in #aceoflords7 years ago


The Swiss study, published in the October 19, 2011, edition of New Scientist,revealed “a core of 1,318 companies with interlocking ownerships. Each of these firms had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20. What’s more, although they represented 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1,318 appeared to collectively own through their shares the majority of the world’s large blue chip and manufacturing firms—the ‘real’ economy—representing a further 60 per cent of global revenues.” office in Media, Pennsylvania, and took files exposing the FBI’s Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO), a secret project aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political groups. Even with this evidence
In some individuals, the desire to lead is more powerful than the desire to simply belong. In the distant past, the mightiest warriors became chiefs while the more intellectual tribe members became soothsayers and shamans. Both the hunters and the shamans would form cliques, bound together by shared experiences and comradery. Secrecy has always played a role in any collection of humans, from prehistoric hunters, who felt themselves above other tribe members, to chamber of commerce members, who keep their business strategy hidden from competitors.
B.C.E., the Sumerians had developed an amazing and advanced society that included drained marshes, lengthy canals, and dams and dikes, and they had built a large-scale irrigation system next to gleaming cities containing huge pyramidal structures called ziggurats.
Alford wrote that few people realize that we owe not only our geometry but also our modern timekeeping systems to the Sumerian base 60 mathematical system. “The origin of 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute is not arbitrary, but designed around a sexagesimal (based on the number 60) system,” Alford reported, adding that the modern zodiac was a Sumerian creation based on their twelve “gods.” They used to
chart a great precessional cycle—the division of the 360-degree view from the Earth’s North Pole during its twelve-month orbit around the sun into twelve equal parts—or houses—of 30 degrees each. Taking into account the slight wobble in Earth’s orbit, movement through this complete cycle takes 25,920 years, an event known as the Platonian Year, named for the Greek scholar Plato, who inspired future secret societies such as the Knights Templars, the Illuminati, and Cecil Rhodes’s Round Tables. Alford posited,
The biblical patriarch Abraham brought the knowledge of Sumer to Egypt by means of cleverly coded information found within the Torah and other old Hebraic texts such as the Sefer Yezirah (Book of Creation) and the Sefer HaZohar (Book of Light).
“An astonishing array of scientific and technological feats are described in the Sumerian tablets, such as genetic engineering and cloning, interplanetary travels around their nomad planet, instantaneous distant communication, and the ubiquitous use of techno-magical chips called ME’s—
Ones. It was as if they were all part of a wheel. The outer rim is the face of the group or society. One side of the rim cannot
see what the other side is doing, or even that it exists. The center can see what is happening in all directions but is distanced from it, while still holding all the spokes in its grasp. “The same is true in the world of secret or exclusive societies. The world sees the groups from the rim, but that is all. But we are just like those on the rim—we cannot see the center of the wheel from our prospective.”
Ones.… The secret doctrines of the Shining Ones have steered the development of humankind for possibly 50,000 years, and continue to do so today.”
For example, it should be noted that in the original texts, there was nothing spiritual about angels. In the Greek translations of original
documents, the word angelos (angelus in the Latin) simply meant “messenger.” So an angel of the Lord becomes a messenger of the Lord.
Ancient Technology
The Phoenix farmer was further astonished when he asked a local rabbi, “Have you ever
heard of the white powder of gold?” “Oh, yes,” came the unexpected reply, “but to our knowledge no one has known how to make it since the destruction of the first temple [Solomon’s Temple]. The white powder is the magic, which can be used for
white magic or black magic.” In one of his last public appearances, Hudson remarked, “Now if that isn’t heavy enough for you, … I found out that the name for the golden tree of life was the ORME, ormus, or ormes. And the name of my patent is Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements [ORME]. In the Book of Isaiah, it says a latter-day David, a descendant of the Davidic bloodline, will be the one who’s to plant the Golden Tree of Life. My cousin, bless her soul, joined the Mormon Church, and they had Egyptian history matches the story of Moses in the Bible but with some significant differences. Some researchers contend that Moses (Mosis) is not a name but a title that means “the rightful heir of Tuthmosis,” the third pharaoh of Egypt’s eighteenth dynasty. In true royal Egyptian tradition, Tuthmosis’s son married his sister Sitamun to inherit the throne as Amenhotep III. He later wed Tiye, daughter of the chief minister. It was decreed that no son of Tiye could inherit the throne and when Tiye became pregnant, it was ordered that if the child was a son, he should be killed. Tiye indeed bore a son and she and the royal midwives conspired to spirit the child away by bundling him in a basket of bulrushes and floating him down the Nile to the Jewish relatives of her half-brother Levi. The boy was educated by this Jewish family and given the royal education befitting his position as a potential pharaoh. As he grew, Aminadab or Amenhotep (“ Amun is pleased” in Hebrew) changed his name to Akhenaten (servant of Aten, the one true god). Meanwhile, as Amenhotep III sickened, Akhenaten married Sitamun’s daughter Nefertiti in order to become eligible for the role of pharaoh. With the old king’s death, Akhenaten became Amenhotep IV. With his belief in one god, thanks to his Hebrew upbringing, Akhenaten angered the priesthood by closing the temples of the other Egyptian gods and replacing them with temples dedicated to Aten. After some conflict, Akhenaten was forced to abdicate the throne to his cousin Semenkhkare, who later was succeeded by Akhenaten’s young son Tutankhaten. As he was considered a god himself, Akhenaten could not be killed, but he could be exiled.In leaving Egypt, Akhenaten, now Moses (rightful heir to the throne), took not his birth parents but the Hebrew servants who had raised him. Either because of second thoughts about leaving Moses alive to challenge his right to the throne or angered by the fact
that the children of Israel took with them anything not nailed down, the reigning pharaoh chased after Moses with his army but became mired or destroyed in the Sinai Desert near Lake Timsah. This pharaoh is actually unknown but is believed to be
To sustain themselves during their long sojourn in the wilderness, Moses and his people ate a white, powdery substance they called manna.the ultimate food for the latter was called shem-an-na by the Babylonians, mfkzt by the Egyptians and manna by the Israelites. To further this attempt, the Book of Daniel states that Nebuchadnezzar II built a tall narrow structure of gold 27 meters high and 2.7 meters wide near Babylon, mistranslated as a “fiery furnace.” It would seem Nebuchadnezzar had produced some sort of energy field based on sky god technology. Whatever he created was dangerous. He threatened to destroy anyone who would not worship his golden calf by throwing them into the structure. When three Hebrew scholars/ priests who had been appointed by the prophet Daniel to administrate over Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, refused to serve his gods, they were thrown into the nearby crucible. But after clothing themselves in hats, coats, and “other garments,” the trio survived the fire. Oddly enough, when Nebuchanezzar checked to see if the three were dead, he said, “Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God [King James Bible].” Although no further mention is made of this fourth god-like person, the three Israelites survived and were honored by the king.
Kammler on the V-2 project were Wernher von Braun, who was
director of America’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from 1960 to 1970, and his superior, Luftwaffe Nazi submarine U-234 was taken into captivity by the USS Sutton off the east coast of the United States having passed unhindered through war zones. On board were two Japanese officers who committed suicide, two dismantled ME-262 jet fighter planes, gold-lined cylinders containing 560 kilograms of uranium, and, perhaps most importantly, Dr. Heinz Schlicke, the inventor of fast fuses capable of setting off an atomic bomb.
Weekly, “Kammler had something of value to deal—something tangible. By early April [1945], Hitler and Himmler had placed under his direct control every secret weapon system of any consequence within the Third Reich—weapons
In his 2001 book The Hunt for Zero Point, British journalist Nick Cook, aviation editor for Jane’s Defense Weekly, makes a compelling argument that Kammler and the Nazi experiments with anti-gravity, last located in a topsecret SS facility in Poland, indeed survived the war and were put to secret use by a clandestine element, a “shadow government” that ufologists call Majestic-12 or simply MJ-12.
Greek word for knowledge, Gnosis, reportedly was founded by Simon the Magician, a contemporary of Jesus’s, who was later scorned as the “Father of All Heretics.” He advanced the ideas of the Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, who taught that the human soul exists outside the physical body, and therefore has access to universal knowledge, and that wisdom, or Gnosis, was brought down to earth from the heavens. Cabala taught a form of Gnosticism in which practitioners seek to find divinity within themselves. Like the Bible, the Cabala reportedly contains hidden meanings. Similar coded knowledge may be found within the Torah and other old Hebraic texts such as the Sefer Yezirah (Book of Creation) and the Sefer HaZohar (Book of Light).
Abraham, earlier called Abram, was said to possess a tablet of symbols representing all of the knowledge of humankind handed down from the time of Noah. Known to the Sumerians as the “Table of Destiny,” it was this table of knowledge—known
to the early Jews as the “Book of Raziel”—that reportedly provided King Solomon with his vast wisdom.
Pythagoras; a theology summed up by counting on one’s fingers; an Infinite which can be held in the hollow of an infant’s hand; ten ciphers and twenty-two letters, a triangle, a square, and a circle,—these are all the elements of the Kabalah. These are the elementary principles of the written Word, reflection of that spoken Word that created the world!” The word “Essenes”
was derived from the Greek words essaios, meaning “secret” or “mystic,” and essenoi, indicating healing or physician. The Essenes have been connected to a later branch of an Egyptian Mystery School called the Great White Brotherhood of Therapy, which
practiced esoteric healing traditions. It has been proposed that the Essenes, the custodians of ancient and esoteric knowledge, were also the initiators and educators of Jesus. British author Laurence Gardner noted, “It was into this White Brotherhood
of wise therapeutics and healers—the original Rosicrucians—
Jesus, while some have suggested that Melchizedek actually was the Sumerian deity Enki. Of course, by the time of Jesus, awareness of the Anunnaki and their technology had been largely lost.
Essenes were therefore not Christians, but a secret society
the House were records of the Roshaniya. The major tenets of the Roshaniya were: the abolition of private property; the elimination of religion; the elimination of nation states; the belief that illumination emanated from the Supreme Being, who desired a class of perfect men and women to carry out the organization and direction of the world; belief in a plan to reshape the social system of the world by first taking control of individual countries one by one; and the belief that after reaching the fourth degree one could communicate directly with the unknown supervisors who had imparted knowledge to initiates throughout the ages. They believed wise men would again recognize this Brotherhood.
Initially there were three classes—the Knights,
Knights Templar >
composed of unmarried men from noble families; the Chaplains, who took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedient service; and the Brethren, which included talented and wealthy men who lacked noble birth. All Knights and Chaplains were required
to undergo strict initiation ceremonies. Scant attention has been paid to the Knights in traditional history books, and their role in shaping future events has been mostly relegated to footnotes. It is known that the Order flourished, becoming extraordinarily wealthy and powerful, until 1307, when they were crushed by an envious French king and a pope fearful of their secrets.
Solomon’s Temple was planned by his father, the biblical King David, and was a carbon copy of a Sumerian temple constructed almost 1,000 years earlier and dedicated to Ninurta, the foremost son of the Anunnaki leader Enlil.
The pope also granted the Templars the most unusual right to build their own churches. It was to advance such construction that the Templars originated the first stonemason guilds. 9,000 castles and manors throughout Europe, yet as a religious order paid no taxes. Their investments included basic industries, particularly in the building trades. They owned more than 5,000 properties in England and Wales alone. Their empire stretched from Denmark to Palestine. They used the revenue from these holdings to build a huge fleet of ships and underwrite a vast banking system. The concept of using money to produce more money was coming into focus. Although conventional
history traces the development of modern banking to early Jewish and Italian lending institutions, it was the Knights Templars who predated the famous Rothschilds and Medicis. Drawing on the ancient financial knowledge of the earlier Mystery Schools, the Templars learned to perform the same functions as a modern bank—wealth storage, loans, and even a system of credit. In the Middle Ages, Christians were prohibited from the practice of usury, charging interest on loans. It was considered sinful. The Templars avoided this restriction by emphasizing the military rather than the religious aspects of their Order. In one case, old documents revealed the Templars charged as much as 60 percent interest per year, a much higher rate than other money lenders of their time. Like Swiss banks today, the Templars held long-term private trust funds, accessible only by the originators of the account.
though they first introduced the credit card and packaged tours as they developed fund transfers by note, a Muslim technique most probably obtained from the Assassins and other contacts in the Middle East. Pilgrims to the Holy Land faced many hazards and obstacles.
Often, the Templars even performed the duties of tax collectors. They collected papal taxes, tithes, and donations for the Church as well as taxes and revenues for the English king. They also mediated in disputes
involving ransom payments, dowries, and pensions. At the peak of their power, the Templars handled most of the available capital in Western Europe. Along with banking practices, the Templars brought to Europe their acquired knowledge of architecture, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and medical techniques. In less than one hundred years after formation of the Order, the Knights Templar had evolved into the medieval equivalent of today’s multinational corporation. Their control over industry and finance was tremendous and they had grown into a fearful military power, complete with their own naval fleet based in the French Atlantic port of La Rochelle. Their fleet’s ensign was a black flag displaying a white skull and cross bones.
As the Templar’s power and wealth grew, so did their pride and arrogance. In 1215, England’s King John was residing part time in the London Temple when an alliance of noblemen—many of them Templars—forced him to sign the Magna Carta,They just joined other groups such as the Hospitallers, Knights of Malta, Knights of St. John, Freemasonry, and the Rosicrucians. The lines of membership in these groups
name. However, some researchers suggest the name may have
Assassins >
stemmed from the Arabic word assasseen, meaning “guardians of the secrets.” after a legendary northern country from Greek mythology. The Teutonic Knights were a twelfthcentury offshoot of the Knights Templar that used
the swastika as their emblem. The Thule Society was formed in 1918 in Munich to seek a return of power to Germany following its defeat in World War I and the failure of the Treaty of Versailles. Many prominent
One is the International Order of St. Hubertus, which came to public attention in February 2016 when Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia
Recent Societies >
was found dead at the hunting ranch of one of the order’s members in Texas. [today] Bilderberg has boiled down to a rotten core of bankers, royalty, arms industry, oil and media barons and Rory Stuart [British] MP, in the tradition of Kissinger, Blair, Cameron, Osborne and Balls, has thrown his lot in with them.”
Barry Goldwater wrote, “What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political government of the nation-states involved. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the world.” League of Nations and the United Nations, are today working through controversial corporate international trade agreements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP, which was rejected by the Trump administration).1979 prepared Presidential Review Memorandum 32, which led to the 1979 Presidential Order creating the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Commission members to key positions in his administration. David Rockefeller was Obama’s principal foreign policy advisor. from 1717 most likely were produced by Sir Francis Bacon, believed by some to be the real author of the Shakespeare material as well as the person who masterminded and oversaw production of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. Bacon was in charge
Freemasonry >
of forty-five scholars who translated and collated the KJV, making him the forty-sixth. For a coded clue as to Bacon’s contributions, see Psalms 46—count forty-six letters from the beginning to get the word “shake” and forty-six words from the end to get the word “spear.” The number forty-six was Bacon’s cypher.
Europe the methods of resuscitation, the use of magnetic compasses for guidance at sea, and the secrets of architecture, which resulted in the magnificent Gothic cathedrals. With their own fleet of ships, they traveled far and wide, apparently even reaching North America long before Columbus sailed. The Templars were the progenitors of several other secret societies, such as the Teutonic Knights, Knights of St. John, Knights of Malta, and the stone mason guilds that in time evolved into Freemasonry.
the Anunnaki was passed through the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Egyptians down to the Mystery Schools of the Greeks and Romans, then on through the Knights Templar, Assassins, and Rosicrusians to Freemasonry until it was collected together by a group of German intellectuals in the late 1700s—the Bavarian Illuminati. Founded by a Jesuit-trained academic named Adam Weishaupt in 1776, the Illuminati quickly gained a sizeable membership that spread to Austria, France, England, and even to the new nation of the United States.
This was the time of English philosopher and political theorist John Locke, Scottish philosopher and essayist David Hume, French philosophers Jean-Jacques Rousseau and François-Marie Arouet (better known as Voltaire), and American philosophers and Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine.In 1779, two years after Weishaupt’s initiation into Freemasonry, he wrote to Zwack and Hertel suggesting the Order be renamed the Society of Bees. The bee connection again demonstrates the close ties of the Illuminati to Masonry, as the beehive has long been an important Freemason symbol. Today’s Masonic Lodges were once referred to as “Hives” and any internal disputes are called “Swarming.” One eighteenth-century Masonic ritual stated, “The Beehive teaches us that as we are born into the world rational and intelligent beings, so ought we also to be industrious ones and not stand idly by or gaze with listless indifference on even the meanest of our fellow creatures in a state of distress if it is in our power to help them without detriment to ourselves or our connections.…”The symbol of bees also connects to the aforementioned ancient Greek Eleusinan Mysteries, in which honey was thought to be a divine product from the gods and Eleusinian priestesses were called elissa, or bees.
The prominent Thurn und Taxis family administered a courier service throughout the Holy Roman Empire.?According to several sources, the Rothschild family fortune was built upon money embezzled from William IX, who was paid an enormous sum by the British government to provide Hessian soldiers to fight American colonists during the Revolutionary War. William handed over this money to Mayer for investment but instead it reportedly was used to establish his son Nathan as head of the London branch of the family banking house. Mayer eventually repaid the money but by then Nathan had gained control over the Bank of England and this became the origin of the enormous Rothschild fortune.
But it was Nathan who later exerted considerable influence on British Queen Victoria, Prince Consort Albert, and their son. The British Rothschilds also were quite close to most prominent Victorian politicians such as Lord John Russell, Lord William Gladstone, Benjamin Disraeli, Arthur Balfour, Joseph Chamberlain, and Sir Randolph Churchill, Winston’s father. it was the Bank of Cleveland, a registered Rothschild
bank, that loaned the money necessary for John D. Rockefeller to eventually buy up almost the entire oil industry, becoming the world’s first known millionaire.
“In 1773, Mayer Rothschild had invited twelve other wealthy and influential men, representing in all the thirteen bloodlines of the Illuminati, to convince them to pool their resources in a plot to bring about a new world order. Thus was Adam Weishaupt commissioned to establish the Illuminati.”
But, as will be seen, the Jews as a whole have been the foremost victims of an Illuminati plot rather than the instigators.,“In the twelfth century there arose in Khazaria
a Messianic movement, a rudimentary attempt at a Jewish crusade, aimed at the conquest of Palestine by force of arms. The initiator of the movement was a Khazar Jew, one Solomon ben Duji (or Ruhi or Roy), aided by his son Menahem and a Palestinian scribe.
They wrote letters to all the Jews, near and far, in all the lands around them.… They said that the time had come in which God would gather His people from all lands to Jerusalem, the holy city, and that Solomon Ben Duji was Elijah, and his son the Messiah.” Duji’s movement later became known as Zionism.
Jacob Frank believed that the God of the Old Testament was evil and that people should disregard Judaic rules, even indulging in orgies and incest. Frank became suddenly wealthy because he was supported by the German Jew Meyer Amschel Bauer,
“It was from Germany to London that the apostate Jews Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were sent to devise the rot of communism. Shortly after that task was done, the Rothschilds
sent their agents John Jacob Astor and Jacob Schiff from Germany to America. They financed the robber barons like Rockefeller and Morgan, who in 1922, founded the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), to overthrow the American constitution and switch the nation’s diplomacy to Illuminism.”
“Herzl died not long after and not one biography of him tells us how. He entered a Paris sanatorium for an unknown condition and never emerged.”
Today, some conspiracy writers believe that the Rothschild plan to create the Israeli state in Palestine was more about gaining a foothold in the oil-rich Middle East than in a genuine desire for a Jewish homeland.
German economist Gottfried Feder gave Adolf Hitler the idea that having a nationalized central bank The wealthy elite could not afford to have the rest of the world see the benefits of interest-free money, as sought by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and many others throughout history.
a lot of bad things to people.”

Hillary Clinton getting an awards at Chatham House in London. The Royal Institute of International Affairs there is connected to the Illuminati, some say. They govern through their subtle control of large corporations (cartels—especially finance, oil, defense,
pharmaceuticals, media); government, mass media, secret societies, intelligence agencies, the military, law, churches, foundations, think tanks, NGO’s and education. Chatham House in London (The Royal Institute of Internal Affairs) and Pratt House in New York (Council on Foreign Relations) are two main control mechanisms. Illuminati power is omnipresent yet the masses don’t even know it exists. This thesis was further expounded on a website called The Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy:
“Deuteronomy" is to formal Judaism and Zionism what The Communist Manifesto was to the destructive revolution of our [twentieth] century. It is the basis of the Torah … the Pentateuch … the Talmud … which together constitute the Judaic ‘law.’”
they were moved onto communal farms (the Kibbutz), indoctrinated in socialism, and forced to buy only German-made goods. It was a win-win situation for both the Nazis, who made huge profits, and for the Zionists, who gained Jewish settlers in the Middle East. So it would seem the real Holocaust was more about destroying the Orthodox Jewry, and particularly its leadership, to further the aims of the Zionism.
Jewish element or tradition in Freemasonry because of this. If they knew the truth their hair would stand on end. In effect, Freemasonry supports the Islamic concepts of conquest of Judaism and its destruction as taught in the Koran, and today the Dome of the Rock is a perpetual symbol of the destruction of the Temple.”
While many think that the symbolism behind Masonry refers to Solomon’s Temple, others such as Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman assert that it references the Dome of the Rock (pictured) and, therefore, symbolizes the destruction of the Temple and Judaism.
The Church>
Hebrew word goyim has been used as a pejorative name for non-Jews, its original meaning was simply a “nation of people.”
a traditional, observant Jew,” hosts a website called She explained, “The most commonly used word for a non-Jew is goy.… There is nothing inherently insulting about the word ‘goy.’ In fact, the Torah occasionally refers to the Jewish
people using the term ‘goy.’”
Methodology Symbology >
Manly P. Hall, who wrote, “Not
only were many of the founders of the United States government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe [emphasis added] which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. “The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body—unseen and for the most part unknown—and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestle board [a board for symbols or designs] which is setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception.” Even more to the point was Emanuel Josephson, an ardent anti-communist, who in 1955 published an attack on the late president Franklin D. Roosevelt entitled Roosevelt’s Communist Manifesto. In this work, Josephson argued that Roosevelt’s New Deal to combat the Great Depression was based on Adam Weishaupt’s plans for the Illuminati.
The Protocols >
According to the anti-Zionist website Jew Watch, Stalin’s real name was Joseph David Djugashvili, typical Jewish name indicating a Jewish heritage. Additionally, Stalin had three wives—Ekaterina Svanidze, Kadya Allevijah, and Rosa Kaganovich—who were all Jewish. The site also stated that Stalin’s daughter, Svetlana, who defected to the United States in 1967, had four husbands, three of them Jewish.
Theology >
Genesis, indeed may have referred to the Anunnaki Assembly, which approved the creation of man, and, second, the idea
of creating man “in our image” meant simply genetic manipulation of an existing species, not the creation of a new race.
Modern Illuminati>
Hallett’s claim might clarify the many improbable events in World War II, such as the 335,000 Allied soldiers Hitler allowed to escape at Dunkirk. This action has been explained away as a peace overture, but most historians believe England would have been more agreeable to a negotiated peace if its army were prisoners of the Nazis. Makow explained, “Hallett’s hypothesis explains (1) Why Hitler was able to expand into the Rhineland etc. without fear of retaliation. (2) Why the Nazi war machine was financed and built by the Bank of England and a Who’s Who of Anglo American corporations controlled by the Illuminati. (3) Why Hitler never sealed the Mediterranean at Gibraltar; and why the Spanish dictator Franco remained neutral, despite the huge debt he owed the Nazis from the Civil War. (4) Why I. G. Farben headquarters in Frankfurt was never bombed. This became CIA headquarters. (5) Why the?Bank of England rewarded Hitler for taking Prague by giving him the Czech gold reserves held in London.” Illuminati—the nations of Germany, Italy, and Japan, along with their economies, were devastated; the world population reduced as some sixty million people, mostly civilians, perished; the Jewish Holocaust prompted the establishment of the Rothschild’s world government headquarters in Israel; Libertarians and peace candidates from both ends of the political systems were killed; and all the nations involved, smothered under debt, were easily brought into the newly formed United Nations.
Up until 1939, the most preferred pitch in music was 432 Hertz (Hz). This frequency has been found in the world’s oldest flutes, some dating back to the time of the Neanderthals. According to Gary Vey, writing for Viewzone, “An interesting others experimented with different types of music. Plants exposed to classical music (still in the 432 Hz
range) by such composers as Hayden, Beethoven, Brahms, and Schubert actually grew to entwine themselves around the speakers. But when modern rock music was played, another plant group grew away from the speakers, as if trying to escape the music. Rock music was tried on different varieties of plants and found to produce abnormal growth and smaller leaves. It was discovered that no matter Interestingly, country music did not seem to affect plants. They exhibited no unusual growth reaction. Jazz, on the other hand, seemed to provide beneficial effects with improved growth. The effects of different forms of music on plants may be explained by the diverse sound wave frequencies that then provide varying degrees of pressure and vibration. Louder music, like rock, features greater pressure, promoting detrimental effects on plants. The hosts of the science 1920s. It was found that propaganda films were most effective when using the 440 Hz frequency. According to Vey: “At the beginning of the 1930s, the potential of 440 Hz to combat altruism and stimulate nationalism, narcissism and aggression was fueled by the new science of Psychology. Freud’s psychoanalysis in Europe was mainly for the elite but his theories of mass hysteria found their way to America through his nephew, Edward Bernays, who successfully used Freud’s theories and mind control techniques in advertising and politics. He was the first to note that only about 8–10 percent of a population was needed
to be convinced of a new idea for it to eventually become unanimously accepted. This has been called the ‘10 percent Solution.’” Vey explained that the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothschild’s banking syndicate were most interested in such mindcontrol techniques. The answer may be found in the argument of proponents of 432 Hz, who claim this frequency stimulates the best attributes of the right brain, resonates with the Heart Chakra (one of seven centers of spiritual power in the human body described in literature in India), repairs DNA, and restores both spiritual and mental health.
The 440 Hz frequency creates indistinct patterns revealing a lack of coherence. Since the human body is about 78 percent water, it is apparent that sound waves can impact both the health of the physical body as well as cognizance.
MKUltra and Project Monarch, one need only look at our society today with its constant TV and radio programming promoting consumerism, hyper-sexuality (the porn industry), alcohol and drug consumption, and daily virtual killing via video games—all to desensitize the soul. Department of Defense private contractors today are involved in a variety of deniable programs using sophisticated psychotronics such as cell phone towers, pulsed beam microwaves,
Whistleblowers >
According to Eustis, Illuminati agents fatally poisoned Presidents William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor. They also poisoned President James Buchanan in 1857 but he survived. She said these three men were obstructing the U.S. Civil War plans of the Illuminati and the House of Rothschild.“They are
a controlling group of 33 individuals who meet frequently to make strategic decisions about humanity and the planet. They are not the ‘Illuminati,’ which is a lower-level secret society—of which are there many, like the Knights of Malta, the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, the Priory of Sion, numerous Masonic groups, and more. The 33 can be compared to a Board of Directors of a very large global corporation. Like a real Board, there is a ‘Number One Man’ who makes final policy decisions, having consulted his colleagues, all of whom have expertise and who have earned a right to participate. There are differences of opinion sometimes—and different personalities, as in any group of people—but basically they are very much aligned with the overall purpose, which is (using this analogy) to ensure that Corporation Plant Earth continues to expand and prosper. All in line with the Corporation’s ‘mission statement’—which is about optimizing the human genome.” Charles explained that each of these representatives of the thirty-three bloodlines is so powerful, and control so much wealth and so many assets, that they could be regarded almost as nation-states in their own right. They regard it as their responsibility to “manage” planet Earth. He said they are party to a great deal of hidden history through their private possession of ancient documents and artifacts, many located in the Vatican Library.
The Masonic temple (District Of Columbia) at Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a hotbed of Illuminati activity) is a center in the Washington, D.C., area for Illuminati scholarship and teaching.
Skull and Bones >
families.… First we find old line American families who arrived on the East coast in the 1600s, e. g. Whitney, Lord, Phelps, Wadsworth, Allen, Bundy, Adams and so on,” he wrote. “Second, we find families who acquired wealth in the last 100 years, sent their sons to Yale and in time became almost old line families, e. g. Harriman, Rockefeller, Payne, Davison.”
Yale, has been the source of an unprecedented number of government officials who have furthered the globalist aims of their brethren in other covert groups, such as Wolf’s Head and Scroll and Key.cThere is also Scroll & Key, Berzelius, and some other fraternal organizations [such
as Wolf’s Head, Book and Snake, and many others].” “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand
guilty, and I am proud of it.
Knights of Malta >
Such plans are being implemented through so-called free trade agreements sanctioned by non-government entities, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), and the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Pop Culture>
In 1982, Steve Jackson Games introduced Illuminati, a card game that paid homage to the trilogy. This was followed by other games based on. As if Steve Jackson had some sort of prior knowledge of Illuminati plans, his 1995 game Illuminati: New World Order contained cards clearly depicting explosions at New York’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon on fire. Indicating this was not simply a wild guess made six years in advance, in the background of the twin-towers card is a building displaying the Illuminati’s all-seeing eye in a pyramid symbol. The card’s title refers to a “Terrorist Nuke,”
Topics such as climate change, gender identity ambiguity, anti-gun legislation, harmful prescription drugs and vaccines, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) continually fill the media owned by these corporate giants only because such issues keep society divided and in conflict, which serves to divert public attention from the true rulers of the world.


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