, please in error and add if some less: 73 class of Islam about Islam would divided into a lot of class

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)


if there is wrong good writing history etc. it, please in error and add if some less: 73 class of Islam about Islam would divided into a lot of class "there will be a party my people who remain on the truth until the last day and they still on the truth." HR. Bukhari and Muslims. Prophet through history Jabir IBN Abdullah said: "there will be the next generation of my people will fight for the Haq, you will know they later on the day of judgment, and then Isa the son of Mary to come, and people will be said," Oh Isa, lead jamaa'ah (Ind), it will be said, "no, you lead to each other, God give honor in this people (Islamic) that no one will lead them unless the Prophet and the people of their own." the traditions of a number of 73 class divided in Islam Abu hurairah reported that the Prophet said: "the Jews divided into 71 or 72 categories, as well people Christians, and my people will be divided into 73 class." HR. sunan Abu David. in an opportunity, muawiyah bin Abu Sofyan stand and provide sermon and in khutbahnya reported that he said, "the Prophet rise and provide sermon, in khutbahnya he said, 'millah this will be divided into 73 class of, entirely will go to hell, (only) one incoming heaven, they are the Inter alia-jamaa'ah, Inter alia-jamaa'ah. and from among my people will be no classes follow Eve lust, such as the dog follow his master, until the Eve lust it's not leaving a member of the body, meat, artery (blood vessels) and bone unless all follow Eve lust." HR. sunan Abu David. from auf bin Malik, he said that the Prophet said: "Jewish has broken to be 71 group, a group in heaven 70 class in hell. and nashara has broken to split into 72 categories, 71 class in hell and one in heaven. and for the sake of God soul Muhammad is in his hand my people this will definitely broken to split into 73 group, a group in heaven and 72 class in hell." last he asked: "Oh the Messenger of Allah who are they?" he replied: "Inter alia congregation." HR sunan IBN majah. Anas bin Malik reported that the Prophet said: "the people Israelites would divided into 71 class and my people will be divided into 73 class of, entirely will go to hell, except for one, the Inter alia-jamaa'ah." HR. sunan IBN majah. "bahwasannya the children of Israel has berfirqah as much as 72 firqah and will berfirqah my people as much as 73 firqah, everything will go to hell with one exception." friends who heard speech is asked: "who is the one that Yes the Messenger of Allah?" Prophet said, "the one that is the person who hold as peganganku and handle my friends." HR priest tirmizi. Abdullah IBN amru reported that the Prophet said: "my people would like Israelites step-by-step. even if one of them menyetubuhi his mother openly, one of my people will also be followed. the Israelites divided into 72 class. my people will be divided into 73 class of, entirely will go to hell, only one incoming heaven." we (the companions) asked, "which survivors?" the Prophet replied, "which followed me and the shahabatku." HR priest tirmizi. narrated by Abu hurairah that the Prophet said: "the Jews divided into 71 class or 72 class and Christians any such. my people will be divided into 73 class." HR priest tirmizi. narrated by Imam thabrani, "for God's sake holding the soul of Muhammad in his hand, will be broken to my people as much as 73 firqah, which one entrance heaven and another go to hell." ask friends: "who (that is not go to hell) it Yes the Messenger of Allah?" Prophet said, "ahlussunnah Wal congregation." mu'awiya IBN Abu Sofyan reported that the Prophet said: "Ahlul book (Jewish and Christian) in the problem of religion divided into 72 class and from these people (Islamic) will be divided into 73 class of, entirely go to hell, a group that will enter heaven, they are the Inter alia-jamaa'ah, Inter alia-jamaa'ah. and there will be from my people who follows Eve nasfsunya like a dog follow his master, until the Eve lust it's not leaving a member of the body, meat, blood vessels, and bone unless all follow Eve lust. Oh Arabs! if you don't get up and follow what brought nabimu ..." hr.musnad priest Ahmad. Muslims split into 7 group of namely: 1. mu'tazila, the people who glorifies sense of mind and is the philosophical, the flow of this triggered by washil bin atho (700-750 ad) one student Hasan Inter alia Basri. mu'tazila have 5 teachings main, namely: unity. they argued: the nature of God is dzatnya itself. Quran is creatures. God in nature hereafter later invisible human eye. affordable human eye is not he. his Justice. they argued that Allah will reward in humans appropriate actions. promise and threats. they argued God will not broken promises: reward on Muslims good and give punishment in the Muslims evil. position between 2 position. this triggered wasil bin Atha which makes the split from his teacher, that the believers sinful large, status among the believers and Pagan, namely the wicked. Amar ma'ruf (demands do good) and nahi munkar (prevent deeds despicable). this more related to the legal / jurisprudence. flow mu'tazila argued in the problem qada and qadar, that the man himself to create their actions. human judged by his actions, because he himself create it. class mu'tazila broke into 20 class. 2. Shia, the people who eulogize-adorable sayyidina Ali comrade, they do not recognize the Caliph rashidun others like khlifah sayyidina Abu Bakar, hadrat Umar and sayyidina Usman even hate. people in Sulawesi by Abdullah bin Saba, a Rabbi of Yemen incoming Islam. when he came to Medina not get the attention of the Caliph and other Muslims so that he is become irritated. class Shia broke into 22 group and the most severe is Shiite sabi'iyah. 3. khawarij, that is the very hate sayyidina Ali comrade, even they mengkafirkannya. one of his teachings who person do a great sin then considered infidels. class khawarij broke into 20 class. 4. murjiah. Inter alia-murji'ah believe that a believer enough just say "laailahaillallah" alone and this terbantah with statement Hadith that he should seek with it the face of God, and people looking for a course perform all the ingredients and consequences quest so that he get what he search and is not enough just say only. so according to Inter alia-murji'ah that enough to say "laailahaillallah" and after that he do charity what will not affect the faith, then this is clear contrary to the Hadith "he's looking for with the face of God", then this is a form of heresy Inter alia-murji'ah. Inter alia-mu'tazila and Inter alia-khawarij believe that a do the sins of eternal in the fire, and this terbantah with the word of the Messenger of Allah "true God forbid on fire people who say laailahaillallah". according Shaykh Islam IBN taimiyah that pengharaman fire burning the people who say "laailahaillallah" that there are two, the first pengharaman absolute and this is for people who say "laailahaillallah" with bring all the terms, the consequences and content-kendungannya so that he regardless of shirk large, shirk small and works great sin, even if he's fall to the sin then he repent and constantly thereon, then the perfect person tauhidnya like this forbidden fire to burn it absolutely, that he did not touched by fire at all. then that second, namely pengharaman not absolute and is less, which meant that pengharaman to eternal in hell, this is for people who are less tauhidnya so that he's fall into shirk small or the sins of a large he constantly in it, then people such is prohibited on fire to burn in the period of time eternal during her not mengugurkan tauhidnya when the world. therefore opinion Inter alia-mu'tazila and Inter alia-khawarij stating that the perpetrators of sin of eternal in hell, this is the opinion as opposed to the Sunnah the Messenger of Allah. no dzikir more main this world except "laailahaillallah". one for granting prayer is to use the nature of God and his name, in particular call God with uluhiyah his request and pray to God with mention rububiyah him. "laailahaillallah" is dzikir and prayer, called a prayer for people who say "laailahaillallah" expect Rida God and want to get to heaven him. class murjiah broke into 5 class. 5. najariyah, the stating the Act of human is beings, that is used as the Lord and do not believe in the nature of God 20. class najariyah broke into 3 groups. 6. Inter alia jabbariyah, people who found slave is helpless anything (forced), he did maksiyat solely God did. class of Inter alia jabbariyah broke into 1 class. 7. Inter alia musyabbihah / mujasimah, people who menserupakan the creator of the God with human, for example hands, legs, chair. class of Inter alia musyabbihah / mujasimah broke into 1 class. and one class of survivors are experts Sunnah Wal jama'ah. experts Sunnah Wal jama'ah. 1. understanding. etymologically expert is a group / family / followers. Sunnah is deeds the Messenger of Allah is modeled he to explain the laws of the qur'an poured in the form of practice. Inter alia jama'ah the Inter alia Ummah (Inter alia munjid) is a group of people believe that led by Imam to each other in cooperation in terms of affairs important. according to the terms experts Sunnah Wal jama'ah is a group of people who obey the Sunnah the Messenger of the congregation, or a group of Muslims under the command to religious affairs Islam in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet and his best friend. 2.syarat the formation of Inter alia jama'ah. briefly has described by sayyidina Umar may Allah be pleased: "no Islam except with jama'ah, there is no jama'ah except with the priest, there is no priest except with bai'at, there is no bai'at if no obey. and bai'at not Creed, as is believed by them wrong, and especially with pengkafiran outside of the group. 3. preservation of Islam. in times of damage Islam God shows you very Unfortunately raised the mujadidnya every 100 years to realign understanding of the teachings of the Apostle according to the needs of their understanding of the time to decrease the Imam Mahdi. the only other differences were found is that the second author sometimes use the names of different for the class of the same to be clear when see beliefs related to them. I believe because of the second author was living in two regions different (one in Arabia the other in the subcontinent Indo-Pak) in times of different may also class-class of the same has been known as the names of different areas of different. this has been attempted to post a different name given to the class of the same by both the author is where possible. the name of the group and trust that distinguish with the other 1. jarudiyah followers of Abul-jarud, they believe the Prophet (s.a.w.) nominate Ali (may Allah be pleased) as a priest with characteristic typical he but not by the name. 2. sulaimaniah / jaririyah followers of Solomon IBN-jarir az-Zaidi, they believe imamat is a problem meeting (conference) and can be strengthened by two Muslims best. 3. butriyah / hurariyah they do not oppose khilafat of Uthman (r.a.), nor their attack he or praise him. 4. yaqubiyyah they accept khilafat of Abu Bakr (r.a.) and Umar (r.a.), but not refuse (against) people who reject the khulafa this. they are also believe that Muslims actors the sins of a large will be in hell forever. 5. hanafiyah followers of Imam Muhammad IBN Inter alia-hanifah. they believe that God may have the beginning. 6. karibiyah they believe that the priest Muhammad IBN Inter alia-hanifah not died and is a priest ghaib (disappeared) and the Mahdi expected. 7. kamiliyah followers of Abu-perfect. they believe friends as apostate because they leave bai'at to Ali (r.a.) and condemned Ali due to stop the fight against them. they believe the return of the dead before judgment day and that Satan is true in excess of fire from the ground. 8. muhammadiyyah / mughairiyah followers of Muhammad IBN-'abdullah IBN Inter alia-Hassan. they do not believe that the priest Muhammad IBN' Abdullah died and that he is a priest ghaib and Mahdi the anticipated. 9. baqiriyah followers of Muhammad IBN 'Ali Inter alia-Baqir. they believe he priest ghaib and Mahdi expected. 10. nadisiyah they believe that the people who consider themselves better than the others are infidel (ungodly). 11. sya'iyah they believe that the person who has been saying La ilaha illa-llah (there is no God worth worshiped in addition to God), whatever he did, never punished. 12. ammaliyah they believe that faith for someone is what he amalkan outright. 13. ismailiyah they believe the sustainability of imamat among the descendants Ismail IBN ja'far. 14. musawiyah / mamturah they believe Moses IBN ja'far as a priest ghaib and Mahdi expected. 15. mubarikiyah they believe the sustainability of imamat among the descendants of Muhammad IBN Ismail IBN ja'far. 16. katsiyah / ithna' asyariyah (priest twelve) they believe that the Mahdi are expected to be a priest twelfth among the descendants of 'Ali IBN ABI-Talib. 17. hasyimiyah / taraqibiyah they menisbahkan body physical to God and also accused the Prophet (s.a.w.) not obey God. 18. zarariyah they believe that God not live nor have properties of up to him create life for his own and properties of him. 19. yunusiyah followers of Jonah IBN' abdurl-Rahman Inter alia-kummi. they believe that God borne by the carrier singasana his, although he more powerful than them. 20. syaitaniyah / syirikiyah they believe the view that the charity deeds servants God is the nature, and a servant of God can really make one nature. 21. azraqiah followers of nafi IBN Inter alia-azraq. they do not believe in a dream and kasyaf correct (good) and lay claim that all forms of revelation has expired. 22. najadat followers of najdah IBN-'amir Inter alia-Hanafi. they cancel punishment for drink wine also they believe that the sinner of this class will not included in hell but somewhere other before allowed to heaven. 23. sufriyah followers of Ziyad IBN Inter alia-asfar. they believe that the sinner it is actually a Pagan. 24. ajaridah followers of Abdul Karim IBN-ajrad. they believe that a child should be called upon to Islam after he reached maturity. also they believe booty it illegal to the owner killed. 25. khazimiyah they believe in God loves people from all religions even if the person has been a Pagan in most of his life. 26. shuaibiyah / hujjatiyah they believe that what God wants it happens no matter whatever it is and what not the case that it's not the desired God. 27. khalafiyah followers of Khalaf. they do not believe struggle except under the leadership priest. 28. ma'lumiyah / majhuliyah they believe that anyone who do not know God with all his name is a Rascal to him and people who ignorant of he is the pagans. 29. saltiyah followers of Salt IBN Uthman. they believe in faith adult only and if you have in Islam children considered infidels until they reach maturity. 30. hamziyah followers of Hamzah IBN akrak. they believe that the children the Pagan accursed to hell. 31. tsa'libiyah followers of tsa'labah IBN masykan. they believe that parents remains a guard on their children to the children explain to their parents that they turned away from the truth. 32. ma'badiyah they do not believe in taking and provide ALMS than or to the servant sahaya. 33. akhnasiyah they don't trust war dikobarkan except in defense or when the opponent-personally identifiable. 34. syaibaniyah / masybiyah followers of syaiban IBN salamah Inter alia-khariji. they believe in God like creatures him. 35. rasyidiyah they believe that land diairi with Springs, Canal or River flowing payable zakatnya half, while the land diairi only with rain payable Zakat entirely. 36. mukarramiyah / tehmiyah followers of Abu-mukarram. they believe that ignorance is disbelief. also that the hostility or friendship of God depending on the state of faith someone on his death. 37. ibadiyah / af'aliyah assume Abdullah IBN ibad priest them. they believe deeds well done without intention make God Rida. 38. hafsiyah assume hafs IBN abil mikdam priest them. they believe that only God knows someone free of idolatry. 39. haritsiyah followers of Harith IBN mazid Inter alia-ibadi. they believe that the ability preceded the deeds. 40. ashab ta'ah they believe that God can send a Prophet without giving him a sign to prove the truth. 41. syabibiyah / salihiyah followers of syabib IBN Yazid as-syaibani. they believe imamat of a woman named ghazalah. 42. wasiliyah followers of wasil IBN-'ata Inter alia-ghazza. they believe that the people who perform the sins of a large will be punished in hell but still as those who believe in. 43. 'amriyah followers of' mobile IBN ubaid IBN-chapter. they reject the testimony of legitimate of the general public order to support their side in the war beauty (camel). 44. hudhailiyah / faniyah followers of Abu-Inter alia-hudhail Muhammad IBN Inter alia-hudhail. they believe that the hell and heaven both perish and that provision God can stop, which at that time God will no longer be a ruler. 45. nazzamiyah followers of Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim IBN-saiyar. they do not believe in miracles natural Inter alia-qur's Holy nor their trust mukijzat Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) as cleavage months. 46. mu'ammariyah they believe that God did not make life nor death but it is an Act of natural of the body of life. 47. basyriyah followers of basyr IBN Inter alia-mu'tamir. they believe that God may forgive the sins of human and may change the decision about his forgiveness and punish him if he rebel again. 48. hisyamiyah followers of Hisham IBN 'mobile Inter alia-futi. they believe that if a Muslim community agreed the need for priests and if he rebelled and killing the priests, should be no one selected as the priest during the rebellion. 49. murdariyah followers of the Isa IBN sabih. they believe that close contact with the Sultan (ruler) make people so disbelieve. 50. ja'friyah followers of ja'far IBN Harb and ja'far IBN mubasysyir. they believe that drinking wine can not be punished and that the punishment hell can allegedly with mental processes. 51. iskafiyah followers of Muhammad IBN Abdallah Inter alia-iskafi. they believe that God has the power to force the children and people crazy but not to people who have a sense perfect. 52. tsamamiyah followers of tsamamah IBN asyras Inter alia-numairi. they believe that he is God not forced to get to know its not forced to get to know and classified with animals are not responsible. 53. jahiziayh followers of' mobile IBN Bahr Inter alia-jahiz. they believe that God can create something but could not melenyapkannya. 54. syahhamiyah / sifatiyah followers of Abu-Yaqub Inter alia-syahham. they believe every something destined with two destiny, the creator and other recipients. 55. khaiyatiyah / makhluqiyah followers of Abu-Inter alia-Husain Inter alia-khaiyat. they believe that any something that not there is one body before he appears, such as human before kelahiranya is body in the absence. also any nature be there when he held its appearance. 56. ka'biyah followers of Abu-Qasim Abdullah IBN Ahmad IBN Mahmud Inter alia-banahi known as the Inter alia-ka'bi. they believe that God did not see himself nor anyone else except in the feeling that he know himself and others. 57. jubbaiyah followers of Abu-'ali Inter alia-jubbai. they believe that God follow servants her when she fulfill their desires. 58. bahsyamiyah followers of Abu-Hashim. they believe that the person who intend to do bad, although he may not do so, considered misbehave and receive punishment. 59. ibriyah. they believe that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is a wise man but not a Prophet. 60. muhkamiyah they believe that God have no control over creatures him. 61. qabariyyah they do not believe doom grave. 62. hujjatiyah they do not believe in the punishment (reply) for the Act on the basis that because every something destined then any people did he is not responsible for it. 63. fikriyyah they believe that the charity dzikr and fikr (remember and think about God) is better than the worship. 64. 'aliwiyah / ajariyah they believe that hadhrat Ali (may Allah be pleased.) share prophetic Muhammad (s.a.w.). 65. tanasikhiya they believe in incarnation spirit. 66. raji'yah they believe that hadhrat Ali IBN ABI-Talib will be back to this world. 67. ahadiyah they believe in fardhu (required) in religion but refused Sunnah. 68. radidiyah they believe that this world will live (any) forever. 69. satbiriyah they do not believe in acceptance taubat. 70. lafziyah they believe that the Inter alia-qur's is not a word of God but only means and the core sari is the word of God. words of Inter alia-qur's is only the words of people who said. 71. asyariyah believe that qiyas (take for example) is wrong and contains disbelief. 72. bada'iyah they believe that obey Amir is required no matter what he commanded. as for pembagianya as follows 1. mu'tazila: 20 2. Shia: 20 3. khawarij: 07 4. murjiah: 05 5. nujariyah: 03 6. jabariyah: 01 7. musyabbahah: 01 8. najiyah: 01 1.golongan muktazilah divided into Twenty group, namely: 1. Inter alia washiliyah 2. Inter alia amriyah 3. Inter alia hudzailiyah 4. an-nizhamiyah 5. Inter alia aswariyah 6. Inter alia lskafiyah 7. Inter alia ja'fariyah 8. Inter alia basyariyah 9. Inter alia mizdariyah 10. Inter alia hisyamiyah 11. ash-shalihiyah 12. Inter alia khithabiyah 13. Inter alia hadbiyah 14. Inter alia ma'mariyah 15. ATS-tsamaniyah 16. Inter alia khiyathiyah 17. auahiziyah 18. Inter alia ka'biyyah 19. Inter alia jabaiyah 20. Inter alia bahsyamiyah experts Kalam (mutakallimin) expert Kalam is the type of the group out of the muktazilah following Ahlu Sunnah Wal pilgrims but still hold to unity muktazilah. they mostly from the group hizbiyyun asyairah (derived from muktazilah) and suffiyah (derived from the Shia). experts Kalam require philosophy and mantiq (science logic) in mentakwil Quran and traditions. this group also broken to longer be a expert philosophy if join the Sufi. priest syafi'i when entering the city of Egypt said," we leave Baghdad while there the zindiq (perverted; flow that do not believe to the Lord, comes from the Persian; people Stow in Islam, pretending, according to lexicon Islam, 2, terms of 778) has entered into something new they call assama' (song). the zindiq is priest syafi'i are the ones Sufi. and assama 'meant is songs they dendangkan. as understandable, priest syafi'i sign in Egypt year 199h. words priest syafi'i this suggests that the problems singing a new problem. while the zindiq seems to have known before that. reason, priest syafi'i often talk about their of which he said: "if a person Sufi on the morning, the day before dhuhur he became the foolish." he (priest syafi'i) also never said: "it is not a person pursue Sufism 40-day, and minds (still) back to normal forever." (see talbis Devil, terms of 371). of them when someone came to him as he asked fatwa of the words of Inter alia-Harith Inter alia-muhasibi (figure Sufi, died 857m). ago priest Ahmad bin hanbal said: "I nasihatkan to you, not sit together they (sat in Majlis Inter alia-Harith Inter alia-muhasibi)". priest Ahmad advising like that because he had seen Majlis Inter alia-Harith Inter alia-muhasibi. in Majlis the participants to sit and cry, according to them-to self-correcting. they speak on the basis of the promptings heart evil. 2.golongan Shia first divided into three groups 1. ghulah 2. zaidiyah 3. imami class Shia ghulah divided into Eighteen small group, namely: 1. as-sab'iyyah 2. Inter alia kamiliyah 3. Inter alia bayaniyah 4. Inter alia mughiriyah 5. Inter alia janahiyah 6. Inter alia manshuriyah 7. Inter alia khithabiyah 8. Inter alia gharabiyah 9. adz-dzammiyah 10. Inter alia hisyamiyah 11. az-zarariyah 12. Inter alia yunusiyah 13. ash-syaithaniyah 14. ar-razamiyah 15. Inter alia mufawadhah 16. Inter alia bidaiyah 17. an-nashariyah 18. Inter alia ismailiyyah class Shia Inter alia ismailiyah divided into into six small group, namely: 1. Inter alia bathiniyah 2. Inter alia qurmuthiyah 3. Inter alia haramiyah 4. as-sab'iyyah 5. Inter alia babikiyah 6. Inter alia hamdiyah Shia zaidiyah divided into three groups, namely: 1. jarudiyah 2. as-Sulaimaniyah 3. Inter alia batiriyah class of Inter alia imami there is only one group. include: a people too glorifies teachers (Shaikh) them, to menyifatkan them with the things they don't have. the smarter than they assume no Guardian for God greater than fulan, maybe even close the door status as Guardian from all over the people except those who disanjungnya. this is sleaze absolute and cruel, because it people last forever will not reach the dignity of people earlier, for the best-good time is the time of the people who viewed the Messenger of Allah and believe in him, and then people thereafter, from this passed to the judgment day. followers of Islamic most powerful holding religion and carry out the teachings and beliefs are the ones in the early days of Islam, then continue down a little by little until the end of the world. truth will not be lost thoroughly, there must be a group that stays implement and believe and work on demand appropriate levels of faith them. However, all sides unlike the state of the people first Islam, because it if one of those last berinfak gold for Mountain uhud, then he will not reach the value of the mud uhud issued by the friends of the Prophet, even half was not. such in terms of property, and similarly, in all branches faith evidence-based trial usual. at the beginning of the book of ago described that religion will continue to decline, and it is no doubt authenticity. it is according ahlus-Sunnah Wal congregation. male, why after that he believes that he is the guardians inhabitants and no Guardian selainnya? kebodohanlah that dominates the, because it excessive in exaltation and fanatics to the group will form the looks like or more severe from it. the medium of them assume that he was the same as the Prophet, but he did not get revelation. a news to me from among people excessive in flattering their teachers and carrying tarekatnya according inkling them, as was charged by the disciples Inter alia hallaj (objectively) about their teachers. while people excessive assume more vile than that, as was charged with friends Inter alia hallaj about it. one teacher fair and honest in penukilan narrated to me, he said: I ever stayed some time in one of the interior of the village in which there are many groups like that. one day I was out of my House to complete a couple of affairs, then I saw two people sitting. I think they are talking about some branch of the order of them, then I approached both clandestinely to hear their conversation, -kerana their habits are hide the secret they- then I heard they talk about their teachers and greatness in their eyes; that no one in the world that looks like. both look very proud and happy with this meeting. then one of both said to another, "do you like the truth? he is the Prophet." people only replied, "true, this is the truth." then I went from the places with ran because it fear of decline calamity with them. this is characteristic of Shiite imamiyyah, and if not because it attitude excessive in of religion; conspired to win the school and love to maker heresy, then it will not affect the sense no one. but the Prophet said, "it's you will follow Sunna-Sunnah people before you inch by inch, then sehasta for the sake of sehasta." they excessive such as those Christians who plethora of the Isa the US, they said,' Allah is Isa the son of Mary, 'God said,' let's say, 'Hi experts book, do not excessive (beyond the limits) in a way not true in religion. and do not follow the lust people who have misguided once (before the arrival of Muhammad) and they have misleading most (human), and they lost from straight path. "(Inter alia MAA' idah: 77) in a Hadith explained," don't you excessive complimented me like people Christians praised the Isa the son of Mary, but let's say, 'servant of God and Allah's Messenger'. "people pay attention to these groups will definitely get heresy-heresy in many problems furu 'Islamic, because it if heresy log on the things that are of usul, it will be easy to log on the things that are furu'. 3.golongan khawarij divided into seven group, namely: 1. Inter alia mahkamiyah 2. Inter alia baihasiyah 3. Inter alia azariqah 4. an-najdat 5. Inter alia abadhiyah divided into four groups, namely: a.al hafshiyah breakfast. Inter alia yazidiyah C.. Inter alia haritsiyah D. Inter alia muthi'iyah 6. Inter alia ajaridah divided into Eleven groups, including namely: a. Inter alia maimuniyah breakfast. ash-sya'ibiyah C.. Inter alia hazimiyah D. Inter alia hamziyah Hey. Inter alia ma'lumiyah F. Inter alia majhuliyah G. ash-shalatiyah H. ATS-tsa'labiyah ATS-tsa'labiyah divided again into four groups, namely: a.ai akhnasiyah b.ai ma'badiyah c.asy-syaibaniyah d.al mukramiyah so, all amounts Sixty-two groups. 4.golongan murjiah divided into five groups, namely: 1. Inter alia ubaidiyah 2. Inter alia yunusiyah 3. Inter alia ghasaniyah 4. ATS-tsaubaniyah 5. ATS-tsaumaniyah 5.golongan an-nujariyah divided into three groups, namely: 1. Inter alia barghutsiyah 2. az-za'faraniyah 3. Inter alia mustadrakah 6.al jabariyah divided into one group. 7.al musyabbahah divided into one group. 8.an- najiyah divided into one klompok number of this in accordance with the explanation Hadith shahih. tribe heresy strong (mubtadi) a group of scholars said that the root of heresy four groups in addition to sufiyyah. entire group numbering Seventy-two this group is a fraction of the four groups such. they are 1. khawarij, 2. rawafidh (rafidhah), 3. Inter alia qadariyah, 4. Inter alia murji'ah. 5. Sufi Yusuf bin asbath said," then each of the group is divided into Eighteen group, so all became Seventy-two groups. while the seventh Twenty-three is firqah an-najiyah. "khawarij most almost to the Shia in the group has warned by law, such as the khawarij. groups nearest they are a group Shia. Inter alia Mahdi Inter alia maghribi. on them this apparent two things that notified by the Messenger of the khawarij: a. read the qur'an but reading Inter alia qur'annya not pass through the esophagus them. breakfast. combat Ahlul Islam (Muslim) and let the Pagan. they fight against Muslims in a way takwilan the damaged the Nash-Nash (qur'an and Hadith). they seclusion and not mahu combat unbelievers, both of Christianity, the group that is in the surrounding, mahupun other group (misguided). C.. read the qur'an and read it (to others) until they make things (legal) new in the qur'an, when they do not understand and do not know the intent of the teachings of the qur'an that. by because it was, they throw away books scholars and call these books as the book of which only based logic. they burn and tear skin qur'an. in fact, scholars experts fiqihlah duty explain meanings contained in the qur'an and Sunnah, they pour in books them in a way that is fitting. D. consider scholars as the mujassimun (groups say that God has jism [body]). they are also regard scholars is not the people who mengesakan God. tribe not an expert heresy as said ATH-tharthusyi, those who do not classified as experts heresy. example: 1. class qadariyah, they disclaim aradh. reason, there is no way to find out the process of the nature and the creator in addition to set aradh those. 2. class of Inter alia haluliyah. 3. class of an-nashiriyah. 4. groups Shia ghulah. on the qadariyah there is a Hadith narrated by Abu David of IBN Umar, that the Prophet said, عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال القدرية مجوس هذه الأمة إن مرضوا فلا تعودوهم وإن ماتوا فلا تشهدوهم" the qadariyah is majusi these people (Islamic). if they are sick then let you to see them, and if they died then do not you watch (bury) him. "(the Hadith history Abu David and IBN majah) reported from hudzaifah, that the Prophet said," on each people found the majusi. while majusi these people are those that said, 'no Qadr.' if there is among those who died, then do not you watch (bury) body of them. if there is a pain of them, then let you visit him. they are a group dajjal. rights God to categorize them as dajjal. "this Hadith according Ahlu naql {experts Hadith) not shahih. author of the book of Inter alia mughni said," no one shahih bit in the tradition of it. "صنفان من أمتي ليس لهما في الإسلام نصيب المرجئة والقدرية" two groups of my Ummah both of which does not include a portion of the Islamic specifically Inter alia qadariyah and murji'ah. "(the Hadith history tirmidhi and IBN majah) reported from muadz bin Mountain and the others are marfu that the Prophet said," class qadariyah and murjiah accursed by oral Seventy Prophet. Prophet of the last of them (which curse) is a Muhammad. "يقول إنه سيكون في أمتي مسخ وقذف وهو في الزنديقية والقدرية there will be on my people maskh (those who changed apparently with such a haiwan) and qadzaf (accusing the good guys do vile) specifically on people heretic and qadariyah." (the Hadith history Ahmad)

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