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RE: Actifit Bot Development Updates - November 9 2018

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)

I still think having a feature that allows two or more @actifit members to have a daily/weekly or monthly challenge with the opportunity to make a wager would be a great feature.

Example: Say I wanted to "challenge" you for highest step count competition today and you agree, so we enter into a smart contract that can lock up AFIT tokens (whatever the agreed upon amount) from each competitor for the challenge. At the end of the day the person who had highest step count wins the tokens.

(Or you could bet that days tokens that are going to be distributed when the competition ends and the rewards are paid by actifit kind of how you have the rewards set up for donations.. or however you would want to go about it, the details don't really matter right now).

I think that would really push a lot of people to be way more active. Having an additional challenge or bet with a friend, that actually pays you a reward if you win... That would encourage me a hell of a lot more than just bragging rights. just sayin..

And isn't that what @actifit is really all about? Getting people more excited about fitness and health by monetarily rewarding them.


yes i remember our chat from before. We do have ideas for increasing competitiveness too, the queue is just too lengthy, we will get to it ;)

Good stuff! I just wanted to give u a reminder 😉 I'm sure people have given u lots of great ideas..

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