
Ohh yeah but if they gave me their phone number i would remember that LOL

Ohh yeah but if they gave me their phone number i would remember that LOL

oh well I wouldn't even remember that, remembering their number is pretty good!

I am uncanny with remembering numbers my brain relates to numbers better than names

I envy you JJ, I'm almost dyslexic when it comes to math, thank goodness Mrs. J is really good with numbers! So you could have been an accountant!

Yes I could have been, Maths and the sciences I excelled at, my Teachers wanted me to go to University in one of those areas, but I was burnt out and decided to take a years break and think about it, just that break never ended I was a nightmare for teachers at school in some ways a top student in those subjects but I could work at the pace of the class, if they gave a book for studies I would read it in a night or a weekend and then be ready for what's next, of course the book was meant to last a few months not a few days and hence got bored in class, eventually three of my teaches just gave me a book and said go ahead at your own pace which worked well for everyone but by the time I passed the University Entrance exams which I breezed through so much so on one of my subjects where I got 98% I went for a recount which was corrected to 99% :) but I wandered off basically if I had gone to University then I would have bene ahead of the rest of the students and ended up getting in trouble again so I decided to work for a bit

I don't regret that choice though as I am happy with the path my life has taken to this point

lol! that is amazing and hilarious at the same time! I guess they didn't have special classes or anything for gifted students back in prehistoric times!
The funniest part was that they recounted the test because they thought no one could score 98% and it came back 99%! lol.

Ohh no one class for all back then and i am still the same my last course the instructor gave out the book on day one of the course I saw him in the first Break and asked if attendance was compulsory or just passing the test was all that was needed
When he said just passing the test is fine but if you don’t attend the classes the test will be very hard as I give tips on how to study and on the questions
I said ok I took the book read through it on the train Friday morning and finished it during lunch break turned up for the test on time at 1pm and handed in my paper and walked out at 1:35 the instructor popped out and called me to basically say I told you so that the test was very hard without attending the course and hence why I walked out after 35 minutes of a three hour test
I smiled and said yes your probably right I normally finish 3 hour tests in 30 minutes this one took longer LOL 😂
I passed the test easy but 3 of the 10 who did the whole course failed it!!

And not quite with the recount back then I think it costs $20 if you asked for a recount and I was sure I did better in that subject so I paid for the recount of it and two others the other two stayed the same score though
My parents thought I was nuts but they knew once I set my mind to have the recount I wouldn’t be talked out of it
And not quite with the recount back then I think it costs $20 if you asked for a recount and I was sure I did better in that subject so I paid for the recount of it and two others the other two stayed the same score though
My parents thought I was nuts but they knew once I set my mind to have the recount I wouldn’t be talked out of it

lol! totally amazing JJ! I guess if you talked about this stuff in your posts people would think you were bragging but it sure is entertaining. That last course and the teacher's response and your response to him is hilarious, I wonder what he thought when he graded it?? A three hour test in 35 minutes, it must have been huge to take people 3 hours!

How long ago was that? you mentioned the train.

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