Investigations swirling around Adam Schiff and the arrested Democrat donor Ed Buck! Do you suppose we will get closer to a certain port? Long Beach or even the Standard Hotel? Schiff Territory!

in #adamschiff5 years ago (edited)

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Buck was arrested last month after a nearly-dead man escaped from Buck’s home after Buck allegedly plied him with meth.

According to SGT Report, Gray's Economy and True Pundit,

Attorney General William Barr’s Department of Justice is looking into Rep. Adam Schiff’s relationship with Ed Buck, a the millionaire Democratic donor.

Buck was arrested and charged by federal grand jury earlier this month in the deaths of two homeless men who overdosed on methamphetamine given to them allegedly by Buck, 55.

Buck is charged with luring homeless men to his West Hollywood home with the drugs in order to have the men performed sexual favors for him.

The Schiff probe, according to a report by Larry Nichols — the consumate Democratic DC insider — telling True Pundit, is looking at the cozy relationship between Buck and the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

“(Attorney General William) Barr is looking into why Adam Schiff was at Buck’s place 16 times,” said Nichols. “The reason Barr is obligated to look into Adam Schiff, and the fact that he was there 16 times, is because as a member of Congress if he saw at his time at Buck’s any illegal activity, he is obligated by law to report it.

“And if he didn’t report it, then he is guilty of a crime,” Nichols added.

The Justice Department had no comment on the matter.

Buck is a high-profile, millionaire Democratic benefactor who has contributed and bundled large amounts of cash to Democrats including Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and the list goes on and on. Buck was arrested last month after a nearly-dead man escaped from Buck’s home after Buck allegedly plied him with meth.

Larry Nichols is the consumate DC insider and operator. In fact, Bill Clinton in his biography described Nichols as a dangerous man. Clinton would know because Nichols spearheaded many of Clinton’s political black-bag Ops in Arkansas and Washington D.C for the Clinton cartel and beyond before he turned whistleblower.

Nichols revealed on his weekly news show on CrowdSource the Truth that federal agents have traced Congressman Schiff at Buck’s drug mansion over a dozen times. And now they want to know what Schiff was doing there.

“(Attorney General William) Barr is looking into why Adam Schiff was at Buck’s place 16 times,” said insider Larry Nichols. “The reason Barr is obligated to look into Adam Schiff, and the fact that he was there 16 times, is. . .
because as a member of Congress if he saw at his time at Buck’s any illegal activity, he is obligated by law to report it.

“And if he didn’t report it, then he is guilty of a crime.”

Two men previously died at Buck’s mansion from drug overdoses but Buck was never charged by Los Angeles Police. Finally, Buck was charged in Sept. with running a drug house and doping up victims and then allegedly acting out his twisted sexual fantasies on the incapacitated victims, according to prosecutors.

Buck targeted homeless men, according to prosecutors.

Authorities arrived at Buck's residence after Moore's death.

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Another young guy trying to come up to Buck's apartment while deputies were still there.

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Nichols said Schiff, like Buck, is under investigation.

WATCH - Body of Gemmel Moore is Removed From Democratic Political Donor Ed Buck's Home

Buck has given hundreds of thousands of dollars of Democratic causes and candidates over the years. His Facebook page boasts dozens photos of him with everyone from presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to Governor Jerry Brown and even Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. One look at the list of political contributions from Buck to Democrats and it’s easy to see that while he may have a penchant for young Black men–that liking doesn’t extend to Black politicians of whom only one handful have received donations.

In online ads soliciting young Black gay men, Buck has referred to them as being a “6 foot n*****.” On his Facebook page he jokes with friends using the n-word.

Interesting because Hillary Clinton has made racist comments about "super predators" and other comments as seen here,
YIKES! After being called Racist - Trump Revisits Clinton's Comments About Black 'Superpredators'

"They All Look Alike" Hillary Clinton On Black People #RacistHillary

Many democrats who received donations from Buck would not come out and utter a word about Moore's death. This politician did.

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According to Jasmyne Cannick

All that talk from Democrats about being allies and at edge of each other’s battles goes out the door and loses all credibility when in 2017, a Black gay man can die under more than suspicious circumstances and rather than acknowledge his death–everyone looks the other because they don’t want to alienate a consistent and top-giving political donor.

The Ed Bucks of the world win when their money can literally mute an entire political party and it sends a message to victims that their lives are expendable and aren’t worth the bother.

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Mentioned Ed Buck some time ago when discussing the Standard Hotel (think Adam Schiff) and the port over there in Long Beach. Remember those military exercises in which a target was carried out from the Guatemalan House of Culture right there next to Girraridi's law offices (Allison Mack of Nexium's attorney)?

Will put some connector articles. First mentions Ed Buck connection scroll about halfway down to see the Buck info.

Rachel Chandler's Background, Connections to NEXIVM, Standard Hotel, Marina Abramovich, modeling agencies, Epstein, Symbolism and Darkness

People connected to Rachel Chandler and their agenda of moral decay, counter culture. The boundaries they are trying to break down

History of Rachel Chandler's family, building of the Port in Long beach, Epstein Connections, Celebrity pedogate and a secret service agent

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Q latest drops breakdown Helicopter Crash their connections, Why Schiff is so shifty on memo

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