My Presentation: Achievement 1

in #achievement18 months ago


Good afternoon/evening everyone; greetings to each and every one of you.

Please allow me to post my introductory post for Achievement 1.

I joined Steemit in July 2022; today, I will introduce myself to all of you.


  • Name: Vince Lupe
  • Place/DOB: United States/November 16th (year kept confidential for security reasons)
  • Gender: Male

My full name is Vincent Lupe (a.k.a "Tony"). My name was given to me based on a long line of Vincent in my Italian heritage.

I share an associate degree in Clinical Psychology from Liberty University in the U.S.; I currently work as a digital marketing specialist for Callnovo Contact Center - which is mainly why I've joined and have been publishing through Steemit.


My hobbies are (in no particular order):

  • guitar
  • piano
  • reading
  • playing video games
  • writing
  • visiting friends and family
  • learning new information
  • building my intellectual intelligence

That's it for my introduction today.

I hope that all of Steemit will highly-appreciate the business topics and content I write on; in the case that anyone would be interested, they may visit our website to check-out our provided customer service outsourcing/technical support outsourcing solutions so that we can help your business greatly grow and find grand success.

I'll be available if anyone would have questions regarding our provided service solutions.

Finally, I say thank you to all - and, especially to all moderators (such as Mainuna) - for allowing me the opportunity to engage our visitors with quality content that supports their needs.

Author: callnovo-cc