulate people.

It has also been the greatest freeing element ever devised by man.
And the controllers have lost control of it.
Blockchain is just the next large domino.

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