Be With Someone Who Is Proud Of You

in #admiration6 years ago (edited)

Be With Someone Who Is Proud Of You

We know it is important to love yourself and if you ever decide to spend part of your life with anyone, make sure that person looks up to you and it is proud of you. The reason why you want someone like that if you decide to, it is because you will get someone at a very long term that will always admire you.


Admiration is not a short term feeling. It is a very long term feeling that will drag anyone till the end if possible. Admiration generates a lot of love at a rapid manner. When someone is proud of you, it is an amazing feeling that is hard to get away from it. The feeling can make anyone fall in love with you in a way that you may not have idea.

The question is now, what type of person are you to make anyone feel proud of you and feel admiration for you? I believe is such a great question because this is when we analyze who we really are, and what we have to offer. Isn't it shocking sometimes to find out what values you have for anyone?

At the same time, you want to find or be with someone you also admire and are proud of, so you also share the same feeling.

"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"

Many blessings to all!


"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.



Buenos dias @javybar , que lindos esos animalitos ,enmarcan exactamente lo que contiene su post.
Yo por ejemplo estoy orgullosa de mi hijo , cuando muera y DIOS me pregunte , que hiciste con el hijo que te di , orgullosamente contestare , es un niño de buenos sentimientos , extremadamente inteligente y muy preocupado por mi, tiene un alma buena y esto es muy importante .
Cuando le hicieron la pregunta a su madre , contesto , es muy inteligente , dado a los demas , y con un alma buena , eso es usted javybar , , su madre esta orgullosa de usted , hizo una excelente labor y DIOS la premio por esto .
Hoy me movio usted el corazon , con permiso de su madre , me despido por hoy con muchisimo cariño .
Javibar , casi me hace llorar :)

Hay Dios Mio no me llore por favor jeje. Mi madre solia escribir asi es su facebook y pues segui un poco la historia. Soy mas sofisticado y estoy fuera de religiones, pero si ella estubiera viva, estibiera mas que orgullosa de todo lo que he hecho en mi vida. Ella simepre me almiro y yo a ella tambien. Me puede encontrar en FB como javiob1403 :) Muchas gracias.

very true and touchy it's the truth , In this world not all will accept you with open heart and be proud of you, it's the better truth' but we always was and will be in search of someone who will accept us and be proud of us then you will know that it's the one and Noone can replace it . @javybar

When i analysis the above statement under the psychological context then this is absolutely right and off course appreciation from others always boost the level of confidence of a person. When someone supports you, inner self sanctification happens,to recharge one's approach towards life. Such relations could be blood relations and love relations as well.

Thank you so much @javybar for the motivational write up ;)

Thank you for this psychological confirmation my friend, I appreciate it a lot :)

No doubt, admire feeling is super long lasting feeling which keeps motivating you all the time for that certain work. We always love to live with whom admire you seriously with open heart and proud on you for your best quality by nature.

Yeah,its hundred percent truth dear... Your thought really best.. . we're simply proud of them for just being who they are. If there's a special person in your life, be they a partner, a friend, a daughter, a son, or a sibling, let them know you're sincerely proud of them by sending them one of the profound messages in this collection.thanks to sharing for your good motivational post.. Dear friend. Best of luck and obviously take care yourself..take care of your health.. @javybar

lovely words my friend, a person like that should be very special :)

Yeah,friend.its your good thought opinion.. @javybar i like your high thought quality skills.. Dear. ..

that's right! Admiration is very powerful and it is important to have that feeling into our life.

This kind of question is very hard to answer before we know exactly who we are;

what type of person are you to make anyone feel proud of you and feel admiration for you?

I think it is a must to determine who we are before we decide to be with someone who will be proud of us for the rest of his/her life. thank you @javybar, it is such a great motivation to all of us.

What a great statement that be with someone who is proud to have you. Yes exactly if you find your better half right then your life will be pleasing and easy. She will admire you, she will love you in the most efficient manner, will support you in everything. Because life is like a car if you get your wheels balanced then it will run properly.

Great terminology to look at life. Admiration is key for long term friendships or relationships as well.

Yes exactly my friend.

Well done, my friend should always accompany someone who believes in him, someone who loves you without boredom, someone who has seen all your faults and mistakes and still trusts you, someone who always saves you

Truly love is like a chocolate box. We do not know what to get. . Many times we are in love with wrong people. I want my loved ones to smile at my happiness, and stay with me during my hard times. . another excellent post my dear friend @javybar Stay Blessed dear ✌

Great content you posted here my friend, thank you very much :)

be with your mother and father because they always proud of you and the apperication they give is really amazing!!@javybar

they will always be proud of you :)

Admirer is just like a tonic for you, which give you positive energy, reduce your grief and make you feel healthy and happy. To have healthy relationship admiring is a great tool. It boost your motivational level.keep sharing such a nice inspirational post. @javybar

very nice! thank you my friend :)

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