The Eatles... (Sgt. Pepperspray)

in #activism7 years ago (edited)

Eatles Cover (Front).jpg

Welcome to The Eatles 101, a basic primer for all who wish to catch up on current events from a parallel universe... That is where The Eatles come from, some earth exactly like ours, except over there Monsanto was banned and GMO foods eradicated...

These songs come to us because of the quantum computer email server dump at Dwikileaks... Just call it a Mandela Effect parody genre and you will be as confused as everyone else! But if you take the time to dive into a few of these songs, you might discover a brand new way to look at the horrible food crises that we face in our own universe...

Modified Fields Forever...

Let me wake you now, ‘cuz I'm going to Modified Fields…
Round-Up is real, and something to get hung about…
Modified Fields forever…

Living is easy with mouth closed… Mistrusting all the food you see…
It's hard to microchip someone, but not their meal… I’m afraid to wait and see…
Let me wake you now, ‘cuz I'm going to Modified Fields…
Molotov Cocktail… Monsanto to get hung about…
Modified Fields for never…

GMO, I think, is in my tree… I mean it must be R&D…
Aluminum-resistant seed technology… Will make a desert out of me…
Let me take your frown, ‘cuz I'm going to Modified Fields…
Rebellion is real and nothing to get hung about…
Modified Fields for never…

Cross-pollination, sometimes, think it's me… But you know I know it was the bees…
When they’re gone, it won’t be long till we’re all wrong… Extinct to high heaven, you’ll see…
Let me shake you up, ‘cuz I'm going to Modified Fields…
That food’s not real, it’s something to get hungry about
Modified Fields forever… Modified Fields for never… Modified Fields for never…

As you can see, The Eatles are not holding anything back... They have weaponized their songs into a new way to get the word out... A way to laugh at the fact that Monsanto is killing us, and that the governments of the world is allowing it... That is what this next one is about, all the FED agencies out to get you...

With A Little Hell From The FEDS...

What would you think if I sang out the truth? Would you stand up and block me online?
Label your ears and I'll boycott the corn… And we'll try to not dine Frankenstein…
Oh, but don’t try to get help from the feds… Mm, say goodbye to any help from the feds…
Mm, gonna die with a little help from the feds…

What do I do when my lunch is unclean? (Does it worry you, to eat a clone?)
Monsanto Protection Act of 2013? (Are you sad because you're on your own?)
Yeah, but don’t try to get help from the feds… Mm, say goodbye to any help from the feds…
Mm, gonna die with a little help from the feds…
(Could it be Clarence Thomas?) who worked for Monsanto before…
(Could it be Michael Taylor?) Back and forth revolving door…

(Would you believe government oversight?) Yes I'm certain that he campaigns all the time…
(What do you eat when you veto the bite?) I can't tell you, but I know it's no crime…
Oh, but don’t try to get help from the feds… Mm, food supply with no help from the feds…
Oh, gonna die with a little help from the feds…

(Do you need USDA?) I just need something for lunch… (Could it be FDA?) I want somebody to punch…

Oh, but don’t try to get help from the feds… Mm, gonna cry with a little help from the feds…
Oh, gonna die with a little help from the feds… Yes, say goodbye with a little help from the feds…
With a little help from the feds…

At this point I realized the reason I am doing this post... LOL! Last week a member of the EU Parliament tweeted one of these songs by The Eatles... Then another Parliament member did likewise... It was strange, to see actual world politics focused on this quirky little FU that I had recorded onto karaoke soundtracks... It was so LULZ!!!

Click here to go read about that and come right back...

Here is the song they tweeted, I hope they learned something!

Glyphosate, all my other troubles, they can wait…
I got problems on my dinner plate…
Because I ate some glyphosate…

Suddenly, I've been modified genetically…
There's a cancer hanging over me...
And glyphosate sterility…

Why they had to grow GMO they wouldn't say…
I ate something wrong, now my song is glyphosate...

Glyphosate… Not the herbicide it claims to be...
Now there’s Round-Up in my family tree...
Cuz’ they believed in glyphosate…
Why they had to grow GMO I couldn't say…
Don’t eat something wrong, or your song is glyphosate...
Glyphosate… I got problems on my dinner plate…
(And) all my friends will suffer this same fate…
If they believe in glyphosate…

What do you think of EU Parliament learning about Monsanto from my songs? LOL! I hope it starts a grassroots revolution, and not the Round-Up Ready kind!!!

Next up is another new video I made this year... A Day In The Leaf... One key takeaway with this one is the last verse about Whole Foods Market, and their promise to have all GMO foods labels as such by 2018... It is now 2018 and I call bullshit! I am ready to start shopping in a hazmat suit and video taping it, just to fucking make them know they failed me... Don't lie to artists, you corporate idiots! We will paint sphincters over your mouths!! hahaha, that felt good... Here is the song...

A Day In The Leaf…
I read the clues today oh boy… About a lucky firm who made the food…
And though the ruse was rather sweet… Well I just had to tweet… About the sugar-beet…
They pulled the plants up from the ground… Hard not to notice that the genes had changed…
A crowd of farmers stood and stared… They'd heard these lies before…
Nobody was really sure if he was from the FDA…
I saw a documentary… Genetic Roulette had just been released…
The mainstream media turned away… But I just had to look… Because I have to cook…
My grub would turn you on…

Woke up, fell out of sync… Honeycomb is on the brink…
Found that Monsanto is killing bees, and electromagnetic frequencies…
Found my mask and grabbed my hive… Saved the queen, kept her alive…
Neonicotinoids should be banned… With no pollinators, famine in the land…

I read the blogs today, oh boy… Two-thousand-eighteen Whole Foods Marketing…
And though the Whole Foods tales were tall… They had try and stall…
Now we know how long it takes for Whole Foods to label all…
Their grub could turn you off…

Last one tonight, unless I drop more in the comments... This is called, 'Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Gates' from the Sgt. Pepperspray album... It focuses on the billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, whose vaccines have killed and paralyzed thousands in undeveloped countries... His father was the head of Planned Parenthood, which is Eugenics in Sheep's clothing... On top of all that, he bought a colossal chunk of Monsanto stock... He is no savior... He is nearly an anti-christ except he had that pie in the face GIF way back, and the AntiChrist would never allow that... Here is the song!

For the benefit of Mr. Gates, there will be a twist of fates 2013…
The Globalists will all be there, and now Monsanto’s everywhere, like his vaccine…
Over my dead body… Illuminati… Follow the money to the hell fire…
With his traits, Mr. Gates will challenge the world!

The celebrated Mr. Gates, the federal court investigates… Monsanto-gate!
The activists will demonstrate, but Mr. Gates is never late to vaccinate…
And the FDA assures the public mass-production will be second to none…
And of course, reinforced with a gun!

Population down to five hundred million left alive, to push around…
And Mr. Gates manipulates to keep organic on his plates, grown underground…
Having been some years in preparation, genocide is guaranteed for all…
And to date, Mr. Gates is playing softkill…

On Friday afternoon I will appear on @msp-waves radio, to discuss the EU Parliament tweets and also out-of-the-box activism... Please tune in at 4pm Central Standard Time, on Friday the 9th of February... Here is the invite link to the radio room:

Also, the good folks at @curie should help me save the food supply from evil Monsanto... Help me, Obi Whale Kenobi, you're our only hope!

If you have any questions like how can I further support The Eatles, or Artists Against Monsanto, drop a comment down below and we can definitely use more people with more ideas... I could have ideas all day long but it wouldn't help unless someone tried to implement them... I am not the best group person, since I produce so much on my own... But I think of these as tools I am putting into your hands, to do with as you are called... In the right circumstances they would ignite a massive wildfire that burns all poisoned crops to the ground...

I think I will call on @antimedia as well, since we have discovered each other on steemit... Nick from Anti-Media has worked for years to undermine and oversee true change and hilarious art and memes... RT News has interviewed him about viral posting on social media... I don't know if you remember my stuff from Artists Against Monsanto, but I also worked with you and Tammi at the big March Against Monsanto page in 2013... Let's partner and save this planet...

Everyone else, vote, resteem, tell your kids their candy is poison... Call your senator, call a hit squad... Whatever it takes to clean our food chain...

Mouthful copy.jpg

All you need is grub...


what the hell is going on here? oO

It takes a few minutes to reorient when coming through one of Rick Sanchez's portals... Welcome to my enigmatic save-the-universe dimension, where mandela effect is an audio plug-in we use when we record what should have been!!! Get on the spectrum! LOL...

I look to feature this today on @disarrangedJane's CHAOS show on @msp-waves.
If you're around, you may come on air if you wish as the Steemian Post of the week.

Absolutely, Globo!! Thanks from all the stomachs on earth! I am currently scrambling to find a room in Denver to rent, for when I move back there next week... Once I get settled I plan on more activism, like shopping for my groceries in my hazmat suits and organically interviewing folks there... And so many at MSP are genuinely interested in doing life differently than the corporate-lobbied status quo...

I will DM you on discord for details! Thanks again...

So Eatles is like Beatles but without the clone Phaul? 😎

Yes, Apostle Paul McCartney was cloned in the parallel universe as well!! But the funny thing about that is, if they WERE clones then they played bass better than the REAL Paul!!! I mean, that song 'Healthcare Skelter' basically started heavy metal, right? LOL...

Healthcare Skelter....jpg

According to ancient Beatles conspiracy theorists Paul was cloned or replaced by Phaul right after the time of that recording in 1969... lol 😎
(cool drawing by the way).

I appreciate your work and thank you for trying to open people up to the truth.

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