First Time they see you on the Battlefield.

in #activism8 years ago

I am one of those crazies that believes that the USA has been a NAZI regime since the late 1800's. First clues were the invasions of Cuba, Philippines and Puerto Rico. It was cemented in 1908 as Wilson became President and reached a climax during the reign of FDR in the 1930's. Both parties have pushed this line.
So, what does it take for an "invisible" group to be allowed to be recognized as part of humanity?
Well; for example, Black folk. To shake the system hard enough for this to happen it took 620 thousand dead. The American Civil War. I believe this event only meant " holy bleep these may be people!" It was the starting point. The day the country saw them for the first time. The battles were yet to come. To this day Black freedom is not fully achieved. As long as they are treated differently, as long as roadblocks are placed in the path of the people; there is no true full freedom.
Another example is the LGBTQ community. We locked them in the closet. Invisible. It took a Holocaust level event ( the AIDS epidemic) and the death of approximately 35 million people to shame the USA into admitting these people actually exist. But it was also the event that galvanized the activist community to win the first battles. It was the first time we realized they were standing on the battlefield. Many decades of WAR lie ahead.

All I am pointing out is the intensity of events required to defeat a powerful NAZI regime.


change the word "nazi" to "globalizt" and you got a date with one of these snowflakes

Well at least you're honest about being a total nutcase.

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