Meatballs become one of the favorite foods popular among the people of Indonesia. Increasingly, the variety of meatballs is more diverse and unique. Starting from the meatballs of cows, chicken meatballs, fish meatballs, cheese, eggs, to meatballs beranak. Improvisation of these meatballs makes many people eat meatballs more often. It's a savory make you addicted to continue to consume it until it became one of the staple foods that can not be missed. The question is, is there any danger caused by eating too many meatballs? The answer, of course there is. It should be understood if anything it if consumed in excess will bring adverse health effects. Not only that, more and more bakso stalls that offer various types of meatballs to make the popularity of meatballs is increasing. There are many people who have already feel addicted to this one meal.