ACORN COLLECTIVE: Changing The Face of Crowdfunding

in #acorn6 years ago (edited)

I have come across many crowdfunding platforms, many of which are of good intention. But one thing is common to them all; the transaction fee is always something worth thinking about. Many of the crowdfunding platforms have their transaction fees fixed for nothing less than 3-5% which might sometimes be cumbersome for some project owners to let go. The issue of transaction fee has made some people with good and impactful project abandon the option of crowd funding. Meanwhile, other crowdfunding platforms we currently have are centralized, meaning that the autonomous power to give or withhold lies in the hands of some groups of people.

Good news!

There is a good news for everyone who want to explore the option of crowdfunding to finance a project, but have been discouraged by the centralized nature of other crowdfunding platforms and the bogus transaction fees charged. Here comes Acorn collective!


Acorn collective is the first completely free and open-access blockchain crowd funding platform that is promoting social enterprise by providing free crowdfunding for legal projects from any country. This is first of its kind in the history of human race to have a decentralized crowd funding platform as acorn collective.

Free Crowdfunding
Proceeds from the ICO funds the Revenue Generation Mechanisms. So, no one is charged for transaction unlike any other platforms. The grand plan has been made to utilise the generated income from the Initial Coin offer to fund the acorn collective project so that it will be completely free for all and no one will have cause to pay transaction fee.

Here is the clause for the project, the fact that Acorn collective is a platform for crowd funding does not make it allow just anyhow project. Acorn only allows legal and non-harmful projects. It accepts community projects, and even local business. What an awesome platform! But the key factor and the clause is that; it must be All Legal Projects.

From anywhere in the World
There are crowdfunding platforms that are restricted to some particular countries or regions. Acorn Crowdfunding is open to All countries, both developed countries and developing countries. The only countries that would be left out are all non-sanctioned countries. That is to show that acorn collective has no discrimination again race, regions or countries. It is free for all to participate. I am so excited as I write about this project because it is a game changer in the world of project crowd funding!

Incentives for Early adopters
Early adopters are rewarded and encouraged. A Project Incentive Fund provides good and generous incentives for people to use the platform. This rewards provides commissions for successful recruitment of additional users. Acorn collective rewards early believers and adopter of the project and also gives commision to those that canverse others into joining the platform.

I will implore all my readers to be among the early adopters of acorn collective project because it is a great and promising one. Be part of the ICO investors and you will be glad you did.
It's your regular blogger @petoz
Thanks for reading.

For more information;


Watch the video here

Read the white whitepaper here


I can't wait for Acorn crowd funding platform.

Thanks for following. Acorn collective is a game changer!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64401.36
ETH 2627.01
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83