Anglo Crown Establishments

in #aceoflords7 years ago (edited)


  • Descent Into Slavery

      When Rothschild discovered that the general, who was now attached to the court of Prince William of Hanau, was interested in rare coins he decided to take full advantage

of the situation. By offering valuable coins and trinkets at discount prices he soon ingratiated himself with the general and other influential members of the court.
One day he was ushered into the presence of Prince William himself. His Highness bought a handful of his rarest medals and coins. This was the first transaction between a Rothschild and a head of state. Soon Rothschild was doing business with other princes.
Before long Rothschild tried another ploy to secure an 'in' with various local princes—and to further his own aims! He wrote them letters that played on their princely vanity while asking them for their patronage. A typical letter would read: "It has been my particular high and good fortune to serve your lofty princely Serenity at various times and to your most gracious satisfaction. I stand ready to exert all my energies and my entire fortune to serve your lofty princely Serenity whenever in future it shall please you to command me. An especially powerful incentive to this end would be given m
your lofty princely Serenity were to distinguish me with an appointment as one of your Highness' Court Factors. I am making bold to beg for this with the more confidence in the assurance that by so doing I am not giving any trouble; while for my part such a distinction would lift up my commercial standing and be of help to me in many other ways that I feel certain thereby to make my own way and fortune here in the city of Frankfurt." His tactics paid off. On September 21, 1769, Rothschild was able to nail a sign bearin the arms of Hess-Hanau to the front of his shop. In gold characters it read: "M.A . Rothschild, by appointment court factor to his serene highness, Prince William of Hanau." In 1770 Rothschild married Gutele Schnaper who was aged seventeen. They had a large family consisting of five sons and five daughters. Their sons were Amchel, Salomon, Nathan, Kalmann (Karl) and Jacob (James).
The financial coups performed by the Rothschilds in England in 1815, and in France three years later, are just two of the many they have staged worldwide over the years.
The first documentable evidence of Rothschild involvement in the financial affairs of the United States came in the late 1820's and early 1830's when the family, through their agent, Nicholas Biddle, fought to defeat Andrew Jackson's move to curtail the power of that "den of vipers," the International Bankers. The Rothschilds lost the first round when, in 1832, President Jackson vetoed the move to renew the charter of the 'Banks
of the United States' (a central bank controlled by the International Bankers). In 1836 the bank went out of business.
Undaunted by their initial failures to destroy the United States, the International Bankers pursued their objective with relentless zeal between
the end of the Civil War and 1914, their main agents in the United States were Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and the J.P. Morgan Co.
In 1867, they established Kuhn Loeb and Co., bankers, in New York city, and took in a young German immigrant, Jacob Schiff, as partner. Young Schiff had important financial connections in
Schiff's "important financial connections in Europe" were the Rothschilds and their German representatives, the M.M . Warburg Company of
Hamburg and Amsterdam. Within twenty years the Rothschilds, through their Warburg-Schiff connection, had provided the capital that enabled John D. Rockefeller to greatly expand his Standard Oil empire. They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (Railroads) and Andrew Carnegie (Steel)
At the turn of the century the Rothschilds, not satisfied with the progress being made by their American operations, sent one of their top experts, Paul Moritz Warburg, over to New York to take direct charge
of their assault upon the only true champion of individual liberty and prosperity—the United States. At a hearing of the House Committee on Banking and Currency in 1913, Warburg revealed that he was "a member of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. I came to this country in 1902, having been born and educated in the banking business in Hamburg, Germany, and studied banking in London and Paris, and have gone all around the world. . ." At the end of the last century people didn't "study
banking in London and Paris" and go "all around the world" unless they had a special mission to perform!
first world war was to be fomented in order to destroy Czarist Russia—and to place that vast land under the direct control of Illuminati agents. Russia then to be used as a 'bogey man' to further the aims of the Illuminati.
At the time Pike wrote this remarkable letter there
were five different ideologies extant on the world scene and involved in a "struggle for space and power." These were: 1. The secret ideology of the International Bankers or the Illuminati as laid out in Fourth Reich of the Rich. Their aim was the creation of a One World Government to be ruled over by the "illuminated ones" at the top. 2. The Russian "Pan-Slavic" ideology which was originally conceived by William the Great and expounded in his will. According to A. H. Granger, the author of England
World Empire, 1916, this ideology called for the elimination of Austria and Germany, then the conquest of India and Persia and ends with the words: ". . . which will ensure the subjugation of Europe." 3. The ideology of "Asia for the Asiatics" as expounded by the Japanese. This called for a confederation of Asian nations dominated by Japan. 4. The ideology of Pan-Germanism which called for German political control over the European continent, freedom from the Crown's
restrictions on the high seas and the adoption of an "open door" policy in trade and commerce with the rest of the world. 5. Pan-Americanism or the ideology of "America for the Americans." This called for "trade and friendship with all, alliances with none." Secretary of State Root stated in 1906 that, under this ideology which was given expression in the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, we are "debarred from sharing in the political aims, interests, or responsibilities of Europe, just as by the equally potential doctrine, now nearly a century old, the European powers are excluded from sharing or interfering in the political concerns of the sovereign states of the Western Hemisphere."
It has been said that there are three types of people: 1. Those who make things happen. 2. Those who watch things happen, and 3. Those who wonder what happened.
HISTORY OF THE CITY From the time of William the Conqueror until the middle of the seventeenth century the British Monarchs ruled supreme—their word was law. They truly were Sovereign in every sense of the word. As British strength and influence grew around the world toward the end of the 1600's the wealth, strength and influence of the elite merchants in the City also grew—only at a faster pace. In 1694 the privately owned Bank of England (a central bank) was established to finance the profligate ways of William III. The bank was financed by a group of City merchants who used William Paterson as a 'front.' The names of the founders have never been made public. It was at that juncture that the Bank of England and the City began to dominate and control the affairs of Britain. Their influence and wealth grew in leaps and bounds in the century that followed. The Illustrated Universal History, 1878, records that "Great Britain emerged from her long contest with France with increased power and national glory. Her empire was greatly expanded in all parts of the world; her supremacy on the sea was undisputed; her wealth and commerce were increased . . . But with all this national prosperity, the lower classes of the English people were sunk into
wretchedness and poverty." The elite controlled everything. The masses lived in poverty, having been bled dry during the struggle of the previous twenty years.
During its heyday in the nineteenth century approximately 90% of all international trade was carried in British ships. Other shippers had to pay the Crown royalties or commissions for the 'privilege' of doing business on the high seas. During these years "Britannia Ruled the Waves" through the domination of the most modern and powerful navy known up to that time
All the other parts of the British Empire—nations like India, Egypt, Bermuda, Malta, Cyprus and colonies in Central Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong and Gibraltar (those areas inhabited by the browns, yellows and blacks) were all Crown colonies. These were not under British rule. The British parliament had no authority over them. They were privately owned and ruled by
a private club in London, England, known as the Crown. The Crown's representative in such areas held the absolute power of life and death over all the people under his jurisdiction. There were no courts and no method of appeal or retribution against a decision rendered by the representatives of the Crown. Even a British citizen who committed a crime in a Crown colony was subject to the Crown law. He couldn't appeal to British law as it didn't apply. As the Crown owned the committee known as British government there was no problem getting the British taxpayer to pay for naval and military forces to maintain the Crown's supremacy in these areas. Any revolts were met with terrible retribution by the British navy at no cost to the Crown. The City reaped fantastic profits from its operations conducted under the protection of the British armed forces. This wasn't British commerce and British wealth. It was the Crown's commerce and the Crown's wealth. The International Bankers, prosperous
Simple economics dictate that bankers must have a way to ensure the repayment of their loans. What can they do? They have to become like the finance company that tows away a person's car if the monthly payments are not made. They have to go into the 'kingdom towing' business. How does the finance company tow away a car? They use another car or motorized vehicle. How is a kingdom or a nation 'towed away'? Simple! By another kingdom or nation! The principle is easy to understand—it's called war! Modern war is 'kingdom towing.' If you are in the kingdom financing business, you can't just lend to one kingdom. You also have to lend to their enemies. You have to make sure that both kingdoms are of about equal strength, so that, in time of conflict, your financing will be the decisive factor.
On the international level, 'urban renewal' projects involve the destruction of the 'old order' in a variety of countries, to prepare the way for the New World Order.
The emergence of Germany posed a severe threat to the Crown and its domination of Europe, economically and militarily. Much to their chagrin, "the British found German salesmen and their agents offering better service, better terms and lower prices on goods of at least equal quality" (Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p.212).
Even after the emergence of the Rothschilds as the predominant financial power in Britain in the first quarter of the last century, there was a severe reluctance on the part of the British people to elect Jews as their political
representatives. As a result the Jews used 'front men' in the political arena, individuals who were bought and paid for—and controlled by—Jewish interests
decided to storm the House of Commons, by becoming a liberal candidate for the City of London. He stated that he felt assured that when he became "the representative of the most wealthy, the most important and the most intelligent constituency in the world, I shall not be refused admission to Parliament. Rothschild decided to force the issue and on July 26th, 1850, the Commons "simmered with excitement" as "the Sargeant-atArms announced that a new member wished to take the oath. Lionel advanced to the Table of the House. The clerk rose to administer the Oath of Admission in the usual form and with the usual book, the Holy Bible. "I desire to be sworn on the Old Testament," said Rothschild. "The House exploded. 'Sir,' thundered Robert Ingles, leader of the opposing faction, 'from the time that this has been a Christian nation and that this house has been a Christian legislature, no man—i f I may use the word without offense—has ever presumed to take his seat here unless prepared to take it under the solemn sanction of an oath in the name of our common Redeemer. I for one will never give my sanction to his admission.' "
The following day, in another part of his 'initiation,' Rothschild refused to use the words ". . . upon the true faith of a Christian." "I omit these words as not binding upon my conscience," said Rothschild. "Baron Lionel de Rothschild, you may withdraw," said the Speaker and a moment later Lionel had to leave the House amid an uproar.sentiment was expressed by the Bishop of London: "If you destroy the groundwork of Christianity upon which this legislature is based in order to gratify for a time a handful of ambitious men, you will destroy Christian England Obviously at that time in history the people of England greatly feared for the future of their country should Jews become the dominant force in its political structure. It was a well known fact that the Rothschilds were ardent Talmudists with arrogance he rejected efforts by Russian Zionists to have a say in how things operated: "These are my colonies, and I shall do with them as I like"
INTEREST BOUND THESE MEN TOGETHER. THE WEB OF THEIR COMMUNICATIONS QUIVERED AT THE SLIGHTEST TOUCH. THEY MAINTAINED BETWEEN THEM AN INCREDIBLY ACCURATE NETWORK OF ECONOMIC, POLITICAL AND FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. THEY COULD WITHDRAW SUPPORT HERE, PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FUNDS THERE, MOVE IMMENSE SUMS OF MONEY WITH LIGHTNING RAPIDITY AND SECRECY FROM ONE CORNER TO ANOTHER OF THEIR FINANCIAL EMPIRES AND INFLUENCE POLITICAL DECISIONS IN A SCORE OF COUNTRIES" (Sir Edward Cassel, From Manifest Destiny, 1953). Palestine been dominated by the Ottoman Empire. With the nations of Europe embroiled in a to-the-death struggle, Arab nationalism began to stir. The Arabs began to realize that there were enormous possibilities ahead if they could successfully shake off the Turkish shackles that had held them in bondage since the fifteenth century.
Territory formerly controlled by Turkey was to be split up between Britain, France and Russia, "The Arabs, of course, knew nothing of this secret diplomacy,
constituted a complete repudiation of all the promises to Hussein. . . It was the Turks who brought the information to the Arabs in February 1918 in an effort to win their withdrawal from the war. It became obvious that if this crisis situation were allowed to continue for long it was a distinct possibility that England would be forced to capitulate. Were this to occur, Britain's continental allies would also be forced to surrender—and Germany would be left in control of Europe. The Crown's 'balance of power' would be scattered and the International Bankers' stranglehold on the nations of Europe would be broken.
Such an event would have been enormously beneficial to the nations involved but would have been catastrophic for the Global Plotters, whose plans called for the defeat of Germany and the crushing of the Czarist regime in Russia.
PILGRIM SOCIETY The International 'urban renewers' had made meticulous preparations to meet the possibility that Britain and her allies would meet their 'Waterloo' at the hands of
In 1897, a group of top British and American intellectuals and money monopolists met to plot ways to implement Cecil Rhodes' plan for a merging of British and American interests, in preparation for the final thrust towards achievement of their ultimate goal -One World Government. The result of their deliberations came on July 24, 1902, with the creation in London of an ultra-secret organization known as The Pilgrim Society. Less than six months later an American branch was opened
in New York that was the foundation of the Federal Reserve, CFR, take over of the Treasury and creat the United Nations.The new organizations were funded by money donated by the Rhodes Foundation. The latter was established by Cecil Rhodes who, with financial backing from the Rothschilds, had accumulated a vast fortune in South African gold and diamonds. Professor Quigley tells us that Rhodes, who "feverishly exploited" the resources of South Africa, included among his "mysterious purposes" the plan to "bring all the habitable portions of the world under their [British Crown] rule" under a Anglo European Eastern Establishment (Tragedy and Hope, pp. 130-131).
The basic purpose of the Pilgrim Society, which was described by one leading New York paper as "probably the most distinguished international organization in the world," was to promote unity between the two nations, to maneuver the United States into a position of dependence upon the Crown and to erode the foundations upon which the great American Republic had been founded a century and a quarter earlier.Through the efforts of the Pilgrim Society and their other agents, the International Banker were also to gain control of the Democratic Party by supplying it with the financial support that, up to that juncture, was sadly lacking. This pact between the British and American internationalists was made in the utmost secrecy but some of the leading statesmen of the day sensed what was going on behind the scenes. One such person was Congressman Charles A. Towne. In venturing to raise a "cry of warning," he recognized that he might be "characterized as a fit candidate for a lunatic asylum." He spoke out strongly about world events and secret agreements and stated that "by all indications they are about to culminate in the most colossal and destructive war of modern times" (Empire of "The City", p. 34). The same "money power," also financed the campaign for the introduction of a graduated
income tax. This Act was not designed, as advertised, to make the wealthy pay for the running of the country. Its specific purpose, as Ferdinand Lundberg points out in The Rich and the Super Rich, was for it to become "a siphon. . . inserted into the pocketbooks of the general public" (p. 350). With the passage of these two unconstitutional 'laws' in 1913, the way was cleared for the rape of the United States. It signaled the start of phase two of the Illuminati's 'urban renewal' project in America. Readers will note that the establishment of a central bank and a graduated personal income tax were also planks in the Illuminati-inspired Communist Manifesto.
In the actual recorded account of House's relationship with his 'creature' (or creation), we read that House edited all of Wilson's speeches and made it abundantly clear to Wilson that he was not to act upon advice given him by others. House edited all of Wilson's speeches and made it abundantly clear to Wilson that he was not to act upon advice given him by others. It is recorded that Wilson admitted his foolishness and promised "not to act independently in future." recorded that Wilson admitted his foolishness and promised "not to act independently in future." The novel depicts Selwyn having a secret meeting with Thor and telling him that "Rockland had made an effort for freedom," and how he "brought him back, squirming under his defeat. . ." AMERICA ENTERS WORLD WAR
Unchallengeable facts emerge from the ruins and debts of 'the war to end all war.' The British people lost. The French people lost, as did the Germans, the Austrians and the Italians. The Russian people lost the war, the Revolution—and their freedom. America, which had well over 2 million troops in Europe at the end of hostilities, was second
only to Russia on the losing side. Due to the perfidy of President Wilson, and many congressmen, and the unbridled lust of those who now controlled our money system, our once proud Republic was well on its way to destruction. The Illuminati's 'urban renewal' program for the United States was beginning to have its effect!
"The history of the last century shows that. . . the advice given to governments by bankers [who, as we have seen, control the governments] like the advice they gave to industrialists, was consistently good for bankers, but was often disastrous for governments, businessmen, and the people generally. Such advice could be enforced if necessary by manipulation of exchanges, gold flows, discount rates, and even levels of business activity" (p. 62). Please note that this is not the claim of a 'conspiracy nut' but is a plain statement of fact by a recognized 'insider.'
Naturally, as Governments borrowed to pay for their needs, private business borrowed in order to be able to fill the Government's orders. The gold which could no longer be demanded merely rested in the vaults, except where some of it was exported to pay for supplies from neutral countries or from fellow belligerents" (p. 257). The enormous increase in unbacked paper money led to staggering inflation: "The middle classes of European society, with their bank savings, checking deposits, mortgages, insurance and bond holdings. . . were injured and even ruined by the wartime inflation"
As Edwin Stanton, Lincoln's Secretary of War, stated in his famous book Mr. Secretary: "Wars are not fought to defeat an enemy. Wars are fought to create a condition". World War I 'created a condition that was totally in line with the long range plans of the Illuminati. COMMUNIST BLOODBATH As the new regime was striving to gain total control
over the vastness of Russia, the heaviest burden "was imposed on the Russian peasantry by the agricultural requisitions. . . As part of this system not only were all agricultural crops considered to be government property but all private trade and commerce were also forbidden; the banks were nationalized, while all industrial plants of over five workers and all craft enterprises of over ten workers were nationalized (1920)" (Tragedy and Hope) Ignoring all the basic laws of economics and the lessons of history Stalin, "in order to increase the supply of food and industrial labor in the cities, . . . forced the peasants off their own lands (worked co-operatively with lands, tools, and animals owned in common), or onto huge state farms, run as state-owned enterprises by wage-earning employees using lands, tools, As public discontent and social tensions grew in the period of the Five-Year plans and the collectivization of agriculture, the use of spying, purges, torture, and murder increased out of all proportion. Every wave of discontent, every discovery of inefficiency, every recognition of some past mistake of the authorities resulted in new waves of police activity. When the meat supplies of the cities almost vanished, after the collectivization of agriculture in the early 1930's more than a dozen of the high officials in charge of meat supplies in Moscow were arrested and shot, although they were in no way responsible for the shortage. By the middle 1930's the search for saboteurs and for "enemies of the state" became an allenveloping mania which left hardly a family untouched. Hundreds
of thousands were killed, frequently on completely false charges, while millions were arrested and exiled to Siberia or put into huge slave-labor camps. In these camps, under conditions of semi-starvation and incredible cruelty, millions toiled in mines, in logging camps in the Arctic, or building new railroads, new canals, or new cities. Estimates of the number of persons in such slave-labor camps in the period just before Hitler's attack in 1941 vary from as low as two million to as high as twenty million. "Under Stalinism all Russia was dominated by three huge bureaucracies: of the government, of the party, and of the secret police. Of these, the secret police was more powerful than the party and the party more powerful than the government. Every office, factory, university, collective farm, research laboratory, or museum had all three structures.
Whenever the secret police needed more money it could sweep large numbers of persons, without trial or notice, into its wage deduction system or into its labor camps to be hired out. It would seem that the secret police, operating in this fashion, were the real
rulers of Russia.
Professor Quigley tells us that "the results of the blockade were devastating. Continued for nine months after the armistice, it caused the deaths of 800,000 persons. . ." (Tragedy and Hope, p. 261). During the four years of the war Germany lost 1,600,000 dead. The German death rate during the blockade was five and a half times higher than during the actual war.
A third leading member of the American delegation, acting in the role of an
'adviser,' was Bernard Baruch. When he was the despotic head of the War Industries Board during World War I, Baruch had somehow managed to accumulate a fortune in the region of $200,000,000 by placing lucrative government contracts. Britain was represented by Prime Minister David Lloyd George. At his side was Sir Philip Sassoon, a direct descendant of Amschel
Rothschild, and a member of the British Privy Council. During the peace conference Sassoon acted as Lloyd-George's private secretary. This enabled him to be present at all the top secret meeting of collaboration on German policies and debt.
Born Jeroboam Rothschild, Mandel was often called France's Disraeli. He was a super politician in a country of politicians. For example, in 1921 Britain placed a 26 percent tax on all imports from Germany. Britain also refused to accept German goods in sufficient quantity. That Germany could have made the reparation payments in real goods and services, if their creditors had been willing to accept these goods and services, is demonstrated by the fact that the real The value of the German paper money evaporated at such an alarming rate that, towards the end, the treasury was only printing the bills on one side. To prevent the paper, on which the bank notes were printed, becoming more valuable than the amount specified on its face the Reichbank only issued notes representing astronomical inflation.
Many workers were paid twice a day, at lunchtime and in the late afternoon. Wives met their husbands outside their places of employment, collected the bundles of money, and rushed to the nearest store to purchase food and other necessities ahead of the next increase in prices. Fear and desperation stalked the land. The middle class was virtually wiped out. Those who owned real wealth—property, land, factories etc.—greatly benefited from the panic, being able to pay off their debts in inflated marks.
The Dawes Plan called for $800 million (in loans) to
Germany over the first four years. This was to go towards reconstruction which, in turn, was to generate finances with which the reparation payments could be made to Germany's debtors. Much of the money came from the United States.
The principal link between Hitler and the Wall Street money barons was Hjalmar Horace Greely Schacht, the president of the Reichbank, whose family for many years were closely aligned to the international financial elite. Schacht was the man who masterminded the plan to rebuild Germany [the Young Plan] and also the Bank of
International Settlements. In the early part of the century his father worked at the Berlin office of the Morgan controlled Equitable Trust Company of New York.
"There is no such thing as an independent press in
America. . . Not a man among you dares to utter his honest opinion. . . We are the tools and the vassels of the rich behind the scenes. We are marionettes.
Clinton Roosevelt was the
Illuminist philosopher who wrote The Science of Government, Founded on Natural Law. In his book, Roosevelt outlined the Illuminati's plans for the regimentation of mankind
under those who, like himself, were the enlighted ones. He revealed their plans to emasculate and then destroy the Constitution which he likened to a "leaky vessel" which was "hastily put together when we left the British flag." Many observers recognize this amazing document as the basic blueprint for what later became known as FDR's "New Deal." WALL STREET TIES He immediately unleashed upon the American people a barrage of unconstitutional programs that brought the American nation increasingly under the control of the International Money Monopolists. In the twelve years during which he occupied the White House, FDR probably did more than any other single politician in history to bring to fruition the plans of the "Invisible Government" of the International Bankers. He set in motion the political steamroller of destruction that has all but leveled the last vestiges of the great Republic erected by our Founding Fathers. As a result, the United States has, in spite of the Constitution and its supposed restraints, become a quasi totalitarian state. FDR was the foreman of the Illuminati demolition crew that was sent in to destroy the Old Order. He was their 'front' man in America whose orders included the implementation of the International Banker's 'urban renewal' program for the United States—and whose 'New Deal' was to lay the ground for the later erection of Adam Weishaupt's "Novus Ordo Seclorum," the New World Order. For at least eighteen years prior to his election as president, Franklin D. Roosevelt was closely associated with Col. E. Mandell House, Bernard Baruch and Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise. Although House faded from the international political scene following the departure of Wilson, he remained very much of a power in Democratic politics. His influence on FDR and his political activities during the 1920's appears to have been through a go-between, Louis Howe, who was also Roosevelt's right-hand man. Howe was a frequent visitor of Colonel House, particularly in the years immediately prior to Roosevelt's election as president. There can be little doubt that House was the master-mind who guided FDR through the shark infested waters of power politics and into the Oval Office.
House biographer, Arthur D. Howden Smith, states that the Colonel "picked Roosevelt as a natural candidate for the presidency long before any other responsible politician." He chose FDR as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1913, then, through the following years, groomed him to be the next Democratic president. It is certain that the two men spent many hours together discussing "Before World War I, it was said that 'Barney' Baruch was worth a million dollars or more. After World War I was over, it was alleged that he was worth about two hundred million dollars, a suitable figure for a titan." The influence Baruch had on Roosevelt throughout his political life, was testified to by the President's wife, Eleanor: "Mr. Baruch was a trusted adviser to my husband both in Albany and in Washington." WINSTON CHURCHILL
Churchill's relationship with the Zionists has been
described by Douglas Reed as (to quote Churchill's own words) "a riddle inside a mystery wrapped up in an enigma." History records that Churchill was among the earliest British politicians to champion the Zionist "cause." The reason for this political 'miracle' was somewhat obscure at the time, but later emerged. He had changed his attitude towards the Zionists' plans to establish a Zionist state in Palestine. The Commons voted 268 to 179, in favor of accepting Chamberlain's proposals. By delivering against the White Paper such a great speech, Churchill clearly indicated that he had switched sides and was now available to 'lead' his country in the way most pleasing to those who pulled the strings behind the scenes. Within a few short months, Churchill was to become the British Prime Minister. British government was taken by Winston Churchill who, only months before, had made his miraculous political comeback. Events immediately mushroomed into a widespread 'hot war' with a British air attack on Germany (J.M. Spaight, principal assistant to the British Ai r Ministry, Bombing Vindicated, published in 1944). Top officials in London openly acknowledged years later that Britain had been planning an air offensive on Germany since 1936. At the outbreak of the war, Germany did not have the capacity to effectively engage in such an air offensive against British.
On June 14th the Germans entered Paris and found the city undefended. Eight days later France capitulated. France and Germany signed an armistice at Compiegne. At this fateful moment "Britain stood alone," bracing herself for the anticipated German invasion across the Channel. Britain was engaged in a desperate struggle to build up her armed forces to hopefully withstand an onslaught from Hitler's highly-trained and heavily armed forces.
Within two weeks of assuming the leadership of the British government, Churchill issued orders that later led to the establishment of the State of Israel.
The events of 1940 and 1941 represented overwhelming victories for the Axis Powers—Germany and Italy. All of Europe lay in their grasp. Following their invasion of Russia on June 22, 1941, huge sections of that slave state came under the domination of the German forces. It was at this critical juncture that Franklin D. Roosevelt and his hidden masters decided that the American heavy duty 'kingdom towing' equipment had to be brought into action on the side of the City—or all would belost.Eisenhower's only qualifications for the exalted position he attained late in 1943 was his dedicated and unswerving loyalty to his hidden masters.
"Twenty-five years ago, as a young and unknown major [sic], I took the wisest step in my life—I consulted Baruch Without a doubt, Eisenhower owed his meteoric rise to fame and 'glory' to Bernard Baruch and his 'friends.' Here again, the same question was posed to Commander Earle: if the anti-Nazis in Germany delivered the German forces to the Americans, could they then rely on Allied co-operation in keeping the Soviets out of Eastern Europe? The Baron stated that if Roosevelt agreed to an "honorable surrender," even if Hitler was not killed by his group, he would be handed over by them to the Americans. It was of the utmost importance that the
Russians be contained in the East and prevented from spreading their reign of terror across their Western borders. Again, the Commander sent an urgent coded message to the White House, pleading with Roosevelt to seriously consider the proposals made by the anti-Nazis. Again, there was no response from his Commander-in-Chief.
Finally, an 'answer' came in the form of a suggestion that he take up with the Field Commander in Europe any
proposal for a negotiated peace. "I was shocked, greatly disheartened and felt that my usefulness was about over," said the Commander. "I returned to the U.S.A. . . and World War II proceeded along its scheduled course, until the Soviets sat astride Europe.
"After a while, however, I decided to make known some of my views and observations about our so-called Allies, the Soviets, so as to wake up the American people about what was really going on. I contacted the President about it and he reacted strongly and
specifically forbade me to make my views known to the public." In a "Admiral Canaris, as a result of his patriotic and brave humanitarian efforts, was captured and hanged by Hitler, with an iron collar around his neck. It took thirty minutes for him to die. Many other high level, anti-Nazi leaders were hanged or shot. Their subsequent plan to eliminate Hitler, by
exploding a bomb in the map room of his forest headquarters, merely wounded him. The plan failed with the loss of life to several thousand German patriots. The bomb was carried by Colonel Count Claus von Stauffenberg in his brief case"
Dall concludes by saying that "FDR's great error, a misnamed 'blunder,' in completely ignoring that timely offer to negotiate an early peace, was akin to a national calamity for the United States and the World—a victory for his advisers, and their plans. Little more can be added here, except to point out that the creators of false images are operating today.
Roosevelt's recognition of the Red savages as the legitimate government in Russia, gave them access to the credit and money markets of the world. Without such assistance Russia was doomed.
Although 'official Washington' was depriving American forces of much needed war materiel in order to supply the Russians, the latter were deeply suspicious and refused to open the "obvious" best, supply route—the one by air through Alaska and across Siberia. Stalin described this route as "too dangerous."
Major General John R. Deane in his book, The Strange Alliance (Viking 1947), observes that American aid to the Red Butchers "was carried out with a zeal which approached fanaticism" (pp. 90, 91). This statement is borne out by the fact that on January 1, 1943, a memorandum sent to the "Commanding General, Air Service Command," stated: "1. The President has directed that. . . equipment and movement of Russian planes have been given front priority, even over planes for U.S. Army Air Forces.
This, then, was what motivated those who occupied the highest positions of political power in Washington. These individuals were dedicated to the advancement and development of Soviet Tyranny. Aiding Russia was
aid to the Reds had annual dollar totals as follows: 1942—$1,422,853,332; 1943 -$2,955,811,271; 1944 -$3,459,274,155; 1945 -1,838,281,501. The grand total for the four years is $9.6 Billions.
Russians exploded their first Atomic bomb in 1949 that the thunderous reality of where the Reds obtained their atomic secrets dawned on Major Jordan: these atomic secrets had come straight from the White House! Harry Hopkins wasn't kidding when he told the Russians at the Madison Square Garden rally in 1942 that he was "determined that nothing shall stop us from sharing with you all that we have. During a farewell talk with Colonel Kotikov, the Russian mentioned that a "money plane" had crashed in Siberia and had to be replaced. He explained that the Treasury was shipping engraving plates, ink, paper and other materials to Russia so that they could print the same occupation money for Germans as the United States was printing. A Senate investigation into the scandal confirmed the fact that, in spite of widespread protests and warnings about the consequences of such a move, Harry Hopkins, Henry Morganthau, Secretary of the Treasury, Averell Harriman, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia and Harry Dexter White, the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury who was later exposed as a Russian agent, were able to exert enough pressure to see that Russia got the plates. its Finance Office. The deficit Harry Dexter White was handsomely rewarded for 'services rendered.' In 1945, he was promoted to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and in 1946 he was appointed by President Truman and confirmed by the Senate as U.S. Director of the International Monetary Fund. In 1947, when his name was linked with proSoviet activities by Whittaker Chambers, he submitted his resignation from the International Monetary Fund. The following year, under oath, he denounced Chamber's charges as "unqualifiedly false." He claimed that he had never committed a disloyal act. Two weeks later his funeral was held at Beth Israel in Boston; he had died of a heart attack.Those who were "running
show" (Churchill) in the United States knew the nature of Communism. They, their associates and their masters were the creators of the Red Monster. They knew exactly what they were doing! The "zeal which approached fanaticism" which they displayed in their unstinted support of the blood spattered Soviet regime (at the expense
of the American taxpayer) was a token of their political and philosophical convictions. Soviet Russia was, and is, a definitely recognizable tool in their plan to enslave the whole world under the banner of 'The New World Order.'
Instead of the war being fought to make the world safe for democracy, it was being fought to destroy democracy in many nations. RUSSIA PUSHES WEST
Fueled by billions of dollars in American aid, the Red Army began to slowly push the Germans back along the eastern front which stretched 600 miles from the Carpathian Mountains to the Baltic. "Russia's post-war position in Europe will be the dominant one" Who was responsible for the barbaric Dresden Massacre which took place when Germany was clearly beaten and when no strategic purpose could be served by such wanton destruction and loss of life? "I can only say," states Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris, the top man in the British Air Force, "that the attack on Dresden was at the time considered a military necessity by much more important people than myself (Bomber)
The real reason was that the International Bankers and their cohorts were using the Allies' awesome air power as their unofficial wrecking crew—their bulldozers and demolition crews—to
prepare Germany for their planned urban renewal project at the conclusion of hostilities. The airborne 'bulldozers' did the preparation work free. The 'Big Boys' were relieved of the huge expense of having to purchase vast amounts of valuable property and of having it demolished. With most German cities 90% demolished 'in the war,' this cost was kept to a minimum! After the war much of this 'vacant' ground was picked up for a few cents on the dollar by the international 'urban renewers.' The Western Powers, on Eisenhower's orders, held back their attack on many points (such as Prague) to allow the Russians to occupy areas the Americans could easily have taken first.
As the capitulation of the Third Reich drew near, General Vlasov moved his army to a prearranged location in Austria. Vlasov and his men, though they were prepared to fight to their last drop of blood against the Red butchers, felt confident that they would receive humane treatment if they surrendered to the Americans. On May 10, 1945, they reached the American lines, at which time Bunichenko surrendered his twenty five thousand men to the U.S. Third Army. The patriotic Russians were disarmed and compelled by the
American authorities to march eastward directly into the clutches of the advancing Red Army. Many of them committed suicide.
It is not known what hideous fate awaited Vlasov when he was returned to Russia, but it was reliably reported that "General Vlasov's body, skewered on a meat hook was exhibited in Moscow's Red Square" This tragedy was not confined to Germany. "A small part of the tragedy unfolded even on American soil. Many liberated Soviet soldiers were brought to the United States, chiefly to camps in Idaho. Virtually without exception, after the war, they begged for political asylum. But they were forced to board Soviet ships in Seattle and Portland. Over a hundred who resisted successfully were brought to a New Jersey camp. In the end these, too, were surrendered to Stalin
After 1843 China was not ruled by the Emperor. The Emperor and his family were kept on as figureheads, but the real power rested in the hands of the Soong family. The Soongs were agents of the Sassoon family, who were related by marriage to the Rothschild.
Following the death of Nationalist leader Dr. Sun Yat-sen in 1925, China again erupted in revolt against the tyranny of the 'foreign devils.' Immediately, a Moscow-trained Chinese named Chiang Kai-shek, using Soviet troops supplied to him by Joseph Stalin and commanded by General Michael Borodin, swooped down on Shanghai
and looted the vaults of the Rothschild/Sassoon/ Soong bank. In a slap in the face to the Money Monopolists, President Coolidge refused to honor a secret U.S. agreement with the International Bankers to permit American troops and ships to attack Chiang and his forces. Following this major setback the bankers sent T.V. Soong to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek. Soong offered him $3 million in cash, his own sister May-ling as a wife (Chiang already had a wife and family) and the presidency of China for life if he would change sides. Chiang agreed to these terms, and began to rule China as a British agent. He ordered his Russian allies out of China and married the sister of the Rothschild agent in December, 1927. After a bitter struggle for independence lasting 85 years, Chiang had sold his people into further slavery.
Elsewhere in Asia, when The Crown didn't have the 'muscle' to keep things under control, it was the Japanese who were sent in to do their dirty work for them. In typical Crown fashion, and in spite of the fact that the Japanese were now doing most of the fighting and dying, Japan became heavily indebted to theEuropean Money Monopolists. Updated decoding machines were supplied to strategic American outposts around the world but were denied to the military at Pearl Harbor
It was later revealed that American involvement in the Pacific had been carefully planned by the Institute of Pacific Relations, an Illuminati 'front' established to further the worldwide aims of the conspirators
In his conspiratorial activities, Pike was ably assisted by Mazzini, the Italian revolutionary, who was in charge of political affairs. Upon his death, Mazzini was succeeded by Adrianno Lemmi
Lord Moyne's murder stirred up a great deal of controversy in Britain, and caused many politicians to have second thoughts about
backing the concept of a Jewish State.
Many terrorist organizations sprang up in Palestine in an effort to force the creation of a Zionist state. The largest of these was Irgun Zvai Leumi, led by Menachim Begin. It is obvious that this "second exodus" took place with the consent and full co-operation of Washington, London and Moscow. Nobody leaves the Soviet Union without permission, yet here we have clear evidence of the Iron Curtain parting to allow a massive flood of 'Jews' to leave that area and head for Palestine. It was "carefully planned
and financed by special groups in the United States."
"Roosevelt said he was a Zionist and asked if Stalin was one. Stalin replied that he was one in principle, but recognized the problem." (Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945, issued by the State Department Israel's Prime Minister, in a piece written for Look magazine in 1962. He predicted what would happen on the world scene over the next quarter of a century. His words are reproduced in their entirety from the original: Davi d Ben-Gurio n (Prime Min ister of Israel) : "The image of the world in 1987 as traced in my imagination: The Cold War will be a thing of the past. Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligentsia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers, and the rising political importance of men of science, may transform the United States into a welfare state with a planned economy. Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a Socialist and democratic regime. With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah. Higher education will be the right of every person in the world. A pill to prevent pregnancy will slow down the explosive natural increase in China and India. And by 1987, the average life-span of man will reach 100 years." (Look magazine, January 16, 1962, p. 20)


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