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RE: My Actifit Report Card: December 18 2018

in #actifit5 years ago

I know that feeling all too well! I'm sorry you're getting burnt out! Even with your overwhelming schedule you still find the time to support and encourage!!! Thank for being a part of the team!!! And I do hope you get some time to yourself to rest and relax and enjoy this Christmas season with your family!!

Lots of love to you! ♥️♥️♥️


Thank You! It certainly helped, especially as I had no idea you had any sort of competition going on - I must have missed that while I was being grumpy. Anyway did a bit of retail therapy on the way home (well as much as you can do in a Supermarket) so I at least feel a bit better now I have some gifts to wrap for people - as I totally failed at that last year lol. Scented trees from the Petrol station bought on the way home Christmas Eve don't often go down to well, especially when most of the people you are giving them to don't own a car lol.

Hehehe..yes it was not really a competition... We were just trying as a group to break the 100k mark for steps

Then I told @mcfarhat about it and he was generous and offered to give the top 3 steppers upvotes!!!

So it was more of a work hard as a group and get rewarded thing hehehe

I glad that you got it as it seems you needed a little hug 🤗

We really love you @c0ff33a!!! We don't tell you often enough...but you are a light on this platform!!!

Like a slightly battered and old miners Davey lamp. Not particularly bright but incredibly useful at the most important times.

I like that :)

And "battered" means it's been loved on really well! 😍

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