Shootout at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Parkland 🔫👨‍🎓👩‍🎓

in #actuality7 years ago (edited)

Shootout at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Parkland


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The Parkland Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is located approximately 70 km north of Miami. This high school was the scene of a bloody shootout this Wednesday afternoon.

A 19-year-old former student opened fire and killed at least 17 people at the school, which has several thousand students, according to the first official report given by Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel at a conference held in Toronto.
Wednesday evening, 12 people died in the building itself and three others were outside and two other victims died in the hospital. Fourteen wounded were taken to the hospital.

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Shortly before the end of classes on Wednesday, the gunman broke into the school armed with an AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle. He set off the fire alarm that caused panic among the students and teachers who fled as emergency vehicles and police arrived.

According to the explanations of the authorities, the author of the shooting is a former student of the establishment, a young man of 19 years named Nikolaus Cruz. He had been dismissed from the institution for disciplinary reasons.
He had previously posted on social networks very alarming messages.

The shooter surrendered without resistance to the police.

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Remember Columbine's shooting

The Columbine Shootout is a school killings that occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School in Columbine near the town of Littleton, Jefferson County, Colorado, in the United States. United. Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, killed twelve students and a teacher, and injured more or less seriously twenty-four other students, three of whom were trying to flee. Harris and Klebold committed suicide after the shooting, making it the fifth-most deadly massacre at a school in the United States after the Bath Consolidated School bombing in 1927, the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007 , the killing of Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 and the massacre of the University of Texas in 1966. On the other hand, it is the most lethal shootout in a high school.

This massacre caused a great stir in the United States and created a social psychosis about terrorism, gun control laws, the availability of firearms, school safety and the impact of video games, music and movies. Numerous films, books or music have staged or inspired the Columbine massacre, including Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine documentary, Gus Van Sant's Elephant, and Nightwish on The Kinslayer. from the album Wishmaster.

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At 11:10 am on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold arrive at Columbine High School in two different cars. They park in two different car parks on non-reserved sites. They equip themselves and join soon after. While Eric unloads the sports bags from his car, a student, Brooks Brown, who was the source of the Harris complaint following death threats, spots Eric Harris and tries to chat with him. . Eric says, "Brooks, I like you now. Get out of here. Go home.
Eric and Dylan are posted in two strategic points offering a good view of the university cafeteria and controlling the two main outings.

At 11:14 am, a bomb placed in a field 800 m from the school exploded as planned. The goal was to create a diversion and mobilize firefighters and police at this time. Firefighters quickly manage to extinguish the fire created by the explosion. Harris and Klebold then enter the institution's cafeteria to place two 9-kg propane tanks, each supposedly exploding at 11:17 am.

The cafeteria surveillance video did not record that moment operator is now changing the band. Once the charges, concealed in large bags, placed, Harris and Klebold stand out and resume their respective places near their cars. The explosives are powerful enough to destroy the cafeteria, or even to collapse the library on the first floor. Harris and Klebold plan to keep the outings to eliminate the surviving students who try to escape.

At 11:17 am, the bombs in the cafeteria had not exploded, so Harris and Klebold got into their cars to dress in black coats and collect their assault rifles. They then head for the stairs to the west entrance which is the highest point of the campus.


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At 11:19, a witness heard Eric Harris shout "Go! Go! ". The two teenagers open fire and shoot at Rachel Scott and Richard Castaldo, who are having lunch sitting on a grassy mound next to the west entrance to the school. Scott is killed, Castaldo is seriously injured. Nobody knows who started shooting or who killed Scott. Eric then removes his coat, pulls out his 9 mm semi-automatic and fires a group of three students towards the west staircase.

Then they shoot at students sitting in the grass to the south.
Klebold then descends the stairs towards the cafeteria, he pulls one more time on a student seriously wounding him. He then goes to another student who crawls down the stairs and shoots him in the back at close range, killing him. He then goes to the cafeteria, certainly to see why the propane bombs did not explode. Meanwhile, Harris shoots several students trying to escape. After a few seconds, Klebold goes up the stairs and rejoins Harris.

A visual arts teacher, Patti Nielson, thinking that Harris and Klebold were shooting an amateur video, walks over to them with a student and challenges them to stop them. Harris pulls in the direction of Patti Nielson, who is injured by shards of glass, she manages to take refuge in the library, where she manages to police the police.

At 11:24, a first police officer quickly arrives at the scene and fires with Harris and Klebold. The alert is then given and the authorities, although outdated as shown by the recordings of their radio exchanges, know that a shooting was underway in Columbine High School. When the officer runs out of ammo, Harris and Klebold enter the school and head to the cafeteria as they cross the corridors, shooting at those they meet without distinction. They kill a student who was trying to warn others in the library.

At 11:29, the two students enter the library where 52 students and 2 teachers, including teacher Patti Nielson, are hiding under the tables. Harris yells "Get up! ".

The two students shoot at the students hidden under the tables, chat with some of them before slaughtering them or letting them go like John Savage, a friend of Dylan, whom he shouts to leave or Cassie Bernall to whom Eric would have asked: "Do you believe in God?", The girl would then have answered that she believed in it. Eric then shoots, killing her instantly; the recoil of the weapon breaks his nose. They commit in this place the greatest number of victims: 10 students perish in 7 minutes.

They also launch several bombs, although many of them are not functional. They then evoke the idea of starting to stab students to pigmenter things.

At 11:42, the two students left the library, probably because of Harris's bleeding nose, ending the massacre. They go to the cafeteria they vandalize and wander the corridors of the establishment, terrorizing students hidden in their classrooms or toilets by threatening them with death but without using their weapons again.

At 12.00, the two murderers then return to the library where all the victims, except two wounded, fled. After a few exchanging shots with the police outside, they committed suicide at 12:08 with a pistol bullet in the head for Klebold and a shotgun bullet in the mouth for Harris.

Two intervention teams enter the school at 1:09 pm; they move from class to class, discovering hidden students and teachers. All students, teachers, and school staff were taken out, interrogated, and treated before being transferred by bus. The police found the bodies of the library at 3:30 pm

At 4:00 pm, the sheriff made an initial estimate of 25 dead students and teachers. At 4:30 pm the school was declared safe. However, at 5:30 pm, additional officers were called because explosives were found in Klebold's car in the parking lot. The sheriff decided to place the whole school as a crime scene. Thirteen dead, including the shooters, were still inside the school.

At 10:45 pm, the car bomb exploded when a policeman tried to defuse it. The car was damaged, but nobody was hurt.

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How awful !! How teenagers can kill young students in cold blood without any compassion. It's cold in the back !!


When a human is killed whole humanity dies.. it so sad to see the state of human thinking where it has reached. This is utterly disgrace to whole human faternity. We should always stand together in these moments of tragedy and grief. Never ever blame a particular belief or community for the act done by a person who no longer has humanity alive in his conscious. No parent will want his din to do this act. Even how bad they are, everyone want their miss to be the best ones' . Its just unfortunate some get misled, and in their dress we as collective conscious of society are also responsible because we sometimes make it so tough for an individual to survive that in fir of that moment he gets carried away with his state of mind. stay together we can only survive than as humans

oh god help

Hi @lndesta120282
I read the news today about what happened, it's a terrible tragedy.
America unfortunately not for the first time suffers from such actions of inadequate people. It is difficult to imagine what is happening in the head of this person who cold-bloodedly kills students.
The main problem is the general availability of firearms. Practice shows that this is unacceptable.
Condolences to the families of the deceased

Important question I wish you would have addressed in your very well written post.

Was the cause of this:

  • The weapon used
  • Or the person who did it

...because anti-gun groups like to believe that the gun used was the cause of this and not the person.

What do you think?

I think it's the gun and the man with psychological problems

Nice post thanks for sharing...DQmYmvv1KyFHq3f9MHnHYRwTUnDCkxoZMyzcTi1VmVwasju_1680x8400.jpg

People have become educated but have not human
Its so sad for all listener Thanks for sharing this with us

Oh this is so uncertain

this is so uncertain

sad story feeling sorrow at this bad news how can a man do like this act?

God, why? really pity the victim