I will share some English sentences to you everyday

in #actifit5 years ago

1.Why does everyone keep fixating on that? 为什么总是提这件事

2.They seemed to take it pretty well.  他们对这件事很淡定

3.I got really freaked out / You rellay freaked me out 我吓傻了

4.She was remained that when it came to men, women don't fight fair. 她想到,对男人来说,女人之间没有公平竞争

5.You remained me of my dad when you say that.在你说这个事情的时候让我想起了我父亲

6.See?Now this is what a marriage is all about - compromise 看到了吧?婚姻的真谛就是-妥协

7.great management is all about inspiring employees.好的管理在于激励员工

8.How do you think it makes me feel that when you say "it's ok" in that sullen tone. 当你敷衍的说了句“好吧”的时候有想过我的感受吗?

9.His daughter stared back at him with an expression of sullen resentment.他的女儿满脸不高兴的回头看了他一眼

10.This is a "dear diary" moment.这真是一个值得记在日记本上的珍贵时刻

11.What are you up to tonight / How about hanging out with me tonight? 今晚你打算做什么/今晚出来跟我一起玩呗?

12.I have no idea  我不知道

13. We have no idea about how to persuade him to give up the thought.我们不知道怎么样说服他放弃他的想法

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