Achievement 3 by @richard222 Task:content etiquette

in #achievement33 years ago


What is plagiarism

Plagiarism can be defined, as the act of stealing and taking what does not belong too you and still behave and assume is your.


Refers as repeating used world by another person and also looking for the tools of details used in your research.


  • DIRECT: can be defined as the act of working or writing without checking or having the knowledge of that thing you are doing.

  • MOSAIC: can be defined as listing the details of a content using a different method to give you a result.

  • SELF: can be defined as the act of taking your past work or assignment to solve your present problem.

  • ACCIDENTAL:can be defined as the act of stealing someone hard work and effort in other to do your project successfully.


  • so they wont engage in having too much thought(stress) and to steal a persons writing
  • So they would come out outstanding in result from others
  • Being scared of losing
  • Showing lack of passion on the piece of work given to them


So therefore,plagiarism should be avoided so it won't bring about confusion.And disagreement if narrowed down to the educational sector and other piece of writing.

Furthermore,, I am very sorry for the lackadaisical attitude i displayed in my last writing that wasn't accepted.i would be grateful if this my third achievement would be read and accepted.And in special thanks to
@prince03 for his effort and advice
@brightobias for his correction
@ptolee(state rep)

Written by:@richard222

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