Addiction is STuPiD - Sick of Throwing Money and My Health Away.

in #addiction7 years ago

Quitting Smoking Again

I am determined to get rid of this habit again. I quit for 2 years and started back up nearly 2 years ago. I want to be around for another 50 years or so. If I can not manage to stop smoking, I fear that I will not be around/in good health to cuddle my grandbabies, watch my kids marry, and enjoy retirement. Overall, I am pretty healthy individual, I do not get sick often, and aside from a minor heart condition and an old back injury that gives me issues, I am in pretty good overall health. I see people (smokers/exsmokers) who are only 10 years older than me carrying an oxygen tank around and constantly coughing, I don't want that to be the future me.

I like smoking, but realize that it is slowly messing me up. Also, it is really quite gross. I have managed to cut down quite a bit in the last couple weeks, I went from a pack a day, to right around 5 cigarettes a day. Yesterday, I made the decison to simply not buy any. I bought a couple little blu ecigarettes instead. I know that there is not enough research into vaping to know whether or not it is more/equally as harmful as smoking. As mentioned above, I quit for 2 years and started vaping. This may be "cheat" quitting, I am sure I don't care. I know that I felt better overall when I was vaping than I do being a smoker. I may try to give up nicotine all together at some point, but that is not even my goal as of right now.


This beast of a box mod is called a SMOK:Alien, it has a baby beast tank. It cost a pretty penny, but was worth it. I bought the blu ecigarettes, because they feel like a cigarette in your hand. I won't continue buying the blu's (they are like $10 each) but I think for this first week they are essential

Luckily, Dustin is quitting with me. Otherwise, I am not sure I could be successful. Most people I visit/know don't smoke, so that is an added bonus. This morning, I initially felt super pissed that I did not have a cigarette, this afternoon, I feel pretty good. I am a little scared that I will gain a bunch of weight, I gained 25 pounds last time I quit. I will absolutely buy black licorice or licorice root today to try to minimize the weight gain. Maybe I will start jogging or start having random dance parties 💃.

Whatever helps, helps. I wont question the why of it.

I am fastly approaching nearly 24 hours without a cigarette.


I hope you are finally able to overcome the addiction. It is defintely not impossible as I personally know a couple of people that have quit smoking. You have the right attitude I think, it requires a combination of personal determination and a tool(like SMOK) to be successful in quitting.

Health should be the first thing one thinks about when maintaining healthy organs

@krazykrista, i love your opening paragraph.
To achieve your goal, you have set out very important reasons why you need to.
We most times give up on our goals when we lack enough motivation to keep us going.

Each point mentioned is enough to keep you going, if you can, write out these reasons and paste on your wall, recite them every morning and in no time, you will find enough courage to let go completely.
I fear that I will not be around/in good health to cuddle my grandbabies, watch my kids marry, and enjoy retirement. Overall, I am pretty healthy individual, I do not get sick often, and aside from a minor heart condition and an old back injury that gives me issues, I am in pretty good overall health. I see people (smokers/exsmokers) who are only 10 years older than me carrying an oxygen tank around and constantly coughing, I don't want that to be the future me.

I fear that I will not be around/in good health to cuddle my grandbabies, watch my kids marry, and enjoy retirement.
I see people (smokers/exsmokers) who are only 10 years older than me carrying an oxygen tank around and constantly coughing, I don't want that to be the future me.

for cigarette lovers, it is very difficult to forget. but for the sake of his beloved family and his support. surely you can. CONGRATULALLY you are not smoking anymore ..

the vices do not leave anything good for the person, its goood that you stopped smoking is a horrible habit and it must be difficult to leave it. Keep it up

I think the hand of a women describe it more properly and he theam of the picture is awesome.

I have done it a lot of times but it doesn't go. I really want to get rid of this but man I can't. If u have have any tips please help.

I hope you can finally stop it because I don't see any health benefits. My advice is that you engage in other things whenever you get tempted to try a stick and concerning the weight loss, just involve in some exercise and I believe you will be fine.

God help you. Amen

@krazykrista, its good you document your decisions especially in breaking a habit. It helps to measure your progress and you won't wants to disappoint those who believe in your recovery. I pray for strength for you as you walk this path.

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