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RE: How To Start Kokesh's "Domino Effect of Localization"

in #adamkokesh6 years ago

That's how we build upon Samuel E. Konkan 3rds vision of the Agora. Small communities grow into large bubbles that eventually get so big that they begin to overlap. Then it's just small communities of statism that will be shrinking away. No shots fired, just a melting away of statest influence. I see you've picked a couple big names to help out.


Yes, something akin to Konkan or Robert Nozick. Minarchist communities could work. It's basically a return to the agora of the Greek polis. There's really nothing new under the sun.
At this point, we need to do something soon to get our government back. They are doing everything possible to start WW3 and force both Russia and China's hand. All this meddling in Syria has nothing to do with the claims they're making.

It sounds good but, I do not want to "get our government back". I want to end slavery which more " government". The Agora has no place for the state. We're all adults here & we don't need 'em. So long as the minarchy is based on voluntary association & people can choose to participate or no, then I'm all in. However, if the state pretends to have conscripted authority then, it's illegitimate & should be resisted to the fullest extent & capabilities of the population.

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