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RE: My Actifit Report Card: March 4 2019

in #actifit5 years ago

Aww thank you 😀 you’ll never guess what, I found my spare pair of headphones and they broke almost instantly haha, then I fixed my bike seat and my pedal fell off whilst I was riding it 😜 Haha! Thanks so much for the reiki hugs I need them and have absorbed them 😀🌅


Ohh noo... My day today has been kinda like that..not sure If Its mercury rx or I've been hacked lol but when im out walking the volume on my music keeps getting turned down lol like i even stopped to look and saw the volume going down. I battled it a few times but resistance proved futile lol i hope things are coming along better now for you 🙏 always a pleasure to share the reiki love my friend 💯💖💖💖

Posted using Partiko Android

I sometimes think that I’ve been hacked too! Sometime quite often and I was actually just thinking about it a few hours ago...

Today has been a little better hehe, thank you :) I hope your day is just up from here 😀🌅

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