Gratitude Lists and My Actifit Report Card: September 24 2018

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)


Some random stray cat pics.

About three weeks ago I started writing gratitude lists in the morning.

The idea came from a talk I was listening to on YouTube. In it, the man being interviewed said he was asked for advice on how his friend could change her life and get through the hard times she was facing. Though he had no idea how he would answer, he said, Of course I can help you. And then, out of nowhere, he came up with this advice.

  1. Every morning, write a list of ten things you are grateful for.

  2. When you are finished with your list, spend a few minutes sitting silently and asking whatever superior being you think there is in this universe for guidance throughout the day.

  3. Then think of three people you don’t like, or three people who make you angry, or three people who have wronged you, and send them love. Imagine that you are talking with them, and that they are doing well. Imagine that you are happy for their well-being.

If you do this, the man said, I guarantee your life will turn around.


Now, I’m not unsatisfied with my life, but when I heard this, I thought, What the hell, why not? I’ll try it.

And you know what, it’s been a pretty interesting three weeks. While I haven’t kept up on steps 2 and 3 very well, I’ve done a pretty good job writing my gratitude lists everyday, and now I’m at a point where I’m ready to go back and look them over for recurring themes and statements to get an idea of what I really appreciate, what I want to change, and what I might be overlooking.

How about you? Have you ever tried making gratitude lists? How did they work out for you?


Today’s exercise included a walk, a run, a number of bike races with my son, and an afternoon spent in a park catching bugs:)

Jogging,Walking,Daily Activity


Interesting blog :)

Hello my dear friend.....actifit report card What....? I would like to know about it...please

Are you asking what Actifit is? It’s a Dapp that is built on the Steem Blockchain. The app makes use of the motion sensor in your phone to see how many steps you take in a day. Then, you can share your results in these daily activity reports and earn Steem plus Actifit tokens. I’m not sure how people will be able to use the Actifit tokens or if they will have any value, but I am trying to be more active, so the concept of Actifit works with my lifestyle and I’m trying it out.

I have not written it down but I always begin my prayers before starting my car by listing the various people and things that I am grateful for. I like the part about praying for your enemies or those you dislike as well. Sometimes I do that as well. Writing things like this down does make them even more powerful in general. What changes has this caused in you life so far?

That’s hard to say. I started by making lists of ten things that I am grateful for, or grateful to have, or grateful to be, etc. I write them in the morning, usually after I have taken a walk or done a little exercise. Last week, though, I tried starting with the phrase I am so happy and grateful now that ...

I have found that these feel like two slightly different exercises. Both of them, I have found, are hard to finish. Some days I can write seven or eight things I am grateful for or will be grateful for after some change occurs, but getting to ten requires thought and concentration.

Generally, at the end of the process I feel more at ease, more uplifted, and more concentrated/focused. It seems to me that I can carry those feelings throughout the day better since I have started writing these lists, and I also notice that my attention returns to the things on my lists throughout the day. So in a sense, I feel more centered and focused on specific things.

Since I have started writing these lists, I’ve noticed that my wife has been a lot more accepting of and encouraging of my exercise habits, asking me if I need/want time to run, etc. I’ve randomly gotten three new job offers. I think that I am arguing and getting cross with my kids less than before. I tend to feel more energetic and consistently energetic throughout the day (though I think that is from the exercise), and my blood pressure has dropped below 130 for the first time in a couple of years (though that’s probably exercise related to).

Like I said, it’s hard to say, but there have been some out of the ordinary things popping up here and there, like the job offers and more.

that's all excellent, I should probably put making that list on my list of things to do. When my son goes to bed or down for a nap we say a prayer of thanks for mommy and daddy and him and the dog and all the kids at school and all the teachers and all the grandparents and great grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins and all the little children in the world and all the ships at sea. That's 13 ;)

And, my wife just apologized to me. 🤗

I haven't heard of a gratitude list, but my wife and I received unsolicited advice yesterday from a very good looking 91 year-old German man. He said to treat everyone with respect, no matter where they are from and, if you see someone asking for help, give them $1. "Don't worry about what they're going to do with it," he said.

The $1 advice is interesting. I’m guessing he’s never lived in San Francisco or NYC before;)

Not likely. He’d be broke ;-)

I say Beow mow, beow mow.

Interesting sir 😊
I never write gratitude list
But this sounds good and I wanna give a try 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

I find it to be pretty difficult, actually. I always write ten things I’m grateful for ... or to ... By the tenth item, I usually feel pretty centered, aware, and appreciative. Plus, I find myself thinking about the things on my list more throughout the day.

Really interesting. I never write gratitude list.I will try .

Let me know what you think. With things like this, it’s iften recommended that you try it everyday for 21 days or more.

Thank you dear.

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Awwww cat are so cute ❤❤❤ Your style is gorgeous, I love it! have a nice tuesday ❤

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