Keindahan di surga

in #acehphotograpy7 years ago (edited)

Konon, di surga ada tempat untuk menukar wajah. Di tempat itu, jika para penghuni surga bosan denga...

Konon, di surga ada tempat untuk menukar wajah. Di tempat itu, jika para penghuni surga bosan denga...

It is said that in heaven there is a place to change faces. In that place, if the inhabitants of heaven are bor...

Tukar ke IndonesiaIt is said that in heaven there is a place to change faces. In that place, if the inhabitants of heaven are bored with their faces, they can swap their faces with a more handsome face to the heart's desire.
The place is called the Market of Heaven. And the Heaven Market falls every Friday, a day privileged in Islam.
Here are some traditions of the Prophet SAW who mention about the Market Paradise.
Ali RA said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "There is indeed a market in which there is no buyer and seller except some form (images) of men and women.When a person wants a form (a person for himself), then he entered in that market ".
From Anas bin Malik RA said, "In heaven there is a market that the inhabitants of heaven go to every Friday, blowing wind from the north about their faces and clothes until they become more beautiful and handsome They return to their wives in a state that has become more beautiful and handsome Their families said, "By Allah, you are becoming more beautiful and handsome," They also say, 'you are even more beautiful and beautiful' (Muslim, 7234).
In another narration narrated by Abu Hurairah, the implications of the Market of Heaven are as follows:

  1. Being guarded by angels, but for those who come will be facilitated by angel ministry.
  2. Very beautiful never seen eye, flashed in the heart or heard ears.
  3. Anything we want (though newly thought) will be delivered free of charge.
  4. It is the meeting place of the experts (dwellers) of heaven. The inhabitants of heaven from high positions can meet with the position below even the very bottom. What distinguishes is his clothes. But they do not question because in heaven that appears is all the beauty, no sadness.
  5. The gathering place of nymphs.
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