
Still incomprehensible... It is Thursday I guess lol

Posted using Partiko Android

what the?? you still suffering from jet lag then!

Yes Lord Janton

Posted using Partiko Android

oh. Well get your act together. I'm waiting to here the truth about the Aborigines!

That will be a while, I'm going to be writing about New Zealand for the next few weeks / months / years haha

Posted using Partiko Android

what?? no one can milk a trip for THAT long!

Well, it's taken me 3 months to get to the end of my first week of the trip via the bigger blogs LJ and I was away for nearly 3 months... You do the maths... Or just carry on drinking your beer lol

Posted using Partiko Android

uh...yeah I'm not too good at math sir nickyhavey, you might have to tell it to me! But what you're sayin is pretty scary. Or good. Not sure.

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