Encountered an Error with the First Post

in #achievement16 months ago (edited)

I encountered an error with my first post. Regrettably, I mistakenly posted ACHIEVEMENT 1 in the wrong place—it was posted within ACHIEVEMENT 1 instead of the Newcomers Community. It was only when I reviewed posts from other newcomers that I realized my error.

Upon noticing a deletion option in the editing area, I attempted to delete the post by clicking the delete button. However, it seems that the deletion was unsuccessful, and the post remained editable. Consequently, I proceeded to edit the existing post, uncertain if this was the correct course of action.

After identifying the mistake, I reposted my ACHIEVEMENT 1 self-introduction in the Newcomers Community. I'm unsure if others have made a similar mistake. I hope that future newcomers can avoid such errors, and I also welcome guidance from experienced community members on proper procedures for newcomers to prevent such issues.

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