Resep Pisang Bakar

in #aceh6 years ago


Berikut adalah cara pbuatannya.
image Pertama sediakan 8 buah pisang kepok.

image Kupas kulitnya dan letakkan di Panggangan

image image panggang sambil dibalik balik

image sediakan tempat masak, dan tambahkan 9 sendok gula jawa

image tambahkan 4 siung buah nagka

image beri sedikit garam

image tambahkan air dan rebus hingga mendidih

image tambahkan santan kental.

image masak sambil diaduk hingga mengeras.

image tuangkan diatas pisang bakar.
image dan pisang gapit siap dinikmati di musim dingin.

! [image] ()

Here's how it works.
! [image] () First provide 8 bananas kepok.

! [image] () Peel the skin and place it in the Grill

! [image] ()! [image] () grilled while reversed

! [image] () provide a cooking place, and add 9 spoons of Java sugar

! [image] () add 4 cloves of nagka fruit

! [image] () give a little salt

! [image] () add water and boil until boiling

! [image] () add thick coconut milk.

! [image] () cook while stirring to harden.

! [image] () pour over the grilled banana.
! [image] () and banana gapit ready to be enjoyed in season


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