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RE: Adolf Hitler vs The Jew World Order by Eric Dubay

in #adolfhitler6 years ago (edited)

I agree with you on all this stuff about the jews, and yes the holocaust was fake BUT Hitler was no hero, he was working for the jews as well - and that is what I mean by saying Eric Dubay is a problem rather than a solution - people saying Hitler was great is exactly what the jews want and boy does he do that

PS - this post is my reply!


With all due respect, facts of reality would patently disagree with you! It is a common misconception and myth that is neither back up by facts nor reality that Adolf Hitler was working with or for the Jews. He also was NOT a Rothschild, nor was he a jew or had any jew blood in him or his ancestry. I encourage you to research this topic unbiasedly.

If you have questions regarding Adolf Hitler please feel free to ask, I'm more than happy to provide all of my research and credible, fact based, irrefutable evidence to support the aforementioned claims.

As far as this post goes, I can't help you see the truth if you deny fact and reality. This post, even by briefly scanning through it was put together by either an agent or someone truly deluded, drowning in blatant ignorance.

You aren't fighting the zionists, you aren't fighting organized jewry and you aren't fighting for truth when you believe and promote their greatest lies. Ask yourself why Eric Dubay is so vilified, ridiculed and censored?

I'm proud to call him a great friend and for all his hard work and efforts that he's put in to bring these truths to the world he has gained my respect and unconditional support. I will be buying 3 giant billboards for his work regarding flat earth in Hollywood, CA. This isn't to brag, but this is for you to ask yourself, why would I spend $60,000 on advertising if this information was Santa Claus?

You, like me, like everyone else in the world, have been deceived in astronomical proportions. Earth is most definitely flat, it's not moving, it never has and never will. You don't live on a ball that bends oceans and curves water as it spins on it's non-existent axis, tilts, wobbles, whilst hurtling through infinite space into oblivion! That's mind numbing delusion of this highest degree.

The same cancer - Jewry, that is responsible for creating the ball(to hide the divine creation of flat earth and what's beyond Antarctica);
created the Dinosaur hoax(to hide the true history of humanity, real human giants, etc);
created the lie that you came out of monkeys asshole 13 billion years ago(to hide that you are unique, special and the crown of divine creation and your pineal gland in the center of your brain is literally the door to the infinite multiverse from which you came, and can travel to back and for through out of body experiences);
created religion(to further enslave you and your mind in the rare case that you will wake up to all of their other slave chains);
created the jew world order(as a final blow to humanity to show how truly ignorant, oblivious and deluded the goyim(non-jew) is);

THAT, is what Adolf Hitler was fighting! He was the only man in human history that so blatantly and successfully stood up to and against this herd of vile parasites! He destroyed the Rothschilds(who are jews) central banks and managed to arrest one and send two others to the labor camps. He immediately closed down the freemasonic(freemasonry is entirely Jewish, they are also the ones behind the ball earth delusion) lodges and arrested many of the ones that didn't have time to escape. He destroyed Jewish power and chokehold over the German people and left the generations to come a step by step how-to for getting the world out of the mental, psychological and physical chains of slavery and THAT is why to this day he is the most vilified, ridiculed and LIED ABOUT man in the history of humanity! THAT is why you don't know jack about him but the delusionous lies and deceit that has been puked out for the deluded goyim masses from the mouths of the vile parasites that are eating away at the world today.

Please wake up to reality! The TRUTH fears no investigation!

I guess being an illegitimate son doesn't count?

"He also was NOT a Rothschild, nor was he a jew or had any jew blood in him or his ancestry"

You are the most reverent promoter of a position I've ever encountered on Steemit! At least if you buy billboards people will believe flat earthers actually exist...


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