There is no middle!

in #addiction6 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time in a far, far away land there lived a beautiful princess and....WAIT...REWIND...START AGAIN!


My daughter is out of Jail, and I am praying for a new life for her. This is the fork in the road. She is in Florida and I don't like the fact that I really do not know whats going on and when I ask her what her plan or goal is, I don't think she even knows. I mean I thought the goal here is for her to get her life to a place that she can be a mother to Tristan and they can be together? Right? I can not see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet, but I do have hope. I know it is hard to talk to the addicted loved one at times but I find that if you show you care through your behavior – always act with kindness and compassion. This is the elusive secret ingredient to successful interaction with a person who has an addiction. Addiction is so stigmatized in our society, that people who have addictions expect others to criticize, insult, and belittle them, and for friends and family to reject them. By accepting them - even if you don't accept all of their behavior, you can start to build bridges to forgiveness and recovery.

I am tired- Physically, emotionally, spiritually, tired. It’s not just a lack of sleep type of tired it’s a I left my brain somewhere in 2015 and it hasn’t found its way back to my body kind of tired. When I’m depressed, I can’t handle everyday life well. I have many days when I am really sad. I wake up down and dragging. I am extremely irritable and everything sets me off. No matter how hard I try, somedays I can’t just snap out of it. There is a constant feeling of fighting against everything.


At this point in my “sh** happens” plan, I realize that I am not the only person in the world that is dealing with this. I am not alone. We all have baggage we’re dealing with – it’s how we deal with that baggage that makes us who we are. I am thankful to be able to vent or I would have no choice but to climb a mountain and yell profanities at the top of my lungs or beat the crap out of a pillow:) Sitting around feeling sorry for myself and playing the “woe is me” card certainly might make me feel better temporarily, but it’s freaking useless in the long run. Time to get creative! All in or all out. There is no middle. Once you decide to do something, you do whatever it takes to make it work, because going all in means every piece of your heart is invested. Does that leave you vulnerable to get hurt, putting your neck on the line knowing that things might not work out? Of course it does. But why would you ever do anything halfway? Why would you let the fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of anything, keep you from diving all in? What exists on the other side of your fear could be so much greater than any anxiety you feel, so there is no excuse to hold back. You can’t say “heck yes” to everything, but when you do decide to go forward into what really matters, don’t hold anything back.

Pictures are Original- something I dabble in and, I thank you for reading my post.

Thank you for stopping by @gails-word-syrup.jpg


It's either black or white, yes or no answer. There is no maybe which I agree with your point. There is no middle.

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