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RE: Let's talk about dolphins, shall we?

in #activism6 years ago

I used to work at Discovery Cove and it's not true that the dolphins there were captured violently. Most are born at SeaWorld to mothers who were rescued and deemed not fit to be returned to the wild. And I'm not sure I'd describe the food incentive provided to draw dolphins to swim with humans as "coercion." The dolphins at Discovery Cove don't perform unless they decide to do so, and yes, occasionally a dolphin chooses not to. But like dogs, they enjoy learning the tricks and they enjoy the treats. They perform very little each day, and I often watched them playing with each other and their toys when they were off duty.


Do they enjoy being confined in chlorine tanks? I don't think matter where they were born. The point is it's a selfish act to hold an animal in a confined space and have it perform tricks for humans. You even used the words "off duty". Why does a dolphin have to have duties to perform? It's not something the animal would choose to do. Any other explanation is an excuse we, as humans make for ourselves to avoid feeling bad about it...

Evidence suggests the dolphins prefer staying with the pods they're born into than to have the offspring separated from their mothers, who can't return to the wild. And again, they aren't forced to perform their duties. Are you opposed to teaching dogs tricks? Herding sheep? I don't know how you can substantiate your claim that dolphins would not choose to do these things. They choose to perform or not at Discovery Cove, as I stated.

The thing that I am seeing here, is that there are those that have been captured because of injury. Mothers as you have stated. And then the babies are born in captivity. Even though things may be different at Discovery Cove, the problem still lies within.
Humans believe that we should capture animals that have been wounded without thinking that nature will take its course. They do not need our help if they get hurt. We are the ones hurting them.
If they get hurt because of a predator, so be it. Circle of life.
Now I agree to help heal the wounded only in the case where the animal can go back to the wild. Not keep it.

Now see, I am sensing, a bit, that you feel like you have to defend yourself and the company by using other animals as an example. Dogs are domesticated animals. And without humans, they become dangerous and also struggle to survive. Not to be mixed with wolves. Sheep do what they do everyday in the fields with or without a herder. They are not dipped in chlorine and fed something dead to survive.

You fail to see the many points here. Dolphins do love to play, but they were already doing it without humans. Let nature be, let it live the way they are meant to. We need to stop budding in and being destructive. That is what needs to be seen.

I'm not opposed to teaching my dogs commands such as "sit" or come here" because it''s necessary for the well being of the dog and the owner, but I am opposed to teaching dogs tricks and make them perform in a circus in front of a crowd on a daily basis. For me it's the exact same thing. Although, I don't consider a dolphin a domestic animal like a dog.

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