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RE: Monetize Your Social Media Channels with ActnEarn SMT : Action # 32

in #actnearn6 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the explanation! It somewhat confirmed my observations.

In other words, you are preparing a tool, no, or rather, a Steem-based platform, which purpose is to use Steem in a completely automated way as a pay-for-work transaction system (you post comment, I autoupvote you, you get paid).

You'll be paying out to people who could otherwise engage in Steem and post new material, but instead they'll go elsewhere and post more or less mindless copies of other posts to promote 3rd party sites and services, and go back to Steem probably only to drop a link in comments to get paid?

You are effectively building a Steem-based human-powered ad-spam botnet, seriously no offence intended here, but it's a bit like this :)

I'm worried about the assumptions you are making in points 1-2-3..

Point 1, yes, they will join here, but I doubt they will do here anything other than dropping automated comments. They will be paid for activity outside so if they have free time, they will be building their activity outside, to get paid more here.

Point 2 yes, probably you are right.

Point 3, no, it'd be service of outsiders registered here to get paid for the service.

I'm totally aware that there's a lot of retweet/newsrings/reposters/pingbacks/etc on all other sites as well. Most of the internet 'viral' promotion or 'influencers' is about pushing content via various channels to get to as many people as possible, this is well, definition of "promotion" or "advertising"... so oh well, whetever, half of the 'social' in 'media' is about passing the links further down your friends and followers anyways..

Keep the good work if you think it will benefit anyone, 頑張ってand all, but please, let's be honest: it is not about intended intent, but final observable effect, and my, if these comments like here will proliferate, it will be un-commentable /un-readable by other normal steemians, don't you agree? :)

It would be great if you found out a way to hide that technical-payment messages from normal users browsing steem channels.. Although, I do not know the internals of steem enough to know if it's possible at all.


Thank you for your observations.

We think once we get the users here and if there are many more interesting projects than this one for them then we are sure they will interact. It will depend what steem will have.

People can be paid directly without asking them to comment here with bit of involved coding. Which we can explore if we see it is gaining momentum.

But major point here to show these links is to be verifiable on blockchain for any audit later on by any party that may have stake in the system.

Another point we are assuming is when SMTs are enabled then the posts like ours will only be visible to only our community.

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