Using Actifit For One Week, Everyday – How Much Did I Earned

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)

This is a post about @actifit, an app that count your steps and reward you about it. I was announced a month ago, and I started testing it and using it.



Actifit is still in early stage, but from what I experienced and the developing in the last couple of weeks it looks very promising, with real world usage, and with very noble cause …. Getting people active. They are growing fast and just in this one month they have collected a lot of steam power from delegation.
At the moment when I write this post they have around 40k of steam power delegated. Not bad at all. Then they go and vote you post with this steam power.


Actifit already have an app. It is ready to use, you just download it from the play store. It is quite basic app with not a lot of functionality, but I like it. I like simple things, it does what it need to do, monitor your activity. Maybe they can make it prettier but no need for over complicating please 😊.

I go on work by walking, and I’m doing this every day. I’m proud of this achievement of mine and was telling everyone to walk or ride a bike on they way to work. This app has just confirm my efforts and give me incentive to do more 😊

I have use their app for one week, every day, and here are the results.

How much did I earn?

Here are the value of the upvote thill today, and the summary of the week.

1July 17 201814,3500.35
2July 18 201829,3390.29
3July 19 201814,6970.35
4July 20 201811,3250.35
5July 21 201819,1300.46
6July 22 20187,5720.29
7July 23 201812,9710.54
TotalJuly 17-23 2018109,3842.63

I have been pretty active! And about the earning 2.63 is good or not, I don’t know it is quite subjective. But overall, even this small amount is a good incentive, to be more active. And seeing sometimes a post that I have put a lot of effort not earning at all, compering to this it is ok.

Actifit SMT Tokens

Apart from the earnings from upvotes, Actifit award you with tokens as well. For steps more than 10k a day it gave you 100 tokens daily, and less if you are below that. Also it gives you token for upvoting posts from the Actifit. This comes as an extra. Now I don’t now what will be the value of this tokens, when they will be tradable and when STEEM release SMT, but they can be a lot more than the upvotes.

You can check your token balance on Here is mine

Token balance.png

So 669 tokens per week. Not bad at all. Also you can delegate SP to actifit and earn 1:1 token per SP. This until the maximum cap of 100k tokens daily is achieved.

Space for improvement

You have to post about Actifit everyday, and it is the same lame post over and over again.
More customization and personal posts are needed.
I have started doing this with adding a photo from my walk, but to do this, I publish the post first with the app, and then go in Steemit, and edit add the photo. The app need to have function for adding photo, at least one.

Also, about the Title, it need to allow editing of the title in the app. Of course, promoting Actifit need to be in the title, but space for more personal title is needed. Maybe just the word Actifit to be mandatory in the title, or couple of words, that you can then adjust and add your thing.

Title editing is available in the app. So even better :) Enjoy the app.

Thank you for your time.


Nice earnings. I also downloaded actifit today.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for a nice review and congrats on all the earnings ! :)

Thank you for creating such a nice app.

Ciao @dalzphoto
the title is already totally editable.
I agree with you that posting can be more customizable but then I remind myself that is still beta
I'm sure the team will handle this too :)

Yes title editing is possible in the steemit editor, but having it in the app, as well as adding photo just makes it easier and nicer :). I know that is still in very early stage of development, and it will improve with time. Just trying to give my input in it as someone who is using it and like it.

No editable in the app too :)
i just tried ;)

Ok, thanks ... I have missed that. Will adjust the post.

Excellent post @dalzphoto. I have been using Actifit app for the last 3 days and I like it. I enjoy walking and rope jumping and this app is a great addition to what I have been doing for a long time.Am sure they will keep improving and perfecting it :)

Great review!! You are doing lot of analysis brother . That half an hour long journey seems to be very very economical lol...

Haha ... it is a win win ... :) And I try to do walking and avoid using car ... so one more motivator

I feel tempted to give it a try, just using Runtastic and a smart-watch currently whenever I move :)

Go for it :)

Really want to give this a try...just waiting for an iOS app! :)

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