
Having some issues with the Zappl app for IOS. It is not loading my pictures so I am having to come here to Steemit and edit the post to add the picture in. @zappl has anyone else reported this? @steemitqa ??
Then when I edit on Steemit. It disappears from Zappl???

Not sure why it wouldn't be loading your pictures. I see the picture in this post now ? If you edit the post ( at least from what I know ) it will make it disappear.

I added the picture from steemit once I saw that it didn’t load. When I am writing the post it shows The picture in the corner but disappears when I post it.

Congrats brother Splatts, you’re setting a great example to @lilsplatts n’dem.

Thanks Brotha. It has been such a relief to not have to think about having a certain item with me at all times. Crap I already have enough goin on and that is one less thing. Lol

Eh man, about fff. Cooking, recipes, how-to, for sure all of those would count but what if I want to use the tag in a ‘general food-type’ post?

Anything food related. Shoot @lizzyib posted about cake in a cup. As long as it is food related and it’s posted on Friday with the fff tag your good. No need for some masterpiece it can be a bowl of you favorite oatmeal. Lol maybe your favorite restaurant I did that a couple weeks ago. @foodfightfriday isn’t picky, as long as it can fly across the room it’s good to go. Lol

That’s an accomplishment. Good job!!! It’s tough but you’re showing your kids how it’s important to be tougher...... :big applause: Keep it up, you smell a whole hell of lot better now.

Well I don’t know about the smell it’s been getting pretty warm lately and I’ve been coming home pretty ‘ripe’ from sweating all day. 😜😜
Honestly I am not sure if they have noticed that I have quit. They probably have but haven’t said anything. I am super pumped about finally putting this addiction/habit to rest!!

Oh, they notice! Kids might not say anything but there are certain things about your smoking that they remember and now aren’t faced with anymore. I remember when my parents smoked when I was little. I hated it. I hated when they would tuck me in and smell like a fresh cig. I believe kids are aware of much more than we ever give them credit for. You should be proud of yourself. 👍

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