My Actifit Report Card: 八月 13 2018

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)

走 着 走 着 居 然 下 起 了 雨 , 还 好 走 得 快 , 及 时 到 单 位 。 这 要 是 刚 好 走 到 偏 僻 处 ,连 个 躲 雨 的 地 方 都 找 不 到。

@liuzg tracked today a total of 11201 moves/activity via Actifit Fitness Tracker.
This involved performing activity related to Walking
Download Actifit Fitness Tracker mobile app from google playstore


你好!小可可,我等着你回来~ 我等着你回来~~如果不想再收到我的留言,请回复“取消”。

Thank you for sharing your experience, knowing that i had to translate , thankfully with google translate ;) , question do you find problems when posting with ActiFit with the total number of words mentioned while using your language? And are all the words have spaces between or it isn't a must to put space between each chinese character?

I put a space between each word, which is not normal and unnecessary. But I have to add space, if there is no space, I will not be able to post successfully.

Congrats! You just reached the top level milestone via using Actifit fitness tracker and provided Proof of Activity!
You accordingly gained 100 Actifit tokens for attaining 11201 steps!
You also received an 8.40% upvote via @actifit account.

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