CNN's Jim Acosta Has Audacity To Demand White House Name "Fake News Media" - Gets Put In His Place

in #acosta6 years ago

CNN's Jim Acosta has been specifically pointed out as fake news, along with the outlet for which he works, many times in front of a national audience by President Donald Trump. Yet, he continues to pursue pressing the White House to actually list specific news outlets and journalists as what the president has referred to as the "enemy of the people." The White House Press Secretary put him in his place.

In a brief back and forth between Acosta and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Acosta attempted to bait her into answering his question pointedly, but she wasn't falling for it.

"I've dealt with the news media nearly every day," Acosta said. "I know quite a bit about the press and know this: they are not the enemy of the American people."

"Shouldn't you reserve the term 'enemy' for people who are actually the enemy of the United States rather than journalists?" he continued.

See what he did there? He attempted to say that White House has been saying that every single journalist and every single media outlet is the enemy of the people of the US. President Trump has been clear that there are good journalists and reporters. He has even said that he can deal with those who deal fairly with him but may be critical.

To this end, Mrs. Sanders responded.

"The president's not referencing all media," she said. "He's talking about the growing amount of fake news that exists in the country and the president's calling that out."

Acosta then wanted to ask a follow up question.

"Since you mentioned that, the president said this morning, the fake news media, the true enemy that people, must stop the open and obvious hostility report the news accurately and fairly," he began. "Can you state for the record which outlets that you and the president regard as the enemy of the people?"

You see that? Acosta knows who it is. He's a part of it. That's not to say that neither he nor CNN tells the truth about some things, but in large measure, CNN is a clear propaganda outlet, and I'll demonstrate that they've been that for decades in a moment.

"I'm not gonna walk through a list, but I think those individuals probably know who they are," Sanders responded.

That's exactly right. Me thinks Acosta doth protest too much!

"Would that include my outlet which received a bomb last week?" Acosta asked, referring to a hoax, non-bomb false flag, which his outlet them blamed on the president's supporters that's actually turned out to be a Democrat posing as a Republican Trump supporter.

"I don't think it's necessarily specific to a general, broad generalization of a full outlet at times," Sanders said. "I think there's individuals that the president would be referencing."

"If the president is going to say the fake news media are the enemy of the people and if you're going to stand there and continue to say that there are some journalists and some news outlets in this country that meet that characterization, shouldn't you have the guts, Sarah, to state which outlets, which journalists are the enemy of the people?"

She then shut him completely down.

"I think it's irresponsible of a news organization like yours to blame responsibility of a pipe bomb that was not sent by the president, not just blame the president, but blame members of his administration for those heinous acts," she said. "I think that is outrageous and I think
it's irresponsible."

Indeed it is irresponsible, but Acosta isn't interested in that. We could show numerous clips from CNN, as well as MSNBC and other outlets where they pushed the story that Cesar Sayoc was a Republican Trump supporter and that these were actual bombs that actually went through the mail that could actually explode. None of it was true.

But here, let me answer for Mrs. Sanders to Jim Acosta. CNN has a long documented history of not just distorting the news, but completely fabricating it. Remember, Jim Acosta is on record saying that CNN "deals with facts... deal with the truth" while alternative media outlets don't.

This link is a list that I put out of documented evidence, including video, that CNN has been engaging in propaganda and outright lies and fabrication and presenting it as real news to the world.

Yes, CNN is most definitely an enemy of the people! There I said it!

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