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RE: Locker Room Encounters

in #actifit5 years ago

He was. Having not had any interactions with him, and having only seen him grunt and exclaim things to himself, I just assumed he was someone to avoid, and also someone who wouldn’t be able to speak English. It’s cliche but it’s true, you can’t read a book by its cover.

My image of John Malkovich is from the movie Of Mice and Men, but I Googled him too and when I saw his Wikipedia picture I finally saw the resemblance. I’ve been told that for years and I guess it’s true:-)

I even went into the hospital once for heat stroke and a male nurse kept poking his head into the room to sneak peaks of me because he thought I was John Malkovich. Finally, he came in and asked me. At the time it pissed me off because I really felt terrible and wanted treatment, but now it’s kind of funny.

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