In between the tears we can laugh!

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Can't believe 2018 is half over! Been praying alot lately. I used to pray to try to sway God in some sort of way but realized prayer is meant to influence my actions and my thoughts not his. It's better to have feeling without words than have words without any feelings.I have pushed aside the many voices that question my goodness and anxiously await the voice of blessing.

I remember the moment I really truly knew my child was an addict. It's like having someone punch you in the stomach. You're never the same from the second you find out. Many mothers immediately beat up on themselves when they learn their children are battling addiction. I sure did I was like in the ring like Rocky....ding ding ding.....and then I was knocked out! And to the moms and dads whose children are battling this, who are experiencing this anguish, love your child, but you can’t make this all better. Seek help. Don’t go through it alone. I know what it’s like to have your mind clouded; to turn into a functioning zombie.

To anyone whose heart is broken today because of addiction, or feels like it’s never going to be better, and it’s never going to end, if you need someone else’s hope to lean on, you can lean on mine. Change is possible, even in the gripping plague of addiction. The Savior can help you, and His atonement can heal the worst pain.

I recently turned 50 and I don't know if it's old age or early Alzheimer’s, but I can't hold a thought for more than a second I mean it's not unusual to find the Cheerio's in the fridge or the milk in the cupboard in my house. I have found that laughter has gotten me through so many things. There is no better cure for a bad mood than laughter. Not just a little giggle, but side-splitting, milk-coming-out-of-your nose, hard-to-breath laughter. It’s like having an emotional colonic. Cleans out all of the stuff and purifies the soul. It’s hard not to feel better after a convulsion of hysterical laughter. It sure beats the crying and depression, which I have been quite familiar with in the last year. Thank you for taking the time to read my heart. You all get a hug! ....Now I feel like Oprah....You get a hug and you get a hug...etc...etc

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