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RE: My Actifit Ulog Garden Report Card: October 8 2018

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)

I give up the advantage of more than 5 tags and edit it on Steemit or Steampeak after publishing from the app. That way, it moves the actifit graphics down if you place your pic and text above it. We might need to suggest to allow this option from the app.

Thanks for the compliment. I am a strict smart phone photo person and have only very rudimentary editing skills - but I try :)

I see from your profile that you started the #oneloveDtube. I started posting to Dtube early on but have given pretty much up because half of the time (or more often) my uploads fail. What is your secret?


Ahh ok edit after, I wish they would implement title image placement option that’s a good idea I’ll make sure I mention that to the moderators.

I’m just one step up on you with a GoPro for level of shots taken, best investment I have made for my vlogs by far! I started with just my iPhone 6s and have slowly built out my tool shed 😉.

Yea the upload failures that was a big issue early on and mostly worked out now, I have always been pretty lucky but when I do have issues there are a few things that help depending on the error.

  • upload from pc with chrome, most other ways don’t work well
  • clear browser cache and login with private key not SteemConnect
  • make certain file is not too large 2gig limit
  • try a in-private window for chrome
  • make sure no caps in post tags
  • some people say Firefox works usually when chrome doesn’t, don’t know for sure never had to try

Sometimes it’s just a waiting thing depending on when you get the error, I know it gives no details but that’s why the timing is important.

So does your upload go through and generate hash’s? Just it says error when submitting?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I did one the other day and it went fine. But often, it just doesn't go anywhere. Don't remember all the error messages I got in the past. Good to know that chrome is better and that it is better to sign in with the key.

I will give it a try again. Someone said to upload to YouTube and then download that file. Do you do that?

I have been meaning to start uploading to YouTube but haven’t much, no I use my source files in mp4 format.

So it’s the actual upload and upload bar your having troubles with? I have had it where the bar doesn’t even show up!

It’s usually server side and must wait or a browser cache issue and must clear/try in-private window.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you. Now, I have to figure out what a private window is :) I am so behind in my tech knowledge - but working on it... Little by little :)

Right click on the tab and select in-private viewing..... it’s basically the naughty content window and doesn’t save any browsing data or use any of your stored data.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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