On Compassion

in #addiction8 years ago (edited)

I tend to agree with the general sentiments in this video and it causes me to want to understand compassion's role in healing.

noun: compassion; plural noun: compassions

  1. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

We should be careful, in regard to correlation/causation, and remember that it might be the suffer/addict that DOES heal or change enough in order to seek help, that might be the most observed for such studies. It might be difficult to study people who don't heal from external compassion, as they are difficult to find (often trapped in the drug world etc.).

I think we might also consider the possibility of the relationship between compassion and healing and that neither might be the specific cause of the other.

What is it About Compassion that Heals?

If we take the possibility of compassion as the great healing factor for the addict we can wonder why compassion has such an effect, and how/why we haven't harnessed its “medicinal properties”.

Compassion seems to involve a relationship or communication without judgment and/or prejudice.

Then it would be the objective person/perspective that lends the most healing power in this sense, and allows the addict/sufferer to open up and possibly explore their suffering with SOME degree of objectivity (how can a broken observer see oneself "correctly"?). I have suggested before it is the want to ESCAPE such suffering which leads to more of it (and an inability to end such suffering and the pattern that creates it).

The objective perspective and the addict's connection what it is significant here it seems.

Some suffers might not have been exposed to such non-biased relations for a long time or perhaps even ever.

Since the objective view, which can be looked at as the aggregate of society or an impartial spectator, is “shared” or “common” I think it can be suggested that the introduction of the objective view, even externally, might inspire an internal perspective of the same order.

The objective view is not MY view or YOUR view, but it is that which is not specific to anyone.

To be able to see our ailments from such a view is to be able to sort out the truth of their cause, and to begin to be able to paint a story for one's existence of suffering.

In this, compassion then means, to mirror truth.

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