Is Alcoholism Genetic?

in #addiction8 years ago

If you are recovering from alcoholism, you may be wondering where the disease originates. Why do some people seemingly have no habits with drinking while others seem so predisposed to alcoholism? 

Unfortunately, addiction has a hereditary element, and many children of alcoholics grow up to become dependent themselves. Still, there are measures that can be taken in order to prevent against the development of alcoholism. 

Though you may be higher at risk, there are many preventative measures that can help guarantee your drinking will not turn into addiction. If you are seeking treatment for alcoholism, there are specific treatments and strategies catered to those with a genetic predisposition toward alcoholism, as well as children of alcoholics. 

Regardless of your genetic background, you have the opportunity for rehabilitation.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism can be defined in a few ways. A doctor can typically gauge the extent of dependency with a medical evaluation. When an individual has difficulty controlling alcohol intake, cannot stop drinking once they start, or has a physical reaction (such as tremors) when drinking has stopped, that person is much more likely to be diagnosed with alcoholism. While the problem drinker may choose not to label themselves as an alcoholic, there are still both genetic and environmental factors that can contribute to the development of alcohol dependence. The best top rated addiction treatment centers should attempt to unpack the nature of your addiction: when it started, how old you were, and the types of triggers that cause you to use.

Genetics or Environment?

Once upon a time, alcoholism was viewed as the result of environment, and nothing more. The concept that alcoholism can be created solely through the proximity of an alcoholic parent is no longer commonplace. Rather, alcoholism is now understood as genetically influenced. However, that genetic influence only counts for one-half of the risk. Environmental factors can also increase the risk of onset alcoholism, and positive environmental components can lower this risk.

Children of alcoholics have four times the amount of risk of developing alcoholism than individuals without alcoholic parents. Moreover, those with alcoholic parents have more risk of developing anxiety, depression, or even post-traumatic stress disorder as a result. And folks with those mental illnesses have a greater risk of developing substance abuse issues—a truly endless cycle. Top rated addiction treatment centers will also address the concept of co-morbidity: how mental illnesses can predispose substance abuse.

It is important to understand how home environment shapes alcoholism; as underage drinking always contributes to a higher risk of alcoholism.

Some Environmental Risks That Increase Risk

  • Both parents are alcoholics
  • Both parents abuse drugs and alcohol
  • Parental alcohol abuse is severe
  • Aggression and violence occurs as the result of conflict

Are You at Risk?

Some factors tend to increase the chance of the development of alcoholism, while others decrease the risk.

When your alcoholism is treated in recovery, you may wish to think about your family history, upbringing, and the ways it contributed to your alcoholism. These factors will help to ease any guilt, frustration, and depression that you might feel. Remember that alcoholism is always in part determined by your environment—we have no choice in our upbringing. Many recovering alcoholics find that coming to terms with the negative circumstances that contributed to alcoholism contributes to a higher rate of successful recovery.  

Moderation as an adult is recommended. One drink a day for (most) women, and two drinks a day for men is considered moderate. If moderation proves to be very difficult for you, and you feel that you cannot control your drinking habits, please seek help before it becomes too late.

We are only beginning to understand how upbringing and family background plays a part in the process of alcohol addiction. Knowing your family background and the factors at play will not only help you to come to terms with your alcoholism, but also, help others to arrange your treatment at one of the many top rated addiction treatment centers, appropriately and effectively.

Depending on the rehabilitation center, you will be able to explore the factors of your addiction and understand the route leading up to alcoholism.

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