Salam aleykum. Axşamınız xeyir dostlar. Çətin görünsə də ilk başda, axır ki 10000 addımı keçə bildim. Deyə bilərəm ki, qəşəng yorulmuşam. Ayaqlarımı uzadıb keyfini çıxarıram yorğunluğun. Düşünürəm ki daha çox addım atmaq və aktif həyat keçirmək olar.
Congrats! You just reached the top level milestone via using Actifit fitness tracker and provided Proof of Activity!
You accordingly gained 100 Actifit tokens for attaining 10024 tracked activity!
You also received an 3.94% upvote via @actifit account.
Congratulations @kamran88n533 ! You received a 10% upvote from @kryptoniabot & @kryptonia for your task of 1500 SUP Today.
Remember to receive votes from @kryptoniabot
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Due to an increased amount of tasks, we have changed up the voting power to evenly spread out the Upvote amount.
Well done !
Congrats! You just reached the top level milestone via using Actifit fitness tracker and provided Proof of Activity!
You accordingly gained 100 Actifit tokens for attaining 10024 tracked activity!
You also received an 3.94% upvote via @actifit account.