Dr. Heikal Discusses About Business Ethics at Universitas Samudera Langsa | Dr Heikal Bahas Etika Bisnis di Universitas Samudera Langsa

in #actnearn5 years ago

Dr Mohd Heikal.jpg

Visiting lecturers activities are part of the implementation of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Malikussaleh with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Samudera Langsa University.

Head of the FEB Unimal Management Study Program Dr. H Mohd Heikal in the odd semester 2019/2020 was determined to be one of the visiting lecturers at Unsam for Business Ethics. This activity will be carried out by other study program lecturers from the faculties of the two universities later.

When delivering lecture material at Unsam, Wednesday (09/18/2019), Heikal said Business Ethics for semester V students in undergraduate strata globally began to be taught in world business schools since the 1980s. Business cases such as Enron in 1993 and also the Lehman Brothers case in 2009 and the Bre-X case related to Busang gold in 1993. These are discussed in this course besides the discussion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The issue of corporate social responsibility, including areas that are very controlled by Heikal because it was once part of the CSR of a large global oil and gas company.

"In the future, not only visiting lecturers will be realized from the FEB Unimal MoU and FEB Unsam, but also joint research and community service to empower the local potential of the community which is economically very likely to be mass produced and has a very large market share," said Dr. Heikal.***

Dr Heikal Bahas Soal Etika Bisnis di Universitas Samudra Langsa

Kegiatan visiting lecturers adalah bagian dari implementasi nota kesepahaman (MoU) antara Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Malikussaleh dengan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Samudera Langsa.

Ketua Program Studi Manajemen FEB Unimal Dr H Mohd Heikal dalam semester gasal 2019/2020 ini ditetapkan menjadi salah seorang visiting lecturers di Unsam untuk mata kuliah Etika Bisnis. Kegiatan ini akan dilakukan oleh dosen prodi lainnya dari fakultas kedua universitas ini nantinya.

Ketika menyampaikan materi kuliah di Unsam, Rabu (18/9/2019), Heikal mengatakan Etika Bisnis bagi mahasiswa semester V pada strata S1 secara global mulai diajarkan di sekolah bisnis dunia sejak 1980-an. Kasus-kasus bisnis seperti Enron di tahun 1993 dan juga kasus Lehman Brothers pada tahun 2009 serta kasus Bre-X terkait dengan emas Busang pada 1993. menjadi hal yang dibahas dalam mata kuliah ini disamping pembahasan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Masalah tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, termasuk bidang yang sangat dikuasai Heikal sebab pernah menjadi bagian dari CSR sebuah perusahaan migas besar dunia.

“Ke depan tidak hanya visiting lecturer yang akan direalisasikan dari MoU FEB Unimal dan FEB Unsam, tapi juga penelitian bersama serta pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk memberdayakan potensi lokal masyarakat yang secara ekonomis sangat mungkin diproduksi secara massal dan memiliki pangsa pasar yang sangat besar,” papar Dr Heikal.***


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